Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Developer detailed usage information

Portlet and PortletApplication MBeans

The MBeans of type portlet and portletapplication provide information about a given portlet application and its portlets. Through the MBean of type portletapplication, you can retrieve a list of names of all portlets that belong to a portlet application. By querying the MBean of type portlet with a given portlet name, you can retrieve portlet specific information from the MBean of type portlet.

Each MBean that corresponds to a portlet or portlet application is uniquely identifiable by its name. Portlet applications are not required to have a name set within the portlet.xml. The MBean name for MBeans of the portletapplication type is the enterprise archive (EAR) file name followed by "#" and the web module name concatenated with the string "_portlet". For example, portletapplication type MBeans have the following format:

The name chosen for the MBean of type portlet is the name of the MBean of type portletapplication that the portlet belongs to, concatenated with the portlet name:

The following is an example of the resulting PortletApplication MBean name and portlet names:

EarName            SampleEar
WebModule            SampleWar.war

PortletApplication MBean name:   SampleEar#SampleWar_portlet
Portlet:            SampleEar#SampleWar_portlet.BookmarkPortlet
The MBean names have been changed compared to version 6.1, because the old naming patterns are not unique and can lead to problems under certain circumstances. If you rely on the old naming pattern, you can set the portlet container custom property, useShortMBeanNames, to true to activate the previous known MBean names. Because this is a performance impact, you might not want to activate the old naming pattern if it is not necessary.

A full stop separates the preceding web module name from the portlet name. Review the Portlet and PortletApplication MBean type API documentation for additional information. The generated API documentation is available in the information center table of contents from the path, Reference > Administrator > API documentation > MBean interfaces.


The following code is an example of how to invoke the MBean of type portletapplication for an application with the name, SampleWar.

String myPortletApplicationName = "SampleEar#SampleWar_portlet";
This name is composed by the Ear file name followed by "#" and
the web module name concatenated with the substring "_portlet" adminService =; on = new ObjectName("WebSphere:type=PortletApplication,name=" + myPortletApplicationName + ",*");

Iterator onIter = adminService.queryNames(on, null).iterator();
 on = (ObjectName);

String ctxRoot = (java.lang.String)adminService.getAttribute(on, "webApplicationContextRoot");
In the previous example, the MBeanServer is first queried for an MBean of type portletapplication. If this query is successful, the webApplicationContextRoot attribute is retrieved on that MBean or the first MBean that is found. The result is stored in the ctxRoot variable. This variable now contains the context root of the web application that contains the portlet application that was searched. The variable is similar to "/bookmark".

The next code example demonstrates how to invoke the MBean of type portlet for a portlet with the name, BookmarkPortlet.

String myPortletName = "SampleEar#SampleWar_portlet.BookmarkPortlet";
This name is composed by the name of the MBean of type portletapplication and
the portlet name, separated by a full stop because the same portlet name may
be used within different web modules, but must be unique within the system. adminService =; on = new ObjectName("WebSphere:type=Portlet,name=" + myPortletName + ",*");

Iterator iter = adminService.queryNames(on, null).iterator();

 on = (ObjectName);
java.util.Locale locale = (java.util.Locale) adminService.getAttribute(on, "defaultLocale");
The locale returned by the method getAttribute method for the MBean is the default locale defined for this portlet.

Full names for Portlet and PortletApplication MBeans

MBeans are also registered by the full identifiable name:

<portlet_name> for the Portlet MBean

<WARfilename.war>_portlet for the PortletApplication MBean

where <..> is replaced by the corresponding application data. For example, SampleApplication#SamplePortlet.war_portlet.SamplePortlet. We can enable the short MBean names by setting the useShortMBeanNames portlet container custom property to true.
Task overview: Managing portlets


Portlet container custom properties
Portlet container


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