Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Commands (wsadmin scripting)
manageWMQ command
Use the manageWMQ command to manage the settings of the WebSphere MQ resource adapter that is installed at a particular scope.
To run the command, use the AdminTask object of the wsadmin scripting client.
This command is valid only when it is used with WAS v7 and later application servers. Do not use it with earlier versions.
For a list of the available WebSphere MQ messaging provider administrative commands, plus a brief description of each command, run at the wsadmin prompt:
For overview help on a given command, run at the wsadmin prompt:
After using the command, save changes to the master configuration. For example, use the following command:
Use the manageWMQ command to manage the settings associated with the WebSphere MQ resource adapter that is installed at a particular scope.
We can use the manageWMQ command to manage the native library path and query the metadata of the specified WebSphere MQ resource adapter.
Target object
A WebSphere MQ resource adapter.
Required parameters
Optional parameters
This parameter specifies the path to the WebSphere MQ messaging provider native libraries that are used by the WebSphere MQ resource adapter to establish a bindings mode connection to the queue manager. This parameter can be specified on a WebSphere MQ adapter at any scope.
This parameter provides information about the level of WebSphere MQ resource adapter that is used by the WebSphere MQ messaging provider. This parameter can be specified on a WebSphere MQ resource adapter at any scope.
This parameter specifies whether or not to disable WebSphere MQ functionality at the scope of the specified resource adapter, and at all scopes beneath it. The value of this parameter must be true or false.
The default value is false.
In a single server environment this parameter is valid only at the server scope. In a network deployment environment this parameter is valid at all scopes. The affect of setting this parameter to true depends on the scope at which you set it:
- For a cell scoped WebSphere MQ resource adapter, all WebSphere MQ functionality on all application servers in the cell is disabled.
- For a node scoped WebSphere MQ resource adapter, all WebSphere MQ functionality on all application servers that are part of that node is disabled.
- For a cluster scoped WebSphere MQ resource adapter, all WebSphere MQ functionality on all application servers in that cluster are disabled.
- For a server scoped WebSphere MQ resource adapter, all WebSphere MQ functionality in that particular application server is disabled.
In all cases, all affected processes must be restarted for the changes to take effect.
The value of the parameter at a higher scope takes precedence over the value at a lower scope. For example, if you set the parameter to false at the server scope but a higher (for example, cell) scoped WebSphere MQ messaging provider has the parameter set to true, the value at the cell scope takes precedence and WebSphere MQ functionality is therefore disabled in all application servers in the cell, regardless of the parameter value at the server scope.
This parameter specifies the maximum number of connections to a WebSphere MQ queue manager. The default value is 10.
For further information, see Configuration of the ResourceAdapter object in the WebSphere MQ information center.
This parameter specifies the maximum number of message-driven beans that can be supplied by each connection. The default value is 5.
For further information, see Configuration of the ResourceAdapter object in the WebSphere MQ information center.
This parameter specifies the maximum number of attempts made by a WebSphere MQ messaging provider activation specification to reconnect to a WebSphere MQ queue manager if a connection fails. The default value is 5.
For further information, see Configuration of the ResourceAdapter object in the WebSphere MQ information center.
This parameter specifies the time, in milliseconds, that a WebSphere MQ messaging provider activation specification waits before making another attempt to reconnect to a WebSphere MQ queue manager. The default value is 300000.
For further information, see Configuration of the ResourceAdapter object in the WebSphere MQ information center.
This parameter specifies custom properties to be passed to the WebSphere MQ resource adapter. Typically, custom properties are used to set attributes of the WebSphere MQ resource adapter that are not directly supported through the WAS administration interfaces. Each custom property is specified using name and value table step parameters. Since these are table steps, the order of the two parameters is fixed, so always specify the name first and the value second:
- In Jython: [name]
- In Jacl: {name}
New name/value pairs are added to the existing set of custom properties using the following rules:
- If the existing set of properties does not contain a property with the same name as that which is supplied, the supplied property is added to the set of custom properties, unless the custom property has no value specified, when it is disregarded.
- If the existing set of properties contains a property with the same name as that supplied as part of a modify command, and the modify command also specifies a value for the property, the existing value is replaced by the supplied value.
- If the existing set of properties contains a property with the same name as that supplied as part of a modify command, but the modify command does not specify a value for the property, the property with the same name is deleted from the existing set of custom properties.
The following example shows how to enable inbound JCA message delivery on the z/OS platform.
### Jython
wsadmin>AdminTask.manageWMQ("WebSphere MQ Resource Adapter (cells/L3A3316Node04Cell/nodes/L3A3316Node05/servers/server1|resources.xml# J2CResourceAdapter_1201601803796)", ["-enableInbound true"])### Jacl
wsadmin>$AdminTask manageWMQ "WebSphere MQ Resource Adapter (cells/L3A3316Node04Cell/nodes/L3A3316Node05/servers/server1|resources.xml# J2CResourceAdapter_1201601803796)" {-enableInbound true}
New feature: The following example sets the value of -maxConnections to 100 and adds a custom property with name name1 and value value1.
### Jython
AdminTask.manageWMQ("WebSphere MQ Resource Adapter( cells/L3A3316Node01Cell|resources.xml#J2CResourceAdapter_1284547647859)", ["-maxConnections 100 -customProperties [[name1 value1]]"])### Jacl
wsadmin>$AdminTask manageWMQ "WebSphere MQ Resource Adapter( cells/L3A3316Node01Cell|resources.xml#J2CResourceAdapter_1284547647859)" {-maxConnections 100 -customProperties {{name1 value1}}}
Use the wsadmin scripting AdminTask object for scripted administration
Start the wsadmin scripting client using
migrateWMQMLP command
createWMQQueue command
deleteWMQQueue command
listWMQQueues command
modifyWMQQueue command
showWMQQueue commandNew feature: showWMQ command
Map of administrative console panel names to command names and WebSphere MQ names
WebSphere MQ library
WMQAdminCommands command group