Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Commands (wsadmin scripting)
deleteSIBEngine command
Use the deleteSIBEngine command to delete a messaging engine from a service integration bus member.
You should be wary of deleting and recreating messaging engines on bus members for which WS-Notification-administered subscribers have been configured, because in some cases this can leave the remote web service subscription active (and passing notification messages to the local server) even though there is no longer any record of it. For more information, see the WS-Notification troubleshooting tip Problems can occur when deleting administered subscribers and messaging engines.
If you promote a server bus member to a cluster that is not a member of the bus, do not delete then recreate the messaging engine. Use the migrateServerMEtoCluster command instead.
To run the command, use the AdminTask object of the wsadmin scripting client.
Command-line help is provided for service integration bus commands:
- For a list of the available service integration bus commands in Jython and a brief description of each command, enter the following command at the wsadmin prompt:
- For overview help on a given command, run at the wsadmin prompt:
After using the command, save changes to the master configuration; for example, by using the following command:
This command deletes a messaging engine from a bus member. Any associated configurations of the messaging engine, such as core group policies or destinations, are also deleted. If the messaging engine uses a data store for the message store, objects in the data stores remain so that you can still access them. If you recreate the same messaging engine, remove any old data store tables before you start the new messaging engine.
This command also cleans up any mediation execution points that are on the messaging engine as the result of mediating a destination to a WebSphere MQ server bus member. The command unmediates the destination to which the mediation execution point corresponds.
Target object
A messaging engine.
Required parameters
-bus bus_name
The name of the service integration bus on which the bus member is configured. We can use the listSIBuses command to list the names of existing buses.
Conditional parameters
-node node_name
-server server_name
To delete a messaging engine from an application server that is a bus member, specify both the name of the node on which the server runs and the name of the server.
-cluster cluster_name
To delete a messaging engine from a server cluster that is a bus member, specify the name of the cluster.
-engine engine_name
If the bus member has only one messaging engine, you do not need to specify the engine name. If the bus member has several messaging engines, specify the name of the engine to delete.
Optional parameters
Delete the messaging engine from server1 on node1 that is a member of a bus1.
AdminTask.deleteSIBEngine ('[-bus bus1 -node node1 -server server1]')List the messaging engines for cluster1 that is a member of bus1, delete the messaging engine that is named cluster1.001-bus1, then list the messaging engines again.
AdminTask.listSIBEngines('[-bus bus1 -cluster cluster1 ]') AdminTask.deleteSIBEngine('[-bus bus1 -cluster cluster1 -engine cluster1.001-clusterBus ]') AdminTask.listSIBEngines('[-bus bus1 -cluster cluster1 ]')
Message production and consumption by using remote message points
Unmediating a destination
Remove a messaging engine from a cluster
Remove a messaging engine from a bus
migrateServerMEtoCluster command