Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Sets

Job scheduler WebSphere variables


Define this WebSphere variable to configure the amount of time in milliseconds that the job scheduler waits between polls of the endpoint heartbeat before signaling a problem.

GRID_ENDPOINT_MISSED_HEART_BEAT_TOLERANCE_INTERVAL . The table includes the scope, valid values, and default for the WebSphere variable.

Scope Valid values Default
Cell, job scheduler node, or job scheduler server level Time in milliseconds 5 minutes


Define this WebSphere variable to configure the amount of time in milliseconds the job scheduler waits between polls of the endpoint heartbeat.

GRID_ENDPOINT_HEART_BEAT_POLL_INTERVAL . The table includes the scope, valid values, and default for the WebSphere variable.

Scope Valid values Default
Cell, job scheduler node, or job scheduler server level Time in milliseconds 1 minute

Configure the job scheduler


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