Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Command-line utilities
wsdbgen command
The command supports utilization of the pureQuery feature in Java Persistence API (JPA) applications.
This command has been renamed wsdbgen for Feature Pack for OSGi Applications and JPA 2.0 and later releases. The command is used in the same way as the wsdb2gen command. The command, wsdb2gen, which implies for DB2 only, works only for DB2 database in WAS V7.0. In this release, the command can be used for DB2, Informix and Oracle databases. Because of that, a synonym, wsdbgen command, is introduced.
The JPA commands (.bat on Windows or .sh on UNIX) are run from the PROFILE_ROOT/bin directory, rather than from the WAS_HOME/bin directory to make sure that we have the latest version of the commands for your release.
The command syntax is as follows:
(Solaris) [parameters](Windows)wsdbgen.bat [parameters]Before running the command, your persistence.xml file must be in the META-INF directory and the META-INF directory must be in the class path.
- -help: This parameter displays the help information.
- -pu: The name of the persistence unit defined in persistence.xml file.
- -collection: The collection-id which is assigned to package names. The default is NULLID.
- -url: The URL of the target database.
This is used to validate the generated SQL. A URL must be specified either in the persistence.xml file or as a command option. If both are specified, the URL specified in the command option is used.
- -user: The user ID.
- -pw: The corresponding password to connect to target database.
If this parameter is not specified, the value found in the persistence.xml file is used.
- -package: If this parameter is specified, the -package parameter takes the string value package name and a single database package with the specified name is generated. If the -package parameter is not specified, then one package is generated for each entity class. The entity name is used as package name if the -package option is not specified. The name length limit is the database limit -1, for example: 128 - 1 = 127.
The persistence.xml file must be included in the application Java archive (JAR) file and is also used as input in the DB2 bind to create the DB2 package. The command requires a connection to a database to validate generated SQL. The database does not have to be the same as the run time database, but it should be at the same version and release level.
Ensure that the following JAR files are on the class path:
- pdq.jar
- pdqmgmt.jar
- db2jcc.jar
- db2jcc_licence_cu.jar
If the database URL specifies a DB2 for z/OS database, then the following JAR file must also be on the class path: db2jcc_licence_cisuz.jar
Attention: Read more about the DB2 JAR level compliance for IBM Optim PureQuery Runtime at the IBM Support website: System requirements for IBM Optim PureQuery Runtime for Linux, UNIX, and Windows.
Attention: We can review information about pureQuery StaticBinder in the Data Studio Information Center by reading the topic, "The pureQuery StaticBinder utility."
(Solaris) -pu payroll -collection prod1 -url jdbc:db2://myhostname:50000/proddb -user produser -pw secret(Windows)wsdbgen.bat -pu payroll -collection prod1 -url jdbc:db2:\\myhostname:50000\proddb -user produser -pw secret
(Solaris) -pu payroll -collection prod1 -url jdbc:ids://myhostname:9089/proddb -user produser -pw secret(Windows)wsdbgen.bat -pu payroll -collection prod1 -url jdbc:ids:\\myhostname:9089\proddb -user produser -pw secret
Develop JPA 2.x applications for a Java EE environment
Develop JPA 2.x applications for a Java SE environment
Configure JDBC providers to use pureQuery to access DB2
Configure data source JDBC providers to use pureQuery in a Java SE environment
System requirements for IBM Optim pureQuery Runtime for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
The pureQuery StaticBinder utility