Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Developer detailed usage information

Criteria API

The Criteria API is an API for building queries with Java objects, as an alternative to building strings for Java Persistence Query Language (JPQL) queries.

The Criteria API supports building queries dynamically at run time, and also the ability to build type-safe queries that can be verified by the compiler. The correctness of JPQL queries cannot be verified by the compiler, and must be verified at run time during testing.

The following is a sample JPQL query that returns a list of employees with less than five years of service:

SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.serviceyears
< 5
Here is a sample of the equivalent Criteria query:
QueryBuilder qb = emf.getQueryBuilder();
CriteriaQuery q = qb.create(Employee.class);
Root e = q.from(Employee.class);
q.where(, 5));
TypedQuery tq = em.createQuery(q);
List result = q.getResultList();

Employee_ is the Metamodel of the Employee class.

Two important features are improvements from JPQL:

We can read more about the Criteria API in the Apache OpenJPA User Guide.


Develop JPA 2.x applications for a Java SE environment
Develop JPA 2.x applications for a Java EE environment


Dynamic, typesafe queries in JPA 2.0


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