Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Sets

Administrative console actions with command assistance

Use command assistance, you can view wsadmin scripting commands in the Jython language for the last action that runs in the admin console. This topic lists the admin console actions that have commands available in the command assistance option of the Help portlet.

The table lists the components and the actions in the admin console that have command assistance for a particular component. The administrative console can be an unfederated application server admin console, a dmgr admin console, an admin agent administrative console, or a job manager admin console. Listed actions might apply to one, some, or all of the administrative consoles.

Console component actions. The following table lists the components and the actions in the admin console that have command assistance for a particular component.

Component Action
  • List the applications.

  • Install the application.
  • Update the complete application.

  • Start the application.
  • Stop the application.
  • Edit the deployment target mapping.
  • List Structured Query Language in Java (SQLJ) profiles.
  • Customize and bind SQLJ profiles.
  • List IBM Optim pureQuery Runtime bind files (*).
  • Bind IBM Optim pureQuery Runtime bind files (*).
  • New feature: Uninstall the application.

(*) Command assistance in the admin console produces wsadmin commands for SQLJ. These commands work with IBM Optim pureQuery Runtime bind files. Command assistance does not produce separate commands for the IBM Optim pureQuery Runtime bind files. However, in the wsadmin environment separate commands exists for you to use when working with IBM Optim pureQuery Runtime bind files.

Web servers

  • Create a web server.
  • Delete a web server.
  • Generate a plug-in configuration.

  • Propagate the plug-in configuration.

  • Propagate the key ring for the plug-in configuration.

  • Start the web server.
  • Stop the web server.
  • Terminate the web server.

Channel framework
  • List the SSL repertoires.
  • List the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) endpoints.
  • List the TCP thread pools.
  • Delete a chain.
  • Get the TCP endpoint.

  • Create a TCP endpoint.

  • Create a chain.

Node groups

  • Create a node group.
  • Remove a node group.

  • Add a node group member.
  • Remove a node group member.

Core group bridge
  • List eligible bridge interfaces.
  • List tunnel access point groups.
  • Modify a tunnel access point group.
  • List tunnel access points.
  • Modify a tunnel access point.
  • Modify a peer core group.
  • List tunnel templates.
  • Modify a tunnel template.

Core group

  • Create a core group.
  • Modify a core group.
  • List the core groups.
  • Delete a core group.
  • List the core group servers.
  • Move a core group server.
  • Move a core group cluster.
  • List the core group policies.

  • Create a core group policy.
  • Modify a core group policy.
  • Delete a core group policy.

  • Create a core group policy match criteria.
  • Modify a core group policy match criteria.
  • Delete a core group policy match criteria.

  • List the clusters.

  • Create a cluster.
  • Modify the cluster configuration properties.
  • Modify the cluster runtime properties.
  • Delete a cluster.
  • Modify the configuration properties of the domain bootstrap address of a backup cluster.
  • Modify the runtime properties of the domain bootstrap address of a backup cluster.
  • List the cluster members.

  • Create a cluster member.
  • Modify the cluster member configuration properties.
  • Delete a cluster member.
  • List the cluster member templates.

  • Start a cluster.
  • Stop a cluster.
  • Stop a cluster immediately.
  • Ripple start a cluster.

  • Start a cluster member.

  • Restart a cluster member.
  • Stop a cluster member.
  • Stop a cluster member immediately.
  • Terminate a cluster member.
  • Update the cluster member configuration weight.


  • Create an unmanaged node.
  • Remove an unmanaged node.
  • Synchronize the nodes.
  • Stop a node.
  • Stop a node agent.

  • Restart a node.


  • Create an application server.
  • Delete an application server.
  • Modify an application server.
  • List application servers.
  • Remove application servers.
  • Start an application server.
  • Stop an application server.

  • Create a custom property for an application server.

    The action is supported for an application server, but not its template.

  • Modify an existing custom property for an application server.
  • List custom properties for an application server.

    The action is supported for an application server, but not its template.

  • Remove custom properties for an application server.

  • Create a custom service for an application server.

    The action is supported for an application server, but not its template.

  • Modify an existing custom service for an application server.
  • List custom services for an application server.

    The action is supported for an application server, but not its template.

  • Remove custom services for an application server.
  • Modify application server components.
  • Modify the ORB service.
  • Modify the ORB.thread.pool properties for an ORB service.
  • Modify the thread pool detail for an ORB service.

Servers (continued)

  • Create a new class loader.

    The action is supported for an application server, but not its template.

  • Modify an existing class loader.
  • List class loaders.

    The action is supported for an application server, but not its template.

  • Remove class loaders.
  • Modify a process definition detail.

  • Create a new environment entry for an application server.

    The action is supported for an application server, but not its template.

  • Modify an existing environment entry for an application server.
  • List environment entries for an application server.

    The action is supported for an application server, but not its template.

  • Remove environment entries for an application server.
  • Modify Java virtual machine (JVM) configuration properties.
  • Modify JVM runtime properties.

Servers (continued)
  • Modify process execution properties.
  • Modify process logs configuration properties.
  • Modify process logs runtime properties.

  • Create a new port property for the application server.
  • Modify an existing port property for the application server.
  • List ports for the application server.
  • Remove ports from the application server.
  • Modify session management properties.
  • Modify cookie properties.
  • Modify distributed environment settings.
  • Modify custom tuning parameters.
  • Modify custom settings for custom tuning parameters.
  • Modify database settings.

  • Create a new thread pool.

    The action is supported for an application server, but not its template.

  • Modify an existing thread pool.
  • List thread pools.

    The action is supported for an application server, but not its template.

  • Remove thread pools.

  • Create an application server template.
  • Delete an application server template.
  • List the application server templates.

Servers (continued)

Servers (continued)
  • Modify web container properties.

  • Create a custom property.

    The action is supported for a server, but not its template.

  • Modify an existing custom property.
  • List custom properties.

    The action is supported for a server, but not its template.

  • Remove custom properties.

  • Create a new web container transport chain.
  • Modify an existing web container transport chain.
  • Remove web container transport chains.

  • Create an external cache group.
  • Edit an external cache group.
  • Edit a denial of service protection.
  • Modify the default Java persistence API settings.

  • View product information.

  • View installed components.

  • View installed extensions.
  • Modify administrative services.
  • Modify a repository service.
  • Modify a generic server.

  • Create a generic server endpoint.
  • Modify a generic server endpoint.
  • Remove a generic server endpoint.

Proxy Server

  • Create a proxy server.
  • Delete a proxy server.
  • Modify proxy server security settings.
  • List proxy server security settings.
  • List proxy virtual hosts.
  • Modify a proxy virtual host.
  • Modify proxy virtual host settings.
  • List proxy rule expressions.
  • Modify a proxy rule expression.
  • List proxy actions.
  • Modify a caching action.
  • Modify a compression action.
  • Modify a header action.
  • Modify a rewriting action.
  • Modify a routing action.
  • Modify a time mapping.
  • List custom advisors.
  • Modify a custom advisor.
  • Modify a custom advisor mapping.

SIP container
  • Modify the SIP container.
  • Modify the SIP stack.
  • Modify SIP timers.
  • Modify the SIP digest authentication.
  • List SIP application routers.
  • Modify a SIP application router.


  • Create a name space binding for different types.
  • Edit an EJB name space binding.
  • Edit a name space binding of indirect lookup.
  • Edit a name space binding of other context property.
  • Edit a string name space binding.

  • Create bootstrap properties.
  • Edit bootstrap properties.

  • Create a group of Universal Resource Identifier (URI) patterns.
  • Edit a group of URI patterns.

  • Create a shared library.
  • Edit a shared library.
  • Modify a shared library.
  • List shared libraries.
  • Remove shared libraries.

  • Create a virtual host.
  • Edit a virtual host.
  • Modify a virtual host.

Environment (continued)
  • List virtual hosts.
  • Remove virtual hosts.

  • Create a host alias for a virtual host.
  • Edit a host alias for a virtual host.
  • Modify host aliases for a virtual host.
  • List host aliases for a virtual host.
  • Remove host aliases for a virtual host.

  • Create a multi-purpose internet mail extensions (MIME) type.
  • Edit a MIME type.
  • Modify a MIME type.
  • List MIME types.
  • Remove MIME types.

  • Create a WebSphere variable.
  • Edit a WebSphere variable.
  • Modify a WebSphere variable.
  • List WebSphere variables.
  • Remove WebSphere variables.


  • Create a Java Database Connector (JDBC) provider.
  • List the JDBC providers.
  • Modify a JDBC provider.
  • Delete a JDBC provider.
  • List the resource adapters.

  • Install a resource adapter.
  • Copy a resource adapter.
  • Upgrade a resource adapter.
  • Modify a resource adapter.
  • Delete a resource adapter.
  • Modify the advanced resource adapter properties of a resource adapter.

  • Create a custom property.
  • Modify a custom property.
  • Delete a custom property.
  • List the data sources.

  • Create a data source.
  • Modify a data source.
  • Remove a data source.
  • Modify the connection pool properties of a data source.
  • Modify the advanced connection pool properties of a data source.
  • Modify the Websphere Application Server data source properties of a data source.

Resources (continued)
  • List the WAS v4 data sources.

  • Create a WAS v4 data source.
  • Modify a WAS v4 data source.
  • Delete a Websphere Application Server v4 data source.
  • Modify the connection pool properties of a Websphere Application Server v4 data source.
  • List the J2C connection factories.

  • Create a J2C connection factory.
  • Modify a J2C connection factory.
  • Delete a J2C connection factory.
  • Modify the connection pool properties of a J2C connection factory.
  • Modify the advanced connection pool properties of a J2C connection factory.
  • Modify the advanced connection factory properties.
  • List the J2C activation specifications.

  • Create a J2C activation specification.
  • Modify a J2C activation specification.
  • Delete a J2C activation specification.
  • List the J2C administered objects.

  • Create a J2C administered object.
  • Modify a J2C administered object.
  • Delete a J2C administered object.

Resources (continued)
  • List the schedulers.

  • Create a scheduler.
  • Modify a scheduler.
  • Delete a scheduler.

  • Create the tables of a scheduler.

  • Verify the tables of a scheduler.
  • Drop the tables of a scheduler.
  • List the object pool managers.

  • Create an object pool manager.
  • Modify an object pool manager.
  • Delete an object pool manager.

  • Create a custom object pool.
  • Modify a custom object pool.
  • Delete a custom object pool.
  • List the work managers.

  • Create a work manager.
  • Modify a work manager.
  • Delete a work manager.
  • List the timer managers.

  • Create a timer manager.
  • Modify a timer manager.
  • Delete a timer manager.

  • Create a mail provider.
  • Modify a mail provider.

  • Create a mail session.
  • Edit a mail session.

  • Create a protocol provider.
  • Modify a protocol provider.

Resources (continued)

Transaction services
  • List the manual transactions.
  • List the retry transactions.
  • List the heuristic transactions.
  • List the imported prepared transactions.

  • Set the total transaction lifetime timeout.

  • Set the asynchronous response timeout.
  • Enable file locking.
  • Enable transaction coordination authorization.

  • Set the client inactivity timeout.

  • Set the maximum transaction timeout.

  • Enable security.
  • Validate LDAP connections.
  • List SSL configurations.
  • Get the SSL configuration.

  • Create an SSL configuration.
  • Modify the SSL configuration.
  • Delete an SSL configuration.
  • List the SSL ciphers.
  • List the SSL configuration groups.

  • Create an SSL configuration group.
  • Delete an SSL configuration group.
  • Modify an SSL configuration group.
  • Get the inherited SSL configuration.
  • List dynamic outbound endpoint SSL configurations.

  • Create a dynamic outbound endpoint SSL configuration.
  • Delete a dynamic outbound endpoint SSL configuration.
  • List the key sets.
  • Generate a key for a key set.

  • Create a key set.
  • Delete a key set.
  • List the key set groups.

  • Create a key set group.
  • Delete a key set group.
  • Generate keys for the key set group.

Security (continued)
  • List the keystores.

  • Create a keystore.
  • Modify a keystore.
  • Delete a keystore.
  • Change the keystore password.
  • Exchange signers.
  • List the key managers.

  • Create a key manager.
  • Delete a key manager.
  • List the key file aliases.

  • Create the key reference.
  • List the trust managers.

  • Create a trust manager.
  • Delete a trust manager.
  • List the certificate authority clients.

  • Create a certificate authority client.
  • Modify a certificate authority client.
  • Delete a certificate authority client.
  • List the personal certificates.
  • Get the attributes of a personal certificate.
  • Get a certificate chain.
  • Receive a personal certificate.

  • Create a self-signed certificate.

  • Create a chained certificate.

  • Create a certificate authority signed certificate.

Security (continued)
  • Renew a personal certificate.
  • Revoke a personal certificate.
  • Replace a personal certificate.

  • Extract a personal certificate.
  • Import a personal certificate.
  • Export a personal certificate.
  • Delete a personal certificate.

  • Add a signer certificate.
  • Extract a signer certificate.
  • Retrieve signer information from a port.
  • Retrieve a signer certificate from a port.
  • Get the properties of a signer certificate.
  • Delete a signer certificate.
  • List the signer certificates.

  • Create a certificate request.
  • Get a certificate request.
  • List the certificate requests.
  • Delete a certificate request.

  • Extract a certificate request.
  • Query a certificate request.
  • List the notifiers.

  • Create a notifier.
  • Delete a notifier.

  • Start the certificate expiration monitor.
  • Validate the administrative name.

  • Add a base entry to the realm.
  • Modify the base entry details.

  • Configure a new LDAP repository.
  • Modify an existing LDAP repository configuration.
  • Delete an existing LDAP repository configuration.

Security (continued)

  • View performance data for the LDAP repository under an LDAP configuration.
  • Modify the LDAP performance data.

  • View the LDAP entity types under the LDAP configuration.
  • Modify the existing LDAP entity types.

  • View the group attribute definition under the LDAP configuration.
  • Modify the group attribute definition under the LDAP configuration.

  • View the member attributes under the LDAP group attribute definitions.

  • Configure the member attribute details under the LDAP group attribute definitions.
  • Delete an existing member attribute detail.

  • View the dynamic member attributes under the LDAP group attribute definitions.

  • Configure the dynamic member attributes under the LDAP group attribute definitions.
  • Delete an existing dynamic member attribute detail.

  • View the list of repositories to manage.

  • Configure the federated repositories to use a built-in repository.
  • Remove the built-in repository from the federated repository.

  • View the federated repository property extension.

  • Configure the federated repository property extension.

  • View the federated repository entry mapping repository.

  • Configure the federated repository entry mapping repository.

  • View the federated repository supported entity types list.

  • View the details of a supported entity type.
  • Modify an existing supported entity type.

  • View the authentication mechanism and expiration policy for the federated repository user identity.
  • Get an audit policy.
  • Modify an audit policy.
  • List the audit event type filters.
  • Get an audit event type filter.

  • Create an audit event type filter.
  • Modify an audit event type filter.

Security (continued)
  • Delete an audit event type filter.
  • List the audit service providers.
  • Get an audit service provider.

  • Create an audit service provider.
  • Modify an audit service provider.
  • Delete an audit service provider.
  • List the audit factories.
  • Get an audit factory.

  • Create an audit factory.
  • Modify an audit factory.
  • Delete an audit factory.
  • List the audit encryption keystores.
  • Get an audit encryption keystore.

  • Create an audit encryption keystore.
  • Modify an audit encryption keystore.
  • Delete an audit encryption keystore.
  • Get an audit encryption configuration.

  • Create an audit encryption configuration.
  • Modify an audit encryption configuration.
  • Delete an audit encryption configuration.
  • Get an audit signing configuration.

  • Create an audit signing configuration.
  • Modify an audit signing configuration.
  • Delete an audit signing configuration.
  • List the audit notification monitors.

  • Create an audit notification monitor.
  • Modify an audit notification monitor,
  • List the audit notifications.

  • Create an audit notification
  • Modify an audit notification.
  • Delete an audit notification.

Security (continued)
  • List the active security settings.

  • Set the active administrative security settings.
  • List the active Rivest Shamir Adleman (RSA) token authorization settings.

  • Set the active Rivest Shamir Adleman (RSA) token authorization settings.
  • List all authorization groups.

  • Create a new authorization group.
  • Delete an authorization group.
  • Edit an authorization group.
  • Get user realm information.

  • Configure a local OS user realm.

  • Configure an LDAP user realm.

  • Configure a custom user realm.
  • Unconfigure the user realm.
  • List trusted realms.

  • Add trusted realms.
  • Remove trusted realms.
  • Unconfigure the trusted realm.
  • Get external authorization provider information.

  • Set external authorization provider information.
  • Unconfigure external authorization provider.
  • List trust association interceptors.

  • Create a trust association interceptor.
  • Modify a trust association interceptor.
  • Delete a trust association interceptor.
  • Unconfigure the trust association.
  • Get Common Secure Interoperability (CSI) inbound information.

  • Set CSI inbound information.
  • Unconfigure CSI inbound information.
  • Get CSI outbound information.

  • Set CSI outbound information.
  • Unconfigure CSI outbound information.

Security (continued)
  • List JAAS login configurations.

  • Create JAAS login configurations.
  • Modify JAAS login configurations.
  • Delete JAAS login configurations.
  • Unconfigure JAAS login information.

  • Configure a JAAS login module.
  • Delete a JAAS login module.
  • List JAAS authorization data entries.

  • Create a JAAS authorization data entry.
  • Modify the JAAS authorization data entry.
  • Delete a JAAS authorization data entry.
  • Get Simple and Protected GSS-API Negotiation Mechanism (SPNEGO) information.

  • Configure SPNEGO information.
  • List SPNEGO filters.

  • Create a SPNEGO filter.
  • Modify the SPNEGO filter.
  • Delete a SPNEGO filter.

  • Create a Kerberos authentication mechanism.
  • Modify the Kerberos authentication mechanism.
  • List security domains.

  • Create a security domain.
  • Copy the security domain.
  • Modify the security domain.
  • Delete the security domain.

  • Set active security settings.
  • Unset active security settings.

  • Set the Lightweight Third-Party Authentication (LTPA) timeout.

  • Configure programmatic session cookies.

Service integration

  • Create a bus.
  • Delete a bus.

  • Add a bus member.
  • Delete a bus member.
  • List the bus members.
  • Delete the messaging engine.

  • Create a queue.

  • Create a topic space.

  • Create an alias destination.
  • Delete an alias destination.

  • Create an MQ queue type destination.

  • Create a foreign destination.
  • Mediate a destination.
  • Unmediate a destination.
  • Delete a destination.

  • Create a mediation.
  • Delete a mediation.
  • Modify a mediation.
  • Delete a foreign bus.

  • Create a JMS activation specification.
  • Modify a JMS activation specification.

  • Create a JMS connection factory.
  • Modify a JMS connection factory.

  • Create a JMS queue connection factory.
  • Modify a JMS queue connection factory.

  • Create a JMS topic connection factory.
  • Modify a JMS topic connection factory.

Service integration (continued)

  • Create a JMS queue.
  • Modify a JMS queue.

  • Create a JMS topic.
  • Modify a JMS topic.

  • Create a JMS provider.

  • Create a WebSphere MQ server.
  • Modify a WebSphere MQ server.
  • Modify a WebSphere MQ server bus member.

  • Add a permitted transport.

  • Add a user to a bus connector role.

  • Add a group to a bus connector role.

  • Add an inbound port to an inbound service.

  • Add an outbound port to an outbound service.
  • Connect an endpoint listener to a service integration bus.

  • Create an endpoint listener.

  • Create an inbound service.

  • Create an outbound service.
  • Delete an endpoint listener.
  • Delete an inbound service.
  • Delete an outbound service.
  • Disconnect an endpoint listener from a service integration bus.
  • Publish an inbound service to a Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) registry.
  • Refresh the WSDL definition for an inbound service.
  • Refresh the WSDL definition for an outbound service.
  • Remove an inbound port.
  • Remove an outbound port.

  • Set the default outbound port for an outbound service.
  • Remove an inbound service from a UDDI registry.

  • Add a target service for routing from a gateway service.

  • Create a gateway service.

  • Create a proxy service deployed to a gateway instance.
  • Delete a gateway service.
  • Delete a gateway instance.
  • Delete a proxy service.
  • Remove a target service.

  • Create a WS-Notification (WSN) service.

Service integration (continued)
  • Modify a bus.
  • Modify a foreign bus connection.
  • List foreign bus connections.
  • List bus messaging engines.
  • List messaging engines on a particular server.
  • List bus mediations.
  • Modify a messaging engine.

  • Create a service integration bus (SIB) link on a messaging engine.
  • Modify a foreign bus connection (an indirect link).
  • Modify a foreign bus connection (a SIB link).
  • List bus destinations.
  • List queue points (point-to-point messaging) for a destination.
  • List queue mediation points for a destination.
  • List topic mediation points for a destination.

  • Create a new context property.
  • Edit a bus.

  • Create a replication domain.
  • Edit a replication domain.

System administration
  • Edit the file synchronization service.
  • Edit the file transfer service.
  • Modify a cell.
  • Modify the dmgr.
  • Modify a node.
  • Modify a node agent.
  • Modify a Java Management Extensions (JMX) connector.
  • Modify extension MBean providers.
  • Modify node groups.

Web services
  • List the service clients in a cell.
  • List the service clients in an application.
  • List the service providers in a cell.
  • List the service providers in an application.

  • Start the service provider listener.
  • Stop the service provider listener.

Web services policy sets
  • List the policy sets in the system.
  • Get the attributes for a policy set.

  • Set the attributes of a specified policy set.

  • Create a new policy set.
  • Copy a policy set to create a new policy set.
  • Delete a policy set.
  • Update the attributes of a policy set.
  • Export a policy set from an archive for use in a client environment or a server.
  • Get the policy set attachments for a given resource.
  • List the policy set attachments for services providers.
  • List the policy set attachments for services clients in an application.

  • Create a new policy set attachment for a resource.
  • Delete a policy set attachment from a resource.
  • List the applications to which a given policy set is attached.
  • Delete all attachments for a policy set.
  • Transfer all attachments from one policy set to another.

Web services policies Attention: Before you use the generated wsadmin command for policies, see the documentation for the PolicySetManagement command group .

  • Create a policy.

  • Add a policy to a policy set.
  • Delete a policy from a policy set.
  • List the names of existing policies.
  • Get the attributes for a policy.
  • Update the configuration of a policy.
  • Get the value for a named policy attribute.

  • Set the value for a named policy attribute.

Web services bindings
  • Get the binding configuration for a specified policy for a policy set attachment.

  • Set the binding for a policy set attachment.

  • Set and update the binding configuration for a specified policy for a policy set attachment.

Web services trust service
  • List the local names of all the configured token providers.
  • Query the trust service for the local name of the default token provider.
  • Update configuration data for a token provider.
  • Delete custom properties from a token provider configuration.
  • Assign a token that is issued when requesting access to a specific end point.
  • List the assigned endpoints for a token provider.
  • Query the trust service for the token provider assigned to a specified endpoint.
  • Unassign an endpoint from its token provider.
  • Refresh trust service.
  • Query the trust service for a list of assigned endpoints.

Web Services Security distributed cache
  • Get the Web Services Security distributed cache configuration.
  • Get the Web Services Security distributed cache configuration custom properties.
  • Get the defined cell level data sources.

  • Set the Web Services Security distributed cache configuration.

  • Set the Web Services Security distributed cache configuration custom properties.

Business-level applications
  • List the assets.

  • Add an asset to the repository.
  • Export an asset.
  • Delete an asset .
  • List the business-level applications.

  • Create a new business-level application.

  • Add an asset to a business-level application.
  • Delete a business-level application.
  • Edit a business-level application.

  • Start a business-level application.
  • Stop a business-level application.
  • Edit a composition unit.

Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) and Request metrics

Performance advisors
  • Re-initialize the Runtime Performance Advisor tool.

  • Set the Runtime Performance Advisor tool attributes.

Portlets and portlet containers

  • View the portlet deployment descriptor.
  • Modify portlet container settings.

  • Create a custom property.
  • Modify an existing custom property.
  • List custom properties.
  • Remove custom properties.
  • Enable PMI for portlets.
  • Enable request metrics for portlets.


DataPower (continued)

DataPower (continued)

Replication Domains

Job manager
  • Query targets.
  • Get target properties.
  • Query target resources.
  • Get target resource properties.
  • List groups of targets.

  • Create a group of targets.
  • Delete a group of targets.
  • Get information about groups of targets.
  • Modify information about groups of targets.
  • List members of a group of targets.

  • Add a member to a group of targets.
  • Delete a member from a group of targets.
  • Query jobs.
  • Get job status.
  • Get job target status.
  • Get job target history.
  • Delete a job.
  • Suspend a job.
  • Resume a job.

Users and groups

  • Add a new user.
  • Modify an existing user.
  • List users.
  • Remove users.

  • Add a new group.
  • Modify an existing group.
  • List groups.
  • Remove groups.
  • List registry users.
  • List registry groups.

Use wsadmin scripting


PolicySetManagement command group
Access command assistance from the administrative console


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