Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Command-line utilities

Application client launcher for Java Web Start

The application client launcher for Java Web Start is a Java class,, which has a main() method that Java Web Start calls to start the application client container and to invoke the application client's main() method. It provides similar functions as the lauchClient command line tool to start application clients from the command line.

The class is packaged in the WebSphereClientLauncher.jar file under the <APP_CLIENT_ROOT>/lib/webstart directory.

The launcher tool requires that the following properties are defined.

If the client that is to be run is a thin client, then this property should be specified. It specifies the class where the main entry point of the application resides. It is the main class name for a Thin application client. If it is set, the launcher will not start the client container, it will rather invoke the main method for the application directly. However, if is also set, it will be ignored.

If the client that is to run is the Java EE client, then this property should be specified. It specifies the name of the ear file to be executed. This property takes precedence over although only one of the two properties should be specified.
These properties are not defined in a separate properties file. Instead, they are defined as part of the Java Network Launching Protocol files.

When is set, the application client launcher for JWS supports almost all of the –CC arguments as the lauchClient command line tool supports. However, if only is set, the launcher will only support the –CCD argument. The following table shows the comparison of the supported –CC arguments for the launchClient command line tool and the application client launcher for JWS:

Comparison of the supported –CC arguments for the launchClient command line tool and the application client launcher for JWS. Comparison of the supported –CC arguments

-CC argument launchClient Application client launcher for JWS
-CCverbose Yes Yes
-CCjar Yes Yes
-CCclasspath Yes N/A
-CCadminConnectorHost Yes Yes
-CCadminConnectorPort Yes Yes
-CCadminConnectorType Yes Yes
-CCadminConnectorUser Yes Yes
-CCaltDD Yes Yes
-CCBootstrapHost Yes Yes
-CCBootstrapPort Yes Yes
-CCproviderURL Yes Yes
-CCinitonly Yes N/A
-CCtrace Yes Yes
-CCtracefile Yes Yes
-CCsecurityManager Yes N/A
-CCsecurityMgrClass Yes N/A
-CCsecurityMgrPolicy Yes N/A
-CCD Yes Yes
-CCexitVM Yes Yes
-CCdumpJavaNameSpace Yes Yes
-CCsoapConnectorPort Yes Yes
-CCtraceMode Yes Yes
-CCclassLoaderMode Yes Yes

Macro expansion is supported for the –CCD argument by the application client launcher for JWS. The launcher will automatically substitute certain macro keys (enclosed with ${…}) with the calculated value at runtime. For example, if a macro key is used in the –CCD argument in the application client JNLP manifest file,

<argument> ${WAS_ROOT}/etc/key.p12
it will be expanded to the JWS cache installation root location and the argument will become:
The following table shows the three macro keys that are currently supported and will be substituted by the launcher:

Currently supported macro keys. Supported macro keys

Macro key Value
${WAS_ROOT} Installation root location within the JWS cache used by the application client container and runtime installer for JWS.
${JAVA_HOME} Location of Java home. The return value of System.getProperty(“java.home”).
${USER_HOME} Location of user home. The return value of System.getProperty(“user.home”).

Download and running a Java EE client application using Java Web Start


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