WAS v8.0 > Migration and coexistence > Distributed operating systems > Migrate administrative scripts

Migrate administrative scripts from a previously Version 5.1.x application server

There are some changes you should be aware of when migrating from a version of WAS that was previously v5.1.x.

Supported configurations:

This topic is about configuration migration, such as migrating dmgrs and federated nodes in a network deployment environment. The Application Migration Toolkit for WAS provides support for migrating applications from previous versions of WAS to the latest product version. For information about migrating applications, read more about the Application Migration Toolkit.

There are a few changes to be aware of that are required for your existing scripts when moving to WAS v8.0. In general, the administration model has changed very little. However, there are some changes required when moving from a previously v5.1.x to v8.0.



Example: Migrating - Allowing configuration overwrite when saving configurations
Example: Migrating - Changing transaction log directory using wsadmin.sh
Example: Migrating - Changing process definitions using scripting
Example: Migrating - Modifying web container port numbers
Overview of migration, coexistence, and interoperability


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