Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Applications > Web services > Web Services Addressing support
Web Services Addressing APIs
This product provides interfaces at the application programming level to enable application developers, including developers of Web Services Resource Framework applications, to create references to, and to target, web service resource instances. If you are a system programmer, you can use some these interfaces with the Web Services Addressing (WS-Addressing) system programming interfaces.
The standard JAX-WS 2.1 APIs in this product are contained in the package. Refer to the JAX-WS 2.1 API documentation for more information about these APIs.
The implementation of the standard JAX-WS 2.1 APIs in this product also contains application programming interfaces, in the package. These APIs are described in more detail in the generated API documentation in this information center. These APIs allow you to achieve the following objectives by using specific classes:
- To represent endpoints that conform to the 2004/08 WS-Addressing specification, use the class.
- To create a SubmissionEndpointReference instance to represent 2004/08 endpoints in web services other than the one generating the endpoint reference, use the class.
- To convert EndpointReference instances created by using the IBM proprietary WS-Addressing API into either W3CEndpointReference or SubmissionEndpointReference instances, use the class. This class can also be used to reverse the conversion of EndpointReference instances.
- To enable WS-Addressing on clients, use the class, and an annotation, @SubmissionAddressing, for enabling WS-Addressing on servers.
IBM proprietary WS-Addressing APIs
These application programming interfaces are contained in the package and are summarized in the following diagram. The diagram also shows the following classes from the JAX-WS 2.1 API:, and
These interfaces provide the following features:
- A mechanism for creating a instance to represent a WS-Addressing endpoint reference by using the interface.
Deprecated feature: A deprecated class,, for converting EndpointReference instances into deprecated classes or, for use in JAX-WS applications.
These classes are deprecated in favour of the JAX-WS 2.1 classes of the same name (EndpointReferenceConverter, SubmissionEndpointReference, and W3CEndpointReference) contained in the and packages, as shown on the diagram. depfeat
- A method,, to enable you to associate reference parameters with an EndpointReference instance.
- An interface to enable a client to configure its BindingProvider request context, or Stub or Call object, based on an EndpointReference instance. All invocations on the BindingProvider, Stub or Call object are subsequently targeted at the endpoint that is represented by the EndpointReference instance.
To achieve this behavior, set the property on the BindingProvider request context, or Stub or Call object, to the appropriate EndpointReference instance.
- A mechanism for acquiring individual reference parameters that are associated with the incoming message context, to correlate the message to a specific resource instance through the interface.
Web Services Addressing support
Web Services Resource Framework support
Create stateful web services by using the Web Services Resource Framework
Develop applications that use Web Services Addressing
IBM proprietary Web Services Addressing SPIs
Generated API documentation - Application programming interfaces
JAX-WS API: topic