Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Develop and deploying applications > Develop Portlet applications
Assembling portlets
- Portlet Uniform Resource Locator (URL) addressability
We can request a portlet directly through a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) to display its content without portal aggregation. The PortletServingServlet servlet registers each web application that contains portlets. It is similar to the FileServingServlet servlet of the web container that serves resources. The PortletServingServlet servlet supports direct rendering of portlets into a full browser page by a URL request.
- Example: Configuring the extended portlet deployment descriptor to disable PortletServingServlet
Portlet URL serving supports direct access to all functions and states of a portlet by creating the appropriate URLs. In a production setup where the portlet is served through an enterprise portal application that applies its own access control, is considered a security risk. By setting the portletServingEnabled property to false, an administrator can ensure that a sensitive portlet is never accessed by direct URL serving.