Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Develop and deploying applications > Develop batch applications
Submit batch jobs
We can submit batch applications using the job scheduler EJB interface or the job scheduler web services interface.
- xJCL elements
Jobs are expressed using an Extensible Markup Language XML dialect called xJCL (XML Job Control Language). This dialect has constructs for expressing all of the information needed for both compute-intensive and batch jobs, although some elements of xJCL are only applicable to compute-intensive or batch jobs. See the xJCL provided with the Sample applications, the xJCL table, and xJCL XSD schema file for more information about xJCL. The xJCL definition of a job is not part of the batch application, but is constructed separately and submitted to the job scheduler for to run. The job scheduler uses information in the xJCL to determine where and when to run the job.
- Submit batch jobs using the job scheduler EJB interface
The job scheduler EJB interface is used to programmatically submit and manipulate a batch job. We can use the EJB interface with the base scheduler in WAS to perform calendar-based submission of a batch job.
- Submit batch jobs using the job scheduler web services interface
The job scheduler web services interface is used to programmatically submit and manipulate a batch job.