Express (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Secure applications and their environment > Authenticate users > Select a registry or repository > Manage realms in a federated repository > Virtual member manager > Develop with virtual member manager > Integrate virtual member manager into the application > Program tasks

Dynamically adding a new default parent to a realm

Use this procedure to dynamically add a new default parent to a realm.

About this task

When this dynamic call is made, only the configuration in memory is updated. The configuration file is not updated.

Event Type


Configuration Data


Unique name of the default parent.

DYNA_CONFIG_KEY_ENTITY_TYPE (required) - [String]

Qualified name of the entity type to which to add the default parent.

DYNA_CONFIG_KEY_REALM_NAME (required) - [String]

Name of the realm.

This task example assumes that the realm does not have a default parent for the entity type PersonAccount.


  1. Ensure that virtual member manager is running.

  2. Add a default parent to the realm for PersonAccount. For example:
    Hashtable configData = new Hashtable();
    String realmName = "YourCo";
    configData.put(Service.DYNA_CONFIG_KEY_DEFAULT_PARENT, "cn=realmusers,dc=yourco,dc=com");
    service.dynamicUpdateConfig(Service.DYNA_CONFIG_EVENT_ADD_DEFAULT_PARENT_TO_REALM, configData);

Parent topic: Program tasks


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