Express (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Secure applications and their environment > Authenticate users > Select a registry or repository > Manage realms in a federated repository > Virtual member manager > Reference > Program model > Control DataObject

HierarchyControl DataObject

HierarchyControl is an extension from the SearchControl data object.

HierarchyControl extends from SearchControl. It is an abstract control, which means it is not directly used in the data object. Instead, its descendants AncestorControl, DescendantControl, GroupMemberControl and GroupMembershipControl are used

The structure of a HierarchyControl data object consists of:


is a list of the attributes to return from the entities which match the search criteria. For example, to get the sn and givenName attributes of the persons who is in marketing department.


is a list of the search bases used to limit the search to those bases specified in the list.


is used to specify the maximum number of search results returned by the search operation.


If the profile repository supports timeLimit, it specifies in milliseconds the maximum duration of the search.


is the search expression in XPath format.


is used for indicating the level of the hierarchy to be returned. It has different meanings in different contexts. For example, in DescendantControl, it indicates the level of descendants. In GroupMembershipControl, it indicates the level of nested groups.

XML schema definition

The following is the XML schema definition for the HierarchyControl DataObject.

<xsd:complexType name="HierarchyControl">
<xsd:extension base="SearchControl">
<xsd:attribute name="level" type="xsd:int" default="1" />

Sample data object

Because HierarchyControl is an abstract control, it does not have sample data object.

Parent topic: Control DataObject


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