Express (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Secure applications and their environment > Authenticate users > Select a registry or repository > Manage realms in a federated repository > Virtual member manager > Reference > Supported commands > File registry commands

changeFileRegistryAccountPassword command

Use this command to change the administrator's password for the file registry account.


Use the changeFileRegistryAccountPassword to change administrator's password, if the administrator has forgotten the previous password and cannot change it using the updateUser command or the graphical user interface. We can also run this command in local mode. It must be issued on the Network Deployment Manager if you are using the WAS Network Deployment version.

If the Use global security settings option is selected for the user realm or the Global federated repositories option is selected as the realm type for the specified domain, this command is executed on the federated repository of the admin domain. However, configuration changes performed on the domain are applied to the security domain-specific configuration.


changeFileRegistryAccountPassword {-userId userid -password password -uniqueName uniqueName [-securityDomainName domainName] }


userId userid

User ID of the administrator.

password password

New password of the administrator.

uniqueName uniqueName

Unique name of the administrator.

-securityDomainName domainName

Name that uniquely identifies the security domain. If not specified, uses the global federated repository.


To change the password for the administrator (Admin1) for the WAS file registry to ab12cd34e, issue the command:
$AdminTask changeFileRegistryAccountPassword {-userId Admin1 -password ab12c34de}

Parent topic: File registry commands
Command format


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