Express (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Messages


CWWAR0001E: A SOAPElement object cannot be created from the OMElement object: {0}

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:

CWWAR0002E: The WS-Addressing namespace was not valid, or is not supported.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:

CWWAR0003E: The message context does not contain a SOAPEnvelope object.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:

CWWAR0004E: Multiple reference parameters exist with the same name.

Explanation The request message contained multiple reference parameters with the same name, preventing the application server from targeting the correct resource.
Action Ensure that each reference parameter has a unique name.

CWWAR0005E: Neither WS-Addressing related feature configurator was specified.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:

CWWAR0006E: An error occured while attempting to configure the service to use WS-Addressing.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:

CWWAR0007E: The {0} WS-Addressing feature, conflicts with the {1} namespace of the specified endpoint reference.

Explanation The WS-Addressing feature that is enabled and the endpoint reference specied must comply with the same WS-Addressing specification.
Action Ensure that if you use the appropriate endpoint reference class for the WS-Addressing feature that has been enabled.

CWWAR0008E: The service name, {0}, associated with an endpoint reference was not found in the WSDL located at {1}.

Explanation The name of the wsdl:service element does not match the specified name.
Action Ensure that the service name in the endpoint reference metadata matches the service name in the WSDL.

CWWAR0009E: The port name, {0}, associated with an endpoint reference was not found in the WSDL located at {1}.

Explanation The name of the wsdl:port element does not match the specified name.
Action Ensure that the port name in the endpoint reference metadata matches a port name in the WSDL.

CWWAR0010E: The adddress of an endpoint reference was null.

Explanation An attempt was made to create an endpoint reference using a null value for the address URI.
Action More info at:

CWWAR0011E: A URI for an endpoint with service name, {0}, and port name, {1} could not be found.

Explanation An attempt was made to create an endpoint reference for an endpoint identified by the service name and port name, but an address URI could not be located for that endpoint.
Action Ensure that the endpoint is a part of the same application as the one that is attempting to create the endpoint reference.

CWWAR0012E: The address, service name, and port name cannot all be null.

Explanation An attempt was made to create an endpoint reference, but insufficient information was provided to do so.
Action If the address is null then the service name and port name must be specified. On the client, the address must be specified.

CWWAR0013E: A problem occurred during the creation of an endpoint reference.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action See the accompanying error messages for more information.

CWWAR0014E: The endpoint reference class, {0}, is not supported.

Explanation An attempt was made to use a class that is not supported.
Action Use one of the supported classes for endpoint references.

CWWAR0015E: JAXBContext creation failed.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:

CWWAR0016E: The Result object that was provided was null.

Explanation The Result object cannot be null.
Action Provide a Result object that is not null.

CWWAR0017E: A problem occurred while serializing an endpoint reference.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action See the accompanying error messages for more information.

CWWAR0018E: The service name has not been set.

Explanation The service name must be set before the port name can be set.
Action Ensure that the service name is set before attempting to set the port name.

CWWAR0019E: The reference parameter object that was provided was null.

Explanation The reference parameter object cannot be null.
Action Provide a reference parameter object that is not null.

CWWAR0100E: The {0} property cannot be set for a two-way message exchange pattern.

Explanation The application attempted to set the specified property for a two-way message exchange pattern. Setting this property would prevent the client from receiving messages.
Action Do not set the specified property for two-way message exchange patterns.

CWWAR0101E: The value of the {0} message addressing property is not of the correct type. The expected type is {1}, but the actual type is {2}.

Explanation The Web Services Addressing SPI was used to set the specified property, using an object that was not of the required type.
Action Provide an object of the required type for the specified property. Refer to the information center for a list of types for message addressing properties.

CWWAR0102E: A problem occurred during the conversion of an endpoint reference.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action See the accompanying error messages for more information.

CWWAR0103E: The {0} property is not a valid message addressing property.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:

CWWAR0104E: A problem occurred during the conversion of an attributed URI object.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action See the accompanying error messages for more information.

CWWAR0105E: The SOAPAction value {0} and the wsa:Action value {1} do not match.

Explanation We can set the SOAPAction and the wsa:Action values either in the WSDL file for the Web service, or as properties using the Web Services Addressing SPI. If you set both values, using either method, the values must match.
Action Ensure that if the SOAPAction and the wsa:Action are set that both values match.

CWWAR0106E: A problem occurred during the conversion of a relationship set.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action See the accompanying error messages for more information.

CWWAR0107E: The value of the {0} internal property is not of the correct type. The expected type is {1}, but the actual type is {2}.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:

CWWAR0108E: The {0} WS-Addressing namespace, specified by the {1} property, conflicts with the {2} namespace of the destination endpoint reference, specified by the {3} property.

Explanation If you set both properties, they must specify the same WS-Addressing namespace.
Action If you set both properties, ensure that the value of the WSADDRESSING_OUTBOUND_NAMESPACE property matches the namespace set in the endpoint reference used for the WSADDRESSING_DESTINATION_EPR property.

CWWAR0109E: The OMElement object that was provided was null.

Explanation The OMElement object to be converted cannot be null.
Action More info at:

CWWAR0110E: The qname object that was provided was null.

Explanation The qname object cannot be null.
Action More info at:

CWWAR0111E: The endpoint reference that was provided was null.

Explanation The application attempted to convert a null endpoint reference using the EndpointReferenceConverter class.
Action Provide an endpoint reference that is not null.

CWWAR0112E: The {0} namespace does not match the expected namespace, {1}.

Explanation The application attempted to convert an endpoint reference using the EndpointReferenceConverter class, but the namespace of the endpoint reference does not match the expected namespace.
Action When you convert an endpoint reference using the EndpointReferenceConverter class, ensure that the namespace of the endpoint reference to be converted matches the namespace that is expected for the resulting object. Refer to the information center for details of the expected namespaces.

CWWAR0200E: The address is not a valid URI object.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:

CWWAR0201E: The application server could not generate a unique endpoint for this service-endpoint pair. Service: {0}, Endpoint: {1}

Explanation The application used the createEndpointReference(serviceName, endpointName) method of the Web Services Addressing (WS-Addressing) API to create an endpoint reference, but there are multiple Web service applications that have the same service name and endpoint name. The WS-Addressing API could not generate a unique URI object for the endpoint.
Action Ensure that all applications in the server have unique service-endpoint pairs, for example, by changing the endpoint name of an application, or by moving the application to a different server.

CWWAR0202E: None of the web services endpoints for this host match the aliases for the virtual host: {0}.

Explanation A virtual host is a configuration entity that enables a single host machine to resemble multiple host machines. Each virtual host has a logical name and a list of one or more DNS aliases by which it is known. IP addresses and localhost are not automatically resolved to host names, so they should be entered as separate aliases.
Action Ensure all the virtual host aliases containing an IP address or localhost also have separate aliases for the corresponding host name.

CWWAR0301E: No HTTP router module is associated with the EJB module file {0} in EAR file {1}.

Explanation An HTTP router module is a Web Archive (WAR) module that provides an HTTP endpoint for each of the Web services contained within a particular enterprise bean JAR module.
Action When your EAR file contains enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) modules that contain Web services, run the endptEnabler command-line tool or an assembly tool before deployment to produce a Web services endpoint Web archive (WAR) file.

CWWAR9999E: {0}

Explanation If the message does not give sufficient information, check previous messages for further help.
Action See the accompanying error messages for more information.



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