Express (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Messages


CWRDW0001E: Unable to locate RRD remote resource {0}.

Explanation The resource that RRD was attempting to dispatch to was unable to be found (remote side).
Action Check to ensure the file exists and is available via a RequestDispatcher include.

CWRDW0002E: IOException encountered when handling RRD remote resource {0}.

Explanation RRD caught an IOException when WebSphere was servicing the remote request (remote side).
Action Review the logs to determine why the IOException occurred while servicing this resource.

CWRDW0003E: ServletException encountered when handling RRD remote resource {0}.

Explanation RRD caught a ServletException when WebSphere was servicing the remote request (remote side).
Action Review the logs to determine why the ServletException occurred while servicing this resource.

CWRDW0004E: Unable to create new extension handler chain.

Explanation RRD encountered an exception on the remote side when handling the extension handler chain (remote side).
Action Review the logs to determine why the extension handler chain failed to be created.

CWRDW0005E: Unable to create new extension generator chain.

Explanation =RRD encountered an exception on the local side when handling the extension generator chain (local side).
Action Review the logs to determine the extension generator chain failed to be created.

CWRDW0006E: IOException encountered during invocation of handler chain target {0}.

Explanation RRD caught an IOException when RRD was invoking a handler chain target(remote side).
Action Review the logs to determine which handler chain target caused the exception.

CWRDW0007E: ServletException encountered during invocation of handler chain target {0}.

Explanation RRD caught ServletException when RRD was invoking a handler chain target (remote side).
Action Review the error logs to determine which handler chain target caused the exception.

CWRDW0008E: Failed to create extension handler {0}.

Explanation RRD was not able to create the specified extension handler (remote side).
Action Review the logs to determine which handler failed to be created.

CWRDW0009E: Failed to initialize extension handler {0}.

Explanation RRD was not able to initialize the specified extension handler (remote side).
Action Review the logs to determine which handler failed to be initialized.

CWRDW0010E: Failed to create extension generator {0}.

Explanation RRD was not able to create the specified extension generator (local side).
Action Review the logs to determine which generator failed to be created.

CWRDW0011E: Failed to initialize extension generator {0}.

Explanation RRD was not able to initialize the specified extension generator (local side).
Action Review the logs to determine which generator failed to be initialized.

CWRDW0012E: SOAPException encountered when attempting to call remote resource {0}

Explanation RRD encountered a SOAPException when trying to locate the remote resource (local side).
Action Review the logs to determine why this SOAPException occurred calling this resource.

CWRDW0013E: RemoteException encountered when attempting to call remote resource {0}

Explanation RRD encountered a RemoteException when trying to locate the remote resource (local side).
Action Review the logs to determine why this RemoteException occurred calling this resource.

CWRDW0014E: Failed to create extension delegator {0}.

Explanation RRD was unable to create an instance of the specified extension delegator (remote side).
Action Ensure that the specified extension delegator class exists and is available on the classpath.

CWRDW0015E: ExtensionRequestWrappers must wrapper RRD InternalExtensionRequest: {0}.

Explanation RRD was unable to unwrap the request wrappers to get the internal extension request object.
Action Ensure that the specified extension request wrapper wrappered the internal extension request.

CWRDW0016E: ExtensionResponseWrappers must wrapper RRD InternalExtensionResponse: {0}.

Explanation RRD was unable to unwrap the response wrappers to get the internal extension response object.
Action Ensure that the specified extension response wrapper wrappered the internal extension response.

CWRDW0017E: The PrintWriter has already been obtained prior to ServletResponse.getOutputStream being called.

Explanation Servlet specification only permits a PrintWriter or ServletOutputStream to be obtained per response.
Action Ensure that only one of these methods is being called for a given response.

CWRDW0018E: The OutputStream has already been obtained prior to ServletResponse.getWriter being called.

Explanation Servlet specification only permits a PrintWriter or ServletOutputStream to be obtained per response.
Action Ensure that only one of these methods is being called for a given response.

CWRDW0019E: Failed to retrieve body extension object data.

Explanation An underlying error occurred while retrieving body extension object data.
Action Review the logs to determine why RRD was unable to retrieve the body extension object data.

CWRDW0020E: Failed to retrieve header extension object data.

Explanation An underlying error occurred while retrieving header extension object data.
Action Review the logs to determine why RRD was unable to retrieve the header extension object data.

CWRDW0021E: Failed to set body extension object data.

Explanation An underlying error occurred while setting body extension object data.
Action Review the logs to determine why RRD was unable to set the body extension object data.

CWRDW0022E: Failed to set header extension object data.

Explanation An underlying error occurred while setting header extension object data.
Action Review the logs to determine why RRD was unable to set the header extension object data.

CWRDW0023E: The operation performed is unsupported in an RRD call.

Explanation Certain operations cannot be supported in rrd on the remote side such as getInputStream.
Action View InfoCenter documentation about limitations of RRD.

CWRDW0024E: ServletErrorResponse encountered when attempting to call remote resource {0}

Explanation RRD encountered a ServletErrorResponse when trying to locate the remote resource (local side).
Action Review the logs to determine why this exception occurred attempting to call the remote resource.

CWRDW0025E: Failed to adjust deployed object {0}

Explanation Problem was encountering while RRD was adjusting the current web module.
Action Review the logs to determine why RRD encountered an exception when attempting to adjust this deployed object.

CWRDW0026E: Failed to start RRD component

Explanation Problem was encountered when RRD component was starting.
Action Review the logs to determine RRD was unable to be started.

CWRDW0027E: Failed to register EMF packages required for RRD.

Explanation RRD failed to register required EMF packages use for remote dispatching.
Action Review the logs to determine why the EMF packages were unable to be registered.

CWRDW0028E: Failed to create command listManagedNodes

Explanation Unable to create command to obtain list of managed nodes from runtime.
Action Review the logs to determine why RRD was unable to create the command to list managed nodes.

CWRDW0029E: Failed to execute command listManagedNodes

Explanation Unable to query runtime to obtain list of managed nodes.
Action Review the logs to determine why RRD was unable to execute the command to list managed nodes.

CWRDW0030E: Exception loading delegation registry item class [{0}]

Explanation Unable to instantiate delagator class.
Action Review the logs to determine why RRD was unable to load the delegation registry item class specified.

CWRDW0031E: Could not find a delegator to handle the request

Explanation Required delegator class was not found matching the criteria for this RRD request.
Action Review the logs to determine why a delegator could not be found to handle this request.

CWRDW0032E: Failed to create endPointURL: scheme [{0}] serverName [{1}] port [{2}] path [{3}]

Explanation The generated URL was not in acceptable URL format.
Action Review the logs to determine what URL was generated to see why the failure occurred.

CWRDW0033E: EndPointURL was not set on the target request.

Explanation EndPointURL was not able to be created when ExtensionGeneratorChain was initialized.
Action Review trace for this request to determine why creation of the endpoint URL failed.

CWRDW0034E: IOException writing response generated from remote request dispatch.

Explanation IOException occurred when attempting to write output generated by remote resource.
Action Review trace to see if the network connection between client and server was terminated.

CWRDW0035E: RRDException occured when registering handler with osgi framework.

Explanation Unable to add handler to register.
Action Review the logs to determine why RRD was unable to register the handler with osgi framework.

CWRDW0036E: CoreException occured when trying to create executable extension for handler class.

Explanation Unable to add handler to registry.
Action Review the logs to determine why the executable extension class for the handler could not be created.

CWRDW0037E: IOException occured when registering handler with osgi framework.

Explanation Possible deserialization issue when trying to deserialize extension handler descriptor
Action Review the logs to determine why RRD was unable to register the handler with osgi framework.

CWRDW0038E: Unexpected error occured when registering handler with osgi framework.

Explanation none.
Action Review the logs to determine why RRD was unable to register the handler with osgi framework.

CWRDW0039E: RRDException occured when registering generator with osgi framework.

Explanation Unable to add generator to register.
Action Review the logs to determine why RRD was unable to register the generator with osgi framework.

CWRDW0040E: CoreException occured when trying to create executable extension for generator class.

Explanation Unable to add generator to registry.
Action Review the logs to determine why RRD was unable to create the executable extension for the generator with osgi framework.

CWRDW0041E: IOException occured when registering generator with osgi framework.

Explanation Possible deserialization issue when trying to deserialize extension generator descriptor
Action Review the logs to determine why deserialization failed for this extension generator descriptor.

CWRDW0042E: Unexpected error occured when registering generator with osgi framework.

Explanation none
Action Review the logs to determine why registering this generator with the osgi framework failed.

CWRDW0043E: Failed to obtain initial context.

Explanation InitialContext was unable to be instantiated.
Action Review the logs to determine why an initial context was not obtained.

CWRDW0044E: Failed to lookup {0} by initial context.

Explanation Resource was unable to be located by initial context.
Action Review the logs to determine why an initial context was not located via lookup.

CWRDW0045E: Extension Registry order could not be identified.

Explanation Order of registry items was unable to be resolved.
Action Review extension handler and generator config.

CWRDW0046E: ServletException encountered handling controller servlet {0}

Explanation Servlet Exception occurred while processing remote request.
Action Review the logs to determine why the controller servlet failed to execute the request.

CWRDW0047E: IOException encountered handling controller servlet {0}

Explanation IO Exception occurred while processing remote request.
Action Review the logs to determine why the controller servlet failed to execute the request.

CWRDW0048E: Unexpected exception encountered handling controller servlet {0}

Explanation Unexpected Exception occurred while processing remote request.
Action Review the logs to determine why the controller servlet failed to execute the request.

CWRDW0049E: Unable to get esi template factories, cannot create dynacache entry.

Explanation Template factories used for configuring dynacache could not be enabled.
Action Review the logs to determine why the esi template factories could not create a dynacache entry.

CWRDW0050E: Unable to get esi directive factories, cannot create dynacache entry.

Explanation Directive factories used for configuring dynacache could not be enabled.
Action Review the logs to determine why the esi directive factories could not create a dynacache entry.

CWRDW0051E: Cache key collided with previous entry in the cache map.

Explanation A cache key was generated that collided with a previous entry.
Action Review the logs to determine why the cache key collided with a previous entry.

CWRDW0052E: could not retrieve a cache id template, nothing will be cached.

Explanation A cache id template could not be retrieved based on the current cache rules.
Action Review the logs to determine why the cache id could not be cached.

CWRDW0053E: could not parse the surrogate control header into directives.

Explanation The header specifying remote cache rules could not be parsed.
Action Review the logs to determine why the surrogate control header could not be parsed.

CWRDW0054E: could not create a cache id template from the directives.

Explanation An invalid directive was specified so nothing can be cached.
Action Review the logs to determine why a cache id template could not be created from the directive.

CWRDW0055E: could not retrieve writer to print cached response data.

Explanation A problem occuring trying to print the response data.
Action Review the logs to determine why a response writer could not be obtained to print cached output.

CWRDW0056E: Exception initializing esi context.

Explanation An exception occurred initializing the remote cache invalidation context.
Action Review the logs to determine why the esi context could not be initialized.

CWRDW0057E: exception getting security service.

Explanation An exception occurred getting the security service.
Action Review the logs to determine why RRD was unable to obtain the security service.

CWRDW0058E: Unable to reference security properties from default outbound SSL alias={0}. Using SSL properties=null.

Explanation Unable to reference security properties from default outbound SSL alias. Defaults will be used.
Action Review the logs to determine why the default properties file failed to load.

CWRDW0059E: Exception when initializing HTTP/POST to server={0}, transport={1}

Explanation The connection to the invalidation servlet failed.
Action Review the logs to determine why the processed body failed to be initialized.

CWRDW0060E: Exception while processing body from server={0}, transport={1}

Explanation Body from the invalidation servlet could not be processed correctly.
Action Review the logs to determine why the processed body failed to be processed.

CWRDW0061E: failed invalidate of dependencyID={0}

Explanation An invalidation failed for the specified dependency.
Action Review the logs to determine why the invalidation failed.

CWRDW0062E: Unable to process cluster changed event type={0} for cluster name={1}

Explanation An event indicating a cluster change was not able to be processed.
Action Review the logs to determine why the cluster event could not be processed.

CWRDW0063E: Unable to restart esi validator listener={0}

Explanation The esi validator listener could not be started.
Action Review the logs to determine why the esi validator listener could not be started.

CWRDW0064E: Unable to create esi validator listener key={0}

Explanation The esi validator listener could not be created.
Action Review the logs to determine why the esi validator listener could not be created.

CWRDW0065E: Invalidator thread unable to process work.

Explanation The thread that processes topology change events was unable to process an event.
Action Review the logs to determine why the invalidator thread could not process work.

CWRDW0066E: exception closing virtual connection.

Explanation Connection to the invalidator servlet could not be closed
Action Review the logs to determine why an exception occurred during closing of the virtual connection.

CWRDW0067E: Unable to deserialize data.

Explanation XML data could not be deserialized.
Action Review the logs to determine why the data could not be deserialized.

CWRDW0068E: Unable to serialize object.

Explanation Object could not be serialized.
Action Review the logs to determine why the data could not be serialized.

CWRDW0069E: A version mismatch occurred when processing RRD message block with version {0}. Current RRD version is {1}

Explanation An RRD message block that cannot be understood by this version of RRD was encountered.
Action Ensure that compatible versions of RRD are being used.

CWRDW0070E: Failed to locate channel listening port of type {0} associated with incoming request port {1}.

Explanation RRD was unable to determine the corresponding HTTP or HTTPS channel listening port associated with the incoming request port.
Action Ensure that there is a corresponding port of this type in the serverindex.xml for this application.



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