Express (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Messages


WADM0001E: New message substitute value {0}.

Explanation Test message - these are the new message numbers for future messages
Action Spoecify action

WADM0041E: Web server port integer {0} is not valid. Out of bounds.

Explanation The Web server port must be an integer between 1 and 65536.
Action Modify the port to be an integer between 1 and 65536.

WADM0042E: Admin server port integer {0} is not valid. Out of bounds.

Explanation The port number for the IBM Administration must be an integer between 1 and 65536.
Action Modify the port to be an integer between 1 and 65536. The default value is 8008.

WADM0043E: The Web server name {0} is invalid. Only alphanumeric characters are allowed.

Explanation Alphanumeric characters only are allowed.
Action Modify the Web server name to allow alphanumeric characters only.

WADM0044E: ServiceName is required property for IBM HTTP Server on Windows.

Explanation The ServiceName property is used during the administration process for the IBM HTTP Server on Windows. This ServiceName property is created during the Web server installation process. For example IBMHTTPServerx.x.
Action Specify the ServiceName that was create for IBM HTTP Server when the Web server was installed.

WADM0045E: Web server {0} already exists. Only one Web server can be defined for WebSphere Express. Web server {1} is deleted.

Explanation One Web server definition is supported for WAS - Express.
Action Modify the existing Web server or delete the existing Web server and create a new Web server defintion.

WADM0046E: Platform mismatch. Hostname {0} on specified platform {1} matches existing node {2}, but node {2} platform type is {3}. Please specify a consistent platform.

Explanation A host name must specify the same platform type of the matched existing node.
Action Specify a matching platform type when the host name matches an existing node.

WADM0047E: Configuration file {0} is not valid for a node on {1} platform. Configuration file must be fully qualified.

Explanation The configuration file name is not fully qualified.
Action Specify a fully qualified configuration file name

WADM0048E: Web server install path {0} is not valid for a node on {1} platform. Web server path must be fully qualified.

Explanation The installation path name for the Web server is not fully qualified.
Action Specify a fully qualified installation path for the Web server.

WADM9251E: Parameters are specified on command step {0} but the command step target is set to "false".

Explanation Because the value of the command step target is "false", the step cannot be performed. However, step parameters have been specified, which indicate an intent to perform the step.
Action To perform the command step, specify the command step target to the value "true", or specify no command step target.



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