Express (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Messages


CWWSY0200E: Unable to locate extension point {0}

Explanation Unable to locate the required extension point to process a job.
Action Contact IBM Support.

CWWSY0201E: Unable to locate Java handler class for extension point {0}

Explanation Unable to locate the required Java handler class for the extension point.
Action Contact IBM Support.

CWWSY0202E: Unable to locate payload properties

Explanation Payload properties are passed from the job manager to the job agent in a JobContext object during the execution of a distribution job. Payload distribution job cannot proceed without these properties.
Action Contact IBM Support.

CWWSY0203E: Missing required job parameter {0}

Explanation Job execution can not proceed without the required job parameter.
Action Resubmit job with the required parameter.

CWWSY0204E: Payload distribution provider not specified.

Explanation A payload distribution provider is required to process a payload distribution job. The provider may be specified as part of the payload's properties, as part of the job agent's default payload distribution provider configuration, or as a parameter during job submission.
Action Ensure the payload distribution provider is available before submitting a payload distribution job.

CWWSY0205E: Payload distribution provider {0} not found.

Explanation The payload distribution provider is the name of the extension point used to transfer payload between the job manager and job agent, or between the job manager and a remote machine. The name of the provider may be specified as part of the payload's properties in the Payload Registry, as part of the job agent's default payload distribution provider configuration, or as a parameter during job submission.
Action Ensure the name of the payload distribution provider is spelled correctly.

CWWSY0206E: Exception while processing a job: {0}

Explanation An exception was encountered while processing a job.
Action Examine the exception message and take corrective action as appropriate.

CWWSY0207E: A managed node with UUID {0} already exists.

Explanation A managed node with the given UUID already exists.
Action Choose a different UUID for the managed node.

CWWSY0208E: Unable to locate a managed node with UUID {0}

Explanation Unable to locate a managed node with the specified UUID.
Action Specify the UUID of an existing managed node.

CWWSY0209E: Attempt to change UUID of managed node {0} is disallowed.

Explanation The UUID of a managed node may not be changed.
Action Do not change UUID of a managed node.

CWWSY0210E: Unable to locate an extension that implements job {0}.

Explanation The system is unable to run the job because there is no registered extension that implements the job.
Action Verify that the job name is entered correctly.

CWWSY0300E: Problem while processing {0} operation. Message: {1}

Explanation Internal problem during the execution of the job.
Action Check the error message to diagnose the problem.

CWWSY0301E: Server name parameter was not provided for job: {0}

Explanation Server name parameter is required.
Action Resubmit the job with a server name parameter.

CWWSY0302E: Application name parameter was not provided for job: {0}

Explanation Application name parameter is required.
Action Resubmit the job with an application name parameter

CWWSY0303E: Unable to locate Properties file at path: {0}

Explanation Unable to find the file specificed by the path.
Action Check to see if the Properties file is located at the path specified. If correct file is located at desired path, then double check the supplied path parameter.

CWWSY0304E: Cluster name, {0}, is not a valid parameter

Explanation Clusters are not supported in a base Application Server environment.
Action Resubmit the job without a cluster name parameter.

CWWSY0305E: Application {0} was not found for job: {1}

Explanation The application could not be located on the managed node. The application needs to be installed.
Action Install the application on the managed node before resubmitting the job.

CWWSY0306E: Unable to locate server {0} on node {2} for job {1}. Either the server does not exist, or you do not have permission to access the server.

Explanation The server could not be located on the managed node. The server may not exist, or you may not have permission to access the server.
Action Ensure we have permission to the server, or create the server before resubmitting the job.

CWWSY0307E: Properties file path parameter was not provided for job: {0}

Explanation Properties file path is a required parameter
Action Resubmit the job with a correct Properties file path parameter.

CWWSY0308E: Delete parameter is not valid for job {0}

Explanation Delete parameter has to be either true, false, or not provided.
Action Resubmit the job with a valid delete parameter.

CWWSY0309E: Incorrect parameter provided for job {0}. Incorrect parameter(s): {1}

Explanation The incorrect parameter is not needed for the job.
Action Validate the parameters and resubmit the job.

CWWSY0310I: Application {0} was installed

Explanation This informational message indicates that the application was installed.
Action No user action required.

CWWSY0311I: Application {0} was uninstalled

Explanation This informational message indicates that the application was uninstalled.
Action No user action required.

CWWSY0312I: Application {0} was updated

Explanation This informational message indicates that the application was updated.
Action No user action required.

CWWSY0313E: Application {0} was already installed

Explanation The application has already been installed.
Action Do not install an application that is already installed. Try updating the application, or uninstall the application first.

CWWSY0314I: Application {0} was started

Explanation This informational message indicates that the application was started.
Action No user action required.

CWWSY0315I: Application {0} was stopped

Explanation This informational message indicates that the application was stoppped.
Action No user action required.

CWWSY0316I: Application {0} cannot be found

Explanation This informational message indicates that the application cannot be found.
Action No user action required.

CWWSY0317I: Application {0} does not exist

Explanation This informational message indicates that the application does not exist.
Action No user action required.

CWWSY0318I: Application server {0} already exists on node {1}

Explanation This informational message indicates that the application server already exists on the specified node.
Action No user action required.

CWWSY0319I: Application server {0} does not exist on node {1}

Explanation This informational message indicates that the application server does not exist on the specified node.
Action No user action required.

CWWSY0320I: Successful execution of configureProperties with Properties file located at {0}

Explanation This informational message indicates that the server with configured with a properties file.
Action No user action required.

CWWSY0321I: Application server {0} was created on node {1}

Explanation This informational message indicates that the application server was created on the specifed node.
Action No user action required.

CWWSY0322I: Application server {0} was deleted on node {1}

Explanation This informational message indicates that the application server was deleted from the specified node.
Action No user action required.

CWWSY0323I: Proxy server {0} already exists

Explanation This informational message indicates that the proxy server already exists.
Action No user action required.

CWWSY0324I: Proxy server {0} does not exist

Explanation This informational message indicates that the proxy server does not exist.
Action No user action required.

CWWSY0325I: Proxy server {0} was created

Explanation This informational message indicates that the proxy server was created.
Action No user action required.

CWWSY0326I: Proxy server {0} was deleted

Explanation This informational message indicates that the proxy server was deleted.
Action No user action required.

CWWSY0327I: This job is only available in a secure proxy or dmgr profile

Explanation This informational message indicates that the selected job is not available in the current profile.
Action No user action required.

CWWSY0328I: Server {0} was started on node {1}

Explanation This informational message indicates that the server was started on the specified node.
Action No user action required.

CWWSY0329I: Server {0} is already running on node {1}

Explanation This informational message indicates that the server is already running on the specified node.
Action No user action required.

CWWSY0330I: Server {0} was stopped on node {1}

Explanation This informational message indicates that the server was stopped on the specified node.
Action No user action required.

CWWSY0331E: Server {0} was already stopped on node {1}

Explanation The server was already stopped on the specified node.
Action No user action required.

CWWSY0333E: Server {0} was not started in the allotted time on node {1}

Explanation Server was not started in the allotted time. The server start operation will continue, but may not succeed.
Action Check server status to determine whether it has been started.

CWWSY0334E: Unable to locate node agent MBean when processing job {0} for server {2} on node {1}

Explanation Node agent MBean required to process the job can not be located.
Action Ensure that the node agent is running.

CWWSY0335E: Unable to locate Server MBean when processing job {0} for server {2} on node {1}

Explanation Server MBean required to process the job can not be located.
Action Check that the server is running, and reachable from either dmgr or admin agent.

CWWSY0336E: Problem while processing job {0} on node {1}: {2}

Explanation Unable to process the job due to exceptions.
Action Check the exception message.

CWWSY0337E: genUniquePorts parameter is malformed for job {0}. Provided genUniquePorts parameter: {1}

Explanation Unable to process the job due to exceptions.
Action Check the exception message.

CWWSY0338E: Cluster {0} status is unknown.

Explanation The cluster returned an unknown state.
Action Check the status of the cluster again.

CWWSY0339E: Cluster {0} remains in stopped state.

Explanation The cluster has not started.
Action Check the status of the cluster again.

CWWSY0340E: Cluster {0} remains in started state.

Explanation The cluster has not stopped.
Action Check the status of the cluster again.

CWWSY0341W: Cluster {0} was partially started. The current cluster status at the end of the timeout is {1} of {2} cluster members are running: {3}

Explanation Not all the members in the cluster have started.
Action Check the status of the cluster again.

CWWSY0342W: Cluster {0} was partially stopped. The current cluster status at the end of the timeout is {1} of {2} cluster members are stopped: {3}

Explanation Not all the members in the cluster have stopped
Action Check the status of the cluster again.

CWWSY0343E: Application {0} was partially started. {1} of {2} targets are started: {3}.

Explanation Not all the targets have started the application.
Action Check the status of the application again.

CWWSY0344E: Application {0} was partially stopped. {1} of {2} targets are stopped: {3}.

Explanation Not all the targets have stopped the application.
Action Check the status of the application again.

CWWSY0400E: Managed node UUID is not valid: {0}

Explanation The ID is not known to this system.
Action Check if the ID has typos or other errors in it.

CWWSY0401E: Job manager UUID is not valid: {0}

Explanation This is not a valid job manager ID with which any of the managed nodes is registered.
Action Check if the ID has typos or other errors in it.

CWWSY0402E: Unable to connect to job manager due to exception: {0}

Explanation JMX connection could not be established with the job manager. Possible causes include job manager not started; connector data supplied is not correct; authentication failed.
Action Ensure the server is running and the connection data are correct.

CWWSY0403E: Registration failed due to exception from job manager: {0}

Explanation The cause may be revealed by the embedded job manager exception.
Action Analyze the job manager exception and enable job manager trace for further investigation.

CWWSY0404E: Unregistration failed due to exception from job manager: {0}

Explanation The cause may be revealed by the embedded job manager exception.
Action Analyze the job manager exception and enable job manager trace for further investigation.

CWWSY0405E: Managed node to register, {0}, is not a registered managed node.

Explanation The managed node to register is not in the list returned by command listRegisteredNodes, and this agent can only use registered managed nodes.
Action Register the managed node first.

CWWSY0406E: Registration failed due to empty result returned from job manager

Explanation Registration call to the job manager returned empty result.
Action Enable trace in the job manager and analyze the output.

CWWSY0407E: Unregistration failed due to empty result returned from job manager

Explanation Unregistration call to the job manager returned empty result.
Action Enable trace in the job manager and analyze the output.

CWWSY0409E: Could not validate managed node ID {0} due to failed call to command listRegisteredNodes

Explanation Call to command listRegisteredNodes failed.
Action Analyze admin agent trace to see why the call failed.

CWWSY0410E: Managed node UUID {0} is not known to this agent, thus cannot be registered through this agent

Explanation The managed node is not registered through this agent.
Action Ensure the managed node UUID supplied is correct.

CWWSY0411W: Failed to get System property user.install.root; will create the devicestores in the current directory instead.

Explanation System property user.install.root is not defined.
Action No user action required.

CWWSY0412E: Directory {0} is not created due to Throwable {1}; will not be able to persist registered managed node data.

Explanation A directory cannot be created, probably due to a system constraint.
Action Find the cause and correct it.

CWWSY0413W: Managed node persistent store {0} is probably corrupted; all existing registration data are lost.

Explanation The file for the persistent store is corrupted.
Action Find out why the file is corrupted and correct the condition, so in the future the managed nodes can be persisted.

CWWSY0414W: Failed to retrieve account data due to exception {0}; the returned Properties will be empty.

Explanation The ID used to retrieve the data is probably wrong.
Action Ensure correct ID is used.

CWWSY0415E: Unexpected error, {0}, happened during the forever job dispatching loop.

Explanation This is probably due a system failure.
Action Find the cause and correct it.

CWWSY0416E: An error, {0}, occurred during a session with the job manager.

Explanation It can be a connection issue or job manager malfunction.
Action Ensure the job manager is working normally, and the connection link is sound.

CWWSY0417E: An error occurred during a session with the job manager; the error message is: {0}.

Explanation It can be a connection issue or job manager malfunction.
Action Ensure the job manager is working normally, and the conection link is sound.

CWWSY0418W: The ID, {0}, supposedly represents an existing managed node, but it failed to restore at server restart due to exception {1}.

Explanation Could not restore a registered managed node due to unexpected error.
Action Find the cause of the error and correct it.

CWWSY0419E: As managed node {0} is unregistered from job manager {1}, an error arose from locating the SessionDispatcher or from shutting it down: {2}.

Explanation The unregistration will continue, but it might not be cleanly done.
Action Find the cause of the error and correct it.

CWWSY0420E: As managed node {0} is unregistered from job manager {1}, an error arose from cleaning up the job manager data: {2}.

Explanation The unregistration will continue, but it might not be cleanly done.
Action Find the cause of the error and correct it.

CWWSY0421E: No managed node found with UUID {0}; registration entry for job manager {1} cannot be added or removed.

Explanation A managed node with the given UUID does not exist in the system configuration, or its configuration file has been corrupted.
Action Check system configuration for the managed node.

CWWSY0422E: Adding or removing a configuration entry failed, due to exception {0}

Explanation Unexpected error occurred.
Action Report to IBM tech support.

CWWSY0423E: The name {0} does not represent an existing managed node

Explanation There is not a managed node with the given name in the configuration.
Action Check if wrong name was entered.

CWWSY0424E: Managed node {0} has no corresponding UUID

Explanation The managed node does not have the UUID property defined.
Action Examine the managed node configuration and ensure it has the UUID property defined.

CWWSY0425E: No specific job manager UUID can be determined from the input data

Explanation User-entered job manager URL host name, port number, or managed node name may not be valid.
Action Reenter the correct data

CWWSY0426E: An error occured when trying to create the managed node configuration for the dmgr.

Explanation An error occurred when trying to create the managed node configuration for the dmgr.
Action See the wrapped exception for the cause of the error.

CWWSY0427I: The job manager at the {0} host and {1} port cannot be contacted.

Explanation A connection cannot be established with the job manager. This connection problem most often occurs because the job manager is not running. Job manager polling will continue and any pending information will be exchanged after communication is re-established.
Action Ensure that the job manager server is running and the connection information is correct.

CWWSY0428E: The job manager at the {0} host and {1} port is at an older level than the node. The job manager version must be equal to or greater than the node version. No jobs are retrieved for this node from the job manager.

Explanation A node cannot communicate with a job manager that is at an earlier version. Polling with this job manager is stopped.
Action Upgrade the job manager to be the same level or higher than the node. After upgrading the job manager, use the startPollingJobManager command from the dmgr or admin agent to restart job polling.

CWWSY0601E: Problem while processing job {0}.

Explanation Internal error occurred during job processing.
Action Make sure that the dmgr's federated nodes are running.

CWWSY0602E: Parameter {0} is not valid for job {1}.

Explanation The job could not be completed due to the parameter.
Action Try the command again with valid parameters.

CWWSY0603E: Required Parameter {0} was missing while processing job {1}.

Explanation The job could not be completed due to the missing required parameter.
Action Try the command again with the required parameter.

CWWSY0604E: Job {0} is only available at a Deployment Manager.

Explanation The job can only be executed at a Deployment Manager in a WebSphere Network Deployment environment.
Action Try the job on a Deployment Manager target.

CWWSY0605E: Problem while executing job {0}. Cause: {1}.

Explanation Internal error occurred during job execution.
Action Verify that the job parameters have the correct content and type.

CWWSY0606E: Could not find cluster {0} while executing job {1}.

Explanation The job could not be completed because the cluster could not be found.
Action Verify that the cluster name is correct.

CWWSY0607I: Job {0} succeeded because {1} already existed.

Explanation The submitted job was successfully executed.
Action Read the message and explanation.

CWWSY0608I: Job {0} failed because {1} was not found.

Explanation The submitted job was not successfully executed.
Action Read the message and explanation.

CWWSY0609I: Job {0} succeeded.

Explanation The submitted job was successfully executed.
Action Read the message and explanation.

CWWSY0610I: Job {0} succeeded because {1} was already in the {2} state.

Explanation The submitted job was successfully executed.
Action Read the message and explanation.

CWWSY0611E: Job {0} could not be completed because the value for parameter {1} is not valid. Acceptable Values: {2}.

Explanation The submitted job had a parameter with a value that is not valid.
Action Provide a correct value for the job parameter.

CWWSY0612E: Job {0} script execution failed. Return code was {1}. Last messages: {2}

Explanation The job failed because there was an error in the script execution.
Action Inspect the SystemOut for errors.

CWWSY0613E: Job {0} failed because script file could not be found.

Explanation The script to run could not be located.
Action Provide the correct script file path.

CWWSY0614E: Job {0} failed because cluster {1} does not contain a member with name {2} on a node named {3}.

Explanation The cluster member can not be found.
Action Ensure we have permission to the cluster, or that the cluster member exists.

CWWSY0615I: Job {0} failed because cluster {1} was not found. Either the cluster does not exist, or you do not have permission.

Explanation Cluster can not be found. Either the cluster does not exist, or you do not have permission to access the cluster.
Action Ensure the cluster exists, and that we have permission to the cluster.

CWWSY0616I: Job {0} script execution succeeded.

Explanation The job succeeded.
Action Inspect the log file for output from script execution.

CWWSY0617I: Job {0} script execution succeeded. Last messages: {1}

Explanation The job succeeded.
Action Inspect the log file for output from script execution.

CWWSY0618I: Queuing job {0} for target {1}.

Explanation The job was received from the job manager and waiting in a queue to be dispatched to the target.
Action No user action required.

CWWSY0619I: Dispatching {0} job {1} to target {2}.

Explanation The job started running on the target.
Action No user action required.

CWWSY0620I: Completed {0} job {1} on target {2} with job status {3}.

Explanation The job completed running on the target.
Action No user action required.

CWWSY0700E: Access denied. The following administrative role in at least one authorization group is required: {0}.

Explanation The user must be assigned the given role either at the cell level, or in at least one authorization group.
Action Assign the user the required role for the cell, or in at least one authorization group.

CWWSY0701E: Permission denied accessing file {0}. The following administrative role is required: {1}.

Explanation The job failed due to insufficient permission to access a file.
Action Assign the user the required permission.

CWWSY0702E: Problem while processing {0} operation with following message: Unable to find {1}.

Explanation Cannot find the MBean for Application Manager on the server.
Action Restart the server and make sure the Application Manager MBean starts.

CWWSY0801I: Job {0} is marked as failed because the job manager stopped processing.

Explanation The job manager stopped after the job was dispatched,but before the job completed. Because the job manager can no longer track the current job status, the job is marked as failed.
Action Check the accurate status of the job on the remote host to which the job was dispatched.



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