Express (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Messages


CWSAL0001E: Cannot write the migrated EBA file {0}.

Explanation An IOException occurred when writing a migrated enterprise bundle archive (EBA) file.
Action Check that the product has the necessary permissions to write to the relevant directory, that the target file is not locked, and that storage space is available.

CWSAL0002E: Cannot read the migrated EBA file {0}.

Explanation An IOException occurred when reading an enterprise bundle archive (EBA) application manifest file. The file might be invalid or corrupt or unreadable.
Action Check that the application manifest file, APPLICATION.MF, follows the specification for manifest files.

CWSAL0003E: An internal error has occurred. Cannot read the application manifest or deployment manifest for the enterprise bundle archive (EBA) file {0}.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://

CWSAL0004E: An internal error has occurred. Cannot read the application manifest or deployment manifest for the enterprise bundle archive (EBA) file {0}.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://

CWSAL0005E: An internal error has occurred. Cannot read the application manifest or deployment manifest for the enterprise bundle archive (EBA) file {0}.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://

CWSAL0006E: Cannot read the bundle manifest for the JAR file {0} in the EBA file {1}.

Explanation An IOException occurred when locating the manifest of a JAR file in an enterprise bundle archive (EBA) file. The file might be corrupt or unreadable.
Action Check that the file has the appropriate permissions and that it is in the correct format.

CWSAL0007E: Cannot read the EBA file {0}.

Explanation An IOException occurred when reading an enterprise bundle archive (EBA) file. The file might be corrupt or unreadable.
Action Check that the file has the appropriate permissions and that it is in the correct format.

CWSAL0008W: The Java EE application descriptor file was not found in EBA file {0}. Without this descriptor file, context roots for WAR files are set to default values.

Explanation The system processed a WAR without an associated application descriptor file, application.xml, which defines context roots. Context roots for the migrated WAR file will be set to default values.
Action If an application descriptor file is required, check that it is provided and correctly packaged into the enterprise bundle archive (EBA) file.

CWSAL0009E: Cannot read the Java EE application descriptor file in EBA file {0}.

Explanation An IOException occurred when reading the Java EE application descriptor file in an enterprise bundle archive (EBA) file.
Action Check that the application descriptor file is not corrupted, that it is readable and that it has appropriate permissions set.

CWSAL0010E: Conversion of the WAR file {0} in EBA file {1} to a WAB file did not complete successfully.

Explanation Web application archive (WAR) files in an enterprise bundle archive (EBA) must be converted to web application bundles (WABs) before they can be deployed. The conversion process did not complete successfully.
Action Check that the WAR file is valid.

CWSAL0011E: The EBA file {0} does not specify Application-Content, and contains no valid bundles.

Explanation An enterprise bundle archive (EBA) file must contain at least one valid OSGi bundle or WAR file, or list at least one OSGi bundle in the Application-Content header of its application manifest file.
Action Modify the EBA file to contain at least one valid bundle or WAR (included by value) or list at least one bundle in the in the Application-Content header of its application manifest file, (included by reference).

CWSAL0012E: The EBA file {0} specifies Application-Content in its application manifest, but the entry is empty.

Explanation An enterprise bundle archive (EBA) file contains an empty Application-Content header in its application manifest, If provided, this entry must list at least one valid bundle.
Action Modify the Application-Content header in the file.

CWSAL0013E: An internal error has occurred. The enterprise bundle archive (EBA) file {0}, when resolved, has no content that can be deployed.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://

CWSAL0014E: EBA file {0} installed with errors.

Explanation The validation and installation of the enterprise bundle archive (EBA) file completed with errors.
Action See the accompanying error messages in the SystemOut.log file for further information.

CWSAL0015E: Cannot resolve EBA file. Exception: {0}.

Explanation The system cannot resolve the locations of the constituent application bundles, at appropriate versions, of the enterprise bundle archive (EBA) file.
Action See the exception for further information.

CWSAL0016E: An internal error has occurred. An incorrect result was returned during provisioning of the enterprise bundle archive (EBA) file {0}, the maximum version {1} was expected to be the same as the minimum version {2}.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://

CWSAL0017E: An internal error has occurred. The provisioner service {0} is unavailable.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://

CWSAL0018E: An internal error has occurred. Cannot resolve the enterprise bundle archive (EBA) file {0} because the service {1} is unavailable.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://

CWSAL0019E: An internal error occurred. The Application-Content entry of the application manifest in the enterprise bundle archive (EBA) file {0} is empty, so no bundle will be installed.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://

CWSAL0020E: An internal error has occurred. The step {0} cannot be found.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://

CWSAL0021E: The virtual host {0} specified for bundle {1} does not exist.

Explanation Attempted to map a web application bundle (WAB) to a virtual host that is not valid.
Action Check that the specified virtual host exists.

CWSAL0022E: Cannot add asset {0} because bundles that it requires are not downloaded.

To start the bundle download, save changes to the master configuration after importing the asset.

Explanation You attempted to add an asset that requires one or more bundles to be downloaded from a repository. Either the download has not started, or it is not yet complete.
Action If you did not saved changes after you imported the asset, save the changes now. Wait for the bundle download to complete, then try again to add the asset to the business-level application (BLA). We can view the bundle download status of the asset from the asset detail panel in the administrative console.

CWSAL0024E: Authentication alias {0} does not exist in the security domain {2} of the target {1}.

Explanation An authentication alias must exist in the global or target security domain when Blueprint resource references are bound.
Action Select an authentication alias that exists in the global or target security domain, or create a suitable authentication alias.

CWSAL0025E: Authentication alias {0} is configured incorrectly. It is not applicable to bind an alias with an authentication type of Application to references.

Explanation Authentication aliases with an authentication type of Application cannot be bound to Blueprint resource references.
Action Remove the authentication alias from the relevant resource reference.

CWSAL0026E: An internal error has occurred. The enterprise bundle archive (EBA) file {0} is missing the following bundles: {1}.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://

CWSAL0027E: An internal error has occurred. A file with the correct name exists in the bundle cache, but it does not contain the expected bundle {0}/{1}.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://

CWSAL0028E: Cannot create the directory {0}.

Explanation The specified directory cannot be created.
Action Check that storage space exists, and that the product has the necessary permissions to create the directory.

CWSAL0029E: Cannot create the directory {0}.

Explanation The specified directory cannot be created.
Action Check that storage space exists, and that the product has the necessary permissions to create the directory.

CWSAL0030E: Cannot create the directory {0}.

Explanation The specified directory cannot be created.
Action Check that storage space exists, and that the product has the necessary permissions to create the directory.

CWSAL0031E: The selected bundle versions cannot be resolved or are not compatible.

Explanation The system cannot resolve the selected bundle versions. The bundles might have missing dependencies, be incompatible, or not exist.
Action Modify the selected set of input bundles and try again. We can use the administrative console to view or preview the status of the asset.

CWSAL0032E: An internal error occurred. Could not extract the deployment manifest from the asset binary {0}.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://

CWSAL0033E: An internal error has occurred. Plugin Config File URI is not the expected format {0}.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://

CWSAL0034E: An internal error has occurred. Unable to get the InputStream for web.xml zip Entry in War {0}.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://

CWSAL0035E: Cannot find the resource reference with JNDI name {0} and type {1} on the target {2} for the web module resource reference {3} defined in bundle {4} with version {5}.

Explanation An enterprise bundle archive (EBA) that includes resource references in a WAR specifies a JNDI name for a resource reference that does not exist in the JNDI namespace.
Action If the resource reference should be in the JNDI namespace, either bind an object to the name, or correct the resource reference and update the EBA.

CWSAL0036E: The asset {0} cannot be deployed to both target {1} in security domain {2} and target{3} in security domain {4}.

Explanation To deploy an asset onto more than one target, all targets must be in the same security domain.
Action Change the deployment targets to choose a set that are in a single security domain.

CWSAL0037W: The asset {0} requires external downloads before it can be deployed to a composition unit.

Explanation The new or updated asset requires one or more bundles to be downloaded from a repository before it can be added to a composition unit or updated in a composition unit.
Action To start the bundle download process, save changes to the master configuration. We can view the bundle download status of the asset from the asset detail panel in the administrative console. After the bundle downloads are complete, try again to add or update the asset in a composition unit.

CWSAL0038W: The asset {0} contains a JAR file {1} that is not a bundle and that will not be converted. If other parts of the application depend on this file, the application will fail at run time.

Explanation Conversion of utility JAR files and EJB JAR files is not supported.
Action Check that no bundle or web application bundle (WAB) depends on classes from the JAR file.

To avoid the warning message, remove the JAR file from the enterprise bundle archive (EBA).

CWSAL0039E: Cannot add the asset {0} to this business-level application because it is already added to the business level application: {1}

Explanation An enterprise bundle archive (EBA) asset can be in only a single business-level application (BLA).
Action Create a new application with the same content but with a different application symbolic name. Import the new application as an EBA asset, then add it to this BLA.

CWSAL0040E: The specified role {0} does not exist.

Explanation Attempted to map users or groups to a security role that does not exist.
Action Check that the specified security role exists, or create the role in the application.

CWSAL0041E: The specified user {0} is not valid.

Explanation Attempted to map a security role to a user that is not valid.
Action Check that the specified user exists.

CWSAL0042E: The specified group {0} is not valid.

Explanation Attempted to map a security role to a group that is not valid.
Action Check that the specified group exists.

CWSAL0043E: The asset {0} cannot be resolved. It requires the bundle {1}, which is not listed in the Application-Content header in the application manifest, APPLICATION.MF. This bundle imports the package {2} from bundle {3}, which is listed in the Application-Content header.

Explanation The application is not correctly configured. A shared bundle cannot import a package from an isolated bundle. Bundles that are listed in the Application-Content header are isolated and can provide packages only to other bundles listed in that header.
Action Change the packaging or configuration of the application so that bundles that are listed in the Use-Bundle header, or added by the resolver, do not require packages from bundles that are listed in the Application-Content header.

CWSAL0044E: The asset {0} cannot be resolved. It requires the bundle {1}, which is not listed in the Application-Content header in the application manifest, APPLICATION.MF. This bundle consumes the service {2} from bundle {3}, which is listed in the Application-Content header.

Explanation The application is not correctly configured. A shared bundle cannot consume a service from an isolated bundle. Bundles that are listed in the Application-Content header are isolated and can export services only to other applications through the Application-ExportService mechanism.
Action Change the packaging or configuration of the application so that bundles that are listed in the Use-Bundle header, or added by the resolver, do not require services that are provided by bundles that are listed in the Application-Content header.

CWSAL0045E: The asset {0} cannot be resolved. It has incompatible version requirements on the following packages: {1}.

Explanation For bundles that are listed in the Application-Content header in APPLICATION.MF, all imports for a given package must have compatible version requirements.
Action Change the packaging or configuration of the application so that all bundles that are listed in the Application-Content header have compatible package version requirements.

CWSAL0046E: The EBA file {0} application manifest lists bundles in the Application-Content header that are also listed in the Use-Bundle header.

Explanation Bundle names that are listed in the Application-Content header of APPLICATION.MF cannot also be listed in the Use-Bundle header, regardless of bundle versions.
Action Change the packaging of the Enterprise Bundle Archive (EBA) so that bundle names are not duplicated in the Application-Content and Use-Bundle headers.

CWSAL0047E: Cannot parse the file {0} for the enterprise bundle archive (EBA) file {1}.

Explanation The specified file could not be parsed.
Action Check that the file is formatted correctly and not corrupted.

CWSAL0048E: The asset {0} cannot be resolved. The attribute {1} on an import for package {2} cannot be satisfied at deployment.

Explanation For bundles listed in the Application-Content header in APPLICATION.MF, all package imports must have attributes that can be satisfied at deployment.
Action Change the packaging or configuration of the application so that all bundles that are listed in the Application-Content header have package imports that can be satisfied at deployment.

CWSAL0049E: None of the servers or clusters has the required feature {0} deployed for the asset {1}.

Explanation The required feature could not be found on any of the servers.
Action Install the required feature on at least one of the servers.

CWSAL0050W: The EBA file {0} contains a MANIFEST.MF with the Extension-List header. Conversion of this header is not supported.

Explanation You attempted to convert an EAR file to an enterprise bundle archive (EBA) file when the EAR contains a MANIFEST.MF with an Extension-List header, but conversion of this header is not supported. An EAR file uses the Extension-List header to identify external JARs that the application requires at run time.
Action Ensure that the external JARs that are listed in the Extension-List header are available as bundles in the bundle repository.

CWSAL0051E: An attempt has been made to update an OSGi application asset. This is not supported. Update of OSGi application assets can be performed using the "Update bundle versions in this application" panel from the OSGi application asset configuration page.

Explanation The update of an OSGi application asset with a new binary is not supported.
Action If do more than update the bundle versions within the existing asset, uninstall the asset before importing its replacement. Alternatively, you can add new bundles to an existing application by packaging them in a composite bundle archive (CBA) and adding the CBA as an extension to the composition unit.

CWSAL0052E: The cluster member {0} is not augmented with the features, {2}, required by the OSGi application {1}.

Explanation In order for an OSGi application to be installed on a cluster, every member of the cluster needs to have all the required features of the application. When adding a new cluster member, that member also needs to have all the features required by all the OSGi applications that are installed on the cluster.
Action Check that the proposed member of the cluster has all the required features for the OSGi application listed in the error message.

CWSAL0053E: The EBA file {0} cannot be installed. The Application-SymbolicName {1} of the EBA is already being used by the asset {2}.

Explanation You are attempting to install an EBA file but there is an existing asset that has the same symbolic name.
Action Either change the symbolic name of the EBA you are installing or uninstall the existing asset.

CWSAL0054I: {1} has been assigned to the directory {0}.

Explanation An enterprise bundle archive (EBA) asset is being added to a composition unit.

To set up the web application contained in the EBA, a directory has been assigned to the web application.

Action None

CWSAL0055E: An internal error occurred. Unable to obtain composition unit for asset {0}.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://

CWSAL0056E: An internal error occurred. Unable to locate the configuration data needed to expand {0}.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://

CWSAL0057E: Unable to expand enterprise bundle archive (EBA) file {0}, cannot create directory {1}.

Explanation While attempting to expand the specified EBA file, a required directory could not be created.
Action Check that the application server has permission to create the specified directory.

CWSAL0058E: An internal error occurred. Unable to expand enterprise bundle archive (EBA), no expansion directory specified in the configuration for {0}.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://

CWSAL0059E: An internal error occurred. Unable to delete leaf directory of {0} so that a directory rename can proceed.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://

CWSAL0060E: Unable to rename the file {0} to {1} as part of the expansion of enterprise bundle archive (EBA) file {2}.

Explanation To complete the expansion of the specified EBA file, a file needs to be renamed. This rename did not succeed.
Action Check that the application server has permission to rename the file.

CWSAL0061E: enterprise bundle archive (EBA) file {1} contains directory {0}, which is not supported.

Explanation The specified EBA file contains a directory called byValue, or byReference. Neither of these directory names are supported in the root directory of an EBA file.
Action Either remove or rename the relevant directory.

CWSAL0062E: An internal error occurred. Failed to find an MBean for the BundleCacheManager for profile {0}.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://

CWSAL0063E: Resolution of asset {0} indicates invalid dependencies of shared content on application content: {1}

Explanation Application bundles cannot provide packages or services to shared bundles. Furthermore, bundles are not allowed to be deployed both as shared and application bundles. Any deployment that requires shared bundles that depend on application bundles is not valid.
Action Check that all the invalid shared bundles are needed by the application. If so, ensure that they do not depend on application content.

CWSAL0064E: Unable to process the deployment manifest file that was provided by the application from this location {0}.

Explanation An attempt was made to import an EBA that contains a deployment manifest file. The processing of this file did not succeed.
Action Check that the application server has permission to access the file and check the file is not corrupted. Do not manually edit the deployment manifest. If necessary, remove the deployment manifest from the EBA. This causes a fresh deployment manifest file to be generated when the EBA is imported.

CWSAL0065E: The requirements specified by the deployment manifest within the EBA cannot be satisfied. The exception generated is {0}.

Explanation An attempt was made to import an EBA that contains a deployment manifest file. The requirements specified by this file could not be satisfied.
Action Check the contents of the deployment manifest file and verify that the system that this EBA is being deployed on is compatible. Check that any required internal or external bundle repositories are configured. Do not manually edit the deployment manifest. If necessary, remove the deployment manifest from the EBA. This causes a fresh deployment manifest file to be generated when the EBA is imported.

CWSAL0066E: The deployment manifest content is not correct. The following extra bundles are required {0}.

Explanation The deployment manifest to import does not include all the bundles needed to resolve the enterprise bundle archive (EBA) asset.
Action Check that the new deployment manifest, DEPLOYMENT.MF, includes all the bundles that are listed in the exception message. Do not manually edit the deployment manifest. If necessary, remove the deployment manifest from the EBA. This causes a fresh deployment manifest file to be generated when the EBA is imported.

CWSAL0067E: The deployment manifest to import is not valid for the asset {0} because it does not meet the requirements in the application manifest.

Explanation The deployment manifest, DEPLOYMENT.MF, is not compatible with the application manifest, APPLICATION.MF, of the asset.
Action Check the new deployment manifest for the following: 1. The Application-SymbolicName and Application-Version in the DEPLOYMENT.MF file must match the corresponding entries in the APPLICATION.MF file. 2. The bundles listed in the Deployed-Content header in the DEPLOYMENT.MF file must match the bundles listed in the Application-Content header in the APPLICATION.MF file. 3. The bundle version in the Deployed-Content header in the DEPLOYMENT.MF file must be within the version range for the corresponding bundle in the APPLICATION.MF file. 4. The bundles listed in the Deployed-Use-Bundle header in the DEPLOYMENT.MF file must also be listed in the Use-Bundle header in the APPLICATION.MF file. 5. The bundle version in the Deployed-Use-Bundle header in the DEPLOYMENT.MF file must be within the version range for the corresponding bundle in the Use-Bundle header in the APPLICATION.MF file. Do not manually edit the deployment manifest. If necessary, remove the deployment manifest from the EBA. This will cause a fresh deployment manifest file to be generated when the EBA is imported.

CWSAL0068E: The deployment manifest content is not correct. The following bundles are redundant: {0}.

Explanation The deployment manifest to import includes bundles that are not needed to resolve the enterprise bundle archive (EBA) asset.
Action Check that the new deployment manifest, DEPLOYMENT.MF, does not include the bundles that are listed in the exception message. Do not manually edit the deployment manifest. If necessary, remove the deployment manifest from the EBA. This will cause a fresh deployment manifest file to be generated when the EBA is imported.

CWSAL0069E: Cannot export asset {0} because bundle {1} that it requires is not fully downloaded.

Explanation You attempted to export an asset that requires one or more bundles to be downloaded from a repository. Either the download has not started, or it is not yet complete.
Action If you did not save changes after you imported the asset, save the changes now. Wait for the bundle download to complete, then try again to export the asset.

CWSAL0070E: Unable to create directory: {0}

Explanation There was a problem creating the required pathname during the export of the asset.
Action Check that the application server has permission to create this pathname.

CWSAL0071E: Unable to create file: {0}

Explanation There was a problem creating the required pathname during the export of the asset.
Action Check that the application server has permission to create this pathname.

CWSAL0072W: Using localhost as the host name for the transport for the server {0}.{1}. Request routing will work as long as the web server and application server are on the same node.

Explanation The host name of the application server specified on the transport has been resolved as localhost.
Action If the web server and application server are on different nodes, investigate why the host name of the application server has been resolved as localhost.

CWSAL0073E: The application {0} includes a composite bundle {1} in its application content. This is not supported.

Explanation We cannot use the Application-Content header to include composite bundle archives directly in an EBA.
Action Remove the composite bundle from the application content. We can either include the individual bundles in the Application-Content or install the composite bundle into a bundle repository for sharing.

CWSAL0074E: An internal error occurred. The ModelledResourceManager service is not available from the OSGi service registry.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://

CWSAL0075E: An internal error occurred. The DeploymentManifestManager service is not available from the OSGi service registry.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://

CWSAL0076E: An internal error occurred. The RepositoryAdminSupport service is not available from the OSGi service registry.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://

CWSAL0077E: The CompUnitStatusStep indicates that the composition unit {0} should be upgraded to the latest deployment version available from asset {1}. However, the composition unit {0} is up-to-date.

Explanation Before you can upgrade the asset deployed within a composition unit, an updated version of the asset must be available and all bundles required by the updated asset must have finished downloading.
Action Check that a later version of the asset is available, and that all bundle downloads for the asset have completed.

CWSAL0078E: The OSGi application deployed in composition unit {0} in business-level application {1} did not start.

Explanation An exception occurred during the start operation.
Action Inspect the server logs prior to this exception for more specific problem diagnostics.

CWSAL0079E: The OSGi application deployed in composition unit {0} in business-level application {1} did not stop.

Explanation An exception occurred during the stop operation.
Action Inspect the server logs prior to this exception for more specific problem diagnostics.

CWSAL0080E: The update operation did not succeed for the OSGi application deployed in composition unit {0} in business-level application {1}.

Explanation An exception occurred during the update operation.
Action Inspect the server logs prior to this exception for more specific problem diagnostics.

CWSAL0081E: Cannot resolve EBA file. The included deployment manifest is not valid on this system. Exception: {0}.

Explanation The deployment manifest lists specific versions of required bundles. The system cannot resolve these bundle versions. When a deployment manifest is included in an EBA file, the resolver uses only the bundle versions specified in the manifest. Other valid bundle versions might be available on the system, but they are not used because they are not specified in the deployment manifest.
Action If the application needs to use a deployment manifest, for example to ensure that exactly the same bundle configuration is running in several different environments, use the information given in the exception to identify which bundle versions are required, then make them available to the system. If the application does not need this extra level of control, remove the deployment manifest. Do not manually edit the deployment manifest.

CWSAL0082E: The deployment manifest for the application {0} at version {1} lists content with the same symbolic name and version as the application.

Explanation Applications, bundles and composite bundles all share the same namespace, so they must have unique identifiers within the namespace. When validating the application deployment, the runtime environment found a reference to a bundle with the same symbolic name and version as the application.
Action Correct the symbolic name of the bundle, composite bundle or application so that there is no longer a clash in the namespace.

CWSAL0083E: An internal error has occurred. Cannot find the config asset object for asset {0}.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://

CWSAL0084E: The user {0}, is not a mapped user or a member of a mapped group for role {1}.

Explanation Any specified user must either be a mapped user on the security role or be a member of a mapped group on the security role. The specified user did not meet either of these requirements.
Action Either configure the security role to user/group mappings to permit the specified user to act in the specified role, or specify a different user that already has the required permissions.

CWSAL0085E: The role {0}, is not a valid role.

Explanation The specified role has not been configured.
Action Configure the specified role.

CWSAL0086E: The user ID or password is incorrect.

Explanation An incorrect user ID or password has been supplied.
Action Retry the action using the correct user ID and password.

CWSAL0087E: An internal error has occurred. The SecurityAdmin MBean has not been registered.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://

CWSAL0088E: An internal error has occurred. The Admin Service has not been registered.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://

CWSAL0089W: An extension to the composition unit {0} requires external downloads.

Explanation You created or updated a composite bundle archive (CBA) to use as an extension to a composition unit. This extension requires one or more bundles to download from a repository before you can add the extension to the composition unit.
Action To start the download process, save changes to the master configuration. We can view the bundle download status from the composition unit detail panel in the administrative console. Wait for the bundle download to complete, then add the extension to the composition unit.

CWSAL0090E: No composition unit with name {0} can be found in the current cell.

Explanation The given name does not match any existing composition unit name.
Action Check the composition unit name.

CWSAL0091E: The composition unit {0} does not correspond to an OSGi application.

Explanation The invoked operation operates on a composition unit for an OSGi application. The selected composition unit does not contain an OSGi application.
Action Check that the selected composition unit is backed by an asset with type aspect "EBA,version=1.0".

CWSAL0092E: An internal error occurred. The asset {0} could not be queried for content.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://

CWSAL0093E: An internal error occurred. The {0} service is not available from the OSGi service registry.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://

CWSAL0094W: The application {0} could not be provisioned for all nodes in the cell. The application can only be deployed on v8 nodes. The resolution error was {1}.

Explanation The application being imported was successfully provisioned against WAS v8, but could not be provisioned against the OSGi Applications Feature Pack in WAS v7.
Action No action is required. However, you can use the information in the resolution error to modify the application so that it can be deployed against the WAS v7 OSGi Applications Feature Pack.

CWSAL0095W: The application {0} could not be provisioned for all nodes in the cell. The application can only be deployed on v7 nodes that are running the OSGi Applications Feature Pack. The resolution error was {1}.

Explanation The application being imported was successfully provisioned against the WAS v7 OSGi Applications Feature Pack, but could not be provisioned against WAS v8.
Action No action is required. However, this warning indicates that the application might contain an overly strict version requirement. We can use the information in the resolution error to help you modify the application so that it can be deployed against v8 nodes.

CWSAL0096W: Provisioning the application {0} produced different results for WAS v8 and the WAS v7 OSGi Applications Feature Pack. The v8 result will be used.

Explanation The application being imported was successfully provisioned against WAS v8 and the WAS v7 OSGi Applications Feature Pack. However, different results were obtained for the two provisioning operations. We cannot run the same application with different deployments.
Action No action is required.

CWSAL0097W: The application {0} contains one or more composite bundle archives (CBAs) {1} in its Application-Content. This is not supported on the WAS v7 OSGi Applications Feature Pack.

Explanation CBAs are supported in Application-Content for WAS v8 and later versions.
Action No action is required. If the application must run on the WAS v7 OSGi Applications Feature Pack, rewrite the application so that there are no CBAs in Application-Content.

CWSAL0098E: A cluster member cannot be created on the node {0} because the OSGi application(s) {1} cannot be provisioned against it. The resolution error was {2}.

Explanation All cluster members must be able to run the same applications, but the new cluster member cannot run the named OSGi applications.
Action Select another, compatible, node to host the cluster member, or modify the applications so that they can be run using the selected node.

CWSAL0099E: A cluster member cannot be created on the node {0} because the OSGi application(s) {1} have been extended.

Explanation All cluster members must be able to run the same applications, but the new cluster member cannot support OSGi application extensions.
Action Select a v8 node to host the cluster member, or remove the extension(s) from the application(s) so that they can be run using the selected node.

CWSAL0100E: A cluster member cannot be created on the node {0} because the OSGi application(s) {1} contain composite bundle archives (CBAs) in Application-Content.

Explanation All cluster members must be able to run the same applications, but the new cluster member cannot support OSGi applications with CBAs in Application-Content.
Action Select a v8 node to host the cluster member, or modify the application(s) so that they no longer contain CBAs in Application-Content.

CWSAL0101E: A cluster member cannot be created on the node {0} because the OSGi application(s) {1} define Run As Roles.

Explanation All cluster members must be able to run the same applications, but the new cluster member cannot support OSGi applications with Run As Roles defined.
Action Select a v8 node to host the cluster member, or modify the application(s) configuration so that they no longer define Run As Roles.

CWSAL0102W: Run As Roles cannot be configured for nodes prior to WAS v8. Any configuration will be ignored.

Explanation Run As Roles can only be configured for WAS v8 and later versions. They cannot be configured for a composition unit that is deployed to WAS v7 OSGi Applications Feature Pack targets.
Action No action is required. If Run As Roles need to be configured then remove any target mappings for WAS v7 OSGi Applications Feature Pack nodes.

CWSAL0103E: The Composite Bundle Archive (CBA) {0} is not valid. Packages imported by bundles in the CBA are missing. The following problems were reported: {1}

Explanation If a bundle in a Composite Bundle Archive (CBA) uses a package that is not contained in the bundle, or exported by another bundle within the CBA, then the CBA must import the package.
Action Correct the composite manifest, COMPOSITEBUNDLE.MF, so that the CBA imports any packages that are used by bundles in the CBA and not otherwise available within the CBA.

CWSAL0104W: The Composite Bundle Archive (CBA) {0} exports services that are not provided by bundles contained in the CBA. These services will not be available for use by bundles outside the CBA. The following problems were reported: {1}

Explanation A CBA cannot export services for which there is no Blueprint declaration or Bundle-ExportService: header on one of bundles in the CBA.
Action Either add the missing Blueprint service declarations to the CBA contents, or remove the details of the unsatisfied exports from the composite manifest, COMPOSITEBUNDLE.MF.

CWSAL0105W: Service references in the contents of the Composite Bundle Archive (CBA) {0} cannot be resolved. If these services are provided by bundles that are not included in the CBA, then the CBA must import them. The following service dependencies were unresolved: {1}

Explanation If a bundle in a Composite Bundle Archive (CBA) uses a service that is not contained in the bundle, or exported by another bundle within the CBA, then the CBA must import the service.
Action Correct the composite manifest, COMPOSITEBUNDLE.MF, so that the CBA imports any services that are used by bundles in the CBA and not otherwise available within the CBA.

CWSAL0106E: The Composite Bundle Archive (CBA), {0} is not valid. The following exported packages listed in the composite manifest are not exported by bundles in the CBA: {1}

Explanation A CBA can only export packages that are exported by the bundles in the CBA.
Action Either add the missing export packages to the bundles in the CBA, or remove the details of the unsatisfied exports from the composite manifest, COMPOSITEBUNDLE.MF.



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