Express (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Messages


ASYN0001E: Waiter not found in list.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:

ASYN0002I: Signature Exception

Explanation This is a problem generating a digital signature.
Action More info at:

ASYN0003I: Invalid Key

Explanation This key which is used to make a digital signature is not valid.
Action CSMG0002

ASYN0004I: No such JCE provider exists.

Explanation The JCE provider (Sun) needed is not installed.
Action More info at:

ASYN0005I: No such JCE Algorithm (SHA1withDSA) exists.

Explanation The needed JCE algorithm SHA1withDSA is not available.
Action More info at:

ASYN0006I: Context invalid exception, {1} was thrown while popping the service named {0}.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:

ASYN0007E: Cannot recover original context because unable to pop {0}.

Explanation There was a problem establishing a new context on the thread. We attempted to restore the original context and this has failed.
Action This is an unrecoverable error. Examine the logs and verify the installation. If the problem persists, contact IBM product support.

ASYN0010E: Cannot retreive alarm pool.

Explanation This primary alarm manager could not be created. This should not happen during normal operation.
Action This should only happen if the installation was corrupted or the installation has been damaged. Reinstall the application server.

ASYN0012E: Alarm/Timer threw exception {0}.

Explanation If this is a WorkException then an AlarmListener/TimerListener threw an exception. AlarmListeners or TimerListeners should not throw exceptions. Any other kind of exception indicates a possible bug.
Action If it is a WorkException then a NOTIFICATION_EXCEPTION is fired on the associated AlarmManager or TimerManager. Correct the AlarmListener or TimerListener throwing the exception and restart the application.

ASYN0013E: Reset method threw exception {0}.

Explanation The alarm could not be reset.
Action Report the problem with a test case, if possible, to IBM product support for examination.

ASYN0014E: Cancel method threw exception {0}.

Explanation The alarm could not be canceled.
Action Report the problem with a test case, if possible, to IBM product support for examination.

ASYN0017E: Create threw exception {0}.

Explanation An unexpected exception occurred when creating an alarm.
Action Review the exception to determine and correct the problem.

ASYN0019E: Attempt to push invalid service context named {0}, exception is {1}.

Explanation An attempt to push a captured service context has failed.
Action Examine the service name and exception. This should only happen with WorkWithExecutionContexts which were serialized.

ASYN0020E: Cannot create WorkManager object pools.

Explanation Various object pools needed by the WorkManager could not be created.
Action Verify that the installation is not damaged.

ASYN0030E: Cannot find meta data for j2eename {0}.

Explanation A WorkWithExecutionContext was created using the named Java Platform, Enterprise Edition component. An attempt was made to serialize and then inflate this in an EAR which the component does not exist.
Action Inflate the object in a server that has the EAR containing the component.

ASYN0031E: The locateComponentMetaData method failed {0}.

Explanation An unexpected exception occurred locating the meta data for a Java Platform, Enterprise Edition component when inflating a WorkWithExecutionContext.
Action This is an unrecoverable error. Verify the installation is not damaged and try again.

ASYN0042E: Cannot find the security service.

Explanation Indicates the security service could not be located.
Action Indicates the server installation has been damaged. Reinstall.

ASYN0043E: IOException during JNDI operation.

Explanation An unexpected exception occurred binding an WorkManager/ObjectPoolManager in to JNDI.
Action Indicates a damaged installation. Reinstall and try again.

ASYN0050E: Message key {0} was not found in any searched resource bundles.

Explanation A key was passed into the Messages class to resolve to a string, but a properties file for the locale could not be found, and the appropriate message could not be retrieved.
Action Determine why the message catalog could not be found.

ASYN0051I: Listener {0} was not found for broadcaster {1}.

Explanation The listener has already been removed or was never added.
Action Verify that the specified listener has been added and has not already been removed.

ASYN0053I: Work Manager service cannot be disabled.

Explanation The Work Manager service has been disabled in the configuration but will continue to run because of service dependencies.
Action Enable the Work Manager service in the configuration to avoid receiving this message in the future.

ASYN0054W: Work Manager service is disabled due to previous errors.

Explanation The Work Manager service experienced an error during initialization. The service will be inaccessible on the given server. The root error should have been logged previously.
Action Try to resolve the previously logged errors. If unable to do so, contact IBM product support.

ASYN0055I: The Work Manager service started successfully.

Explanation The Work Manager service was started and is available to receive requests.
Action No user action required.

ASYN0057E: Work Manager service could not resolve the {0} service.

Explanation The Work Manager service could not resolve the specified service, which is required for the Work Manager service. Look through the log to determine the specified service started successfully.
Action If you wish to use the Work Manager service, correct the problem with the specified service. If you are unable to correct the problem, contact IBM product support.

ASYN0058I: There was an error initializing Asynchronous Beans PMI .

Explanation The Asynchronous Beans PMI module could not be registered with the PMI service
Action Verify that the product is installed correctly, and check the logs for further details. This error affects only performance data gathering.

ASYN0059I: Work Manager service initialized successfully.

Explanation The Work Manager service was successfully initialized.
Action No user action required.

ASYN0060E: The value {0} is not valid for {1}. The valid values are: {2}.

Explanation The value is not valid.
Action Provide a value in the valid range.

ASYN0061E: The value {0} is not valid for {1}.

Explanation The value is not valid.
Action Provide a value in the valid range.

ASYN0062E: {0} cannot be an Enterprise Bean. It must be either a remote or local interface to an EJB.

Explanation An AsynchBean, Work, WorkListener, or TimerListener cannot implement javax.ejb.EnterpriseBean. It must be either a remote or local interface to an EJB.
Action Do not make the AsynchBean, Work, WorkListener, or TimerListener implement javax.ejb.EnterpriseBean. Make it a remote or local interface to an EJB.

ASYN0063E: The {0} is in {1} state.

Explanation An TimerManager or AlarmManager is not in a working state.
Action If the TimerManager or AlarmManager is in Stop or Stopping state, get a new AlarmManager or TimerManager. If the TimerManager is in Suspended or Suspending state, resume the TimerManager before scheduling a Timer.

ASYN0064E: The value {0} of the {1} resource reference element {2} is not right. Only the following values are allowed: {3}.

Explanation The resource reference is not configured properly. Refer to the message for the permitted values.
Action Use the permitted values described in the message.

ASYN0065W: The custom property {0} has been deprecated. Please use a cooresponding configuration attribute.

Explanation A configuration attribute is available for this setting and is preferred over the custom property.
Action Migrate all configuration utilities to use the configuration attribute and avoid using this custom property.

ASYN0066E: The method {0} threw an Throwable: {1}.

Explanation A method threw an Throwable and is caught by AsynchBeans component.
Action Make sure the method does not throw an Throwable.

ASYN0067I: Resource {0} is being looked up without using resource reference.

Explanation The resource is being looked up without using resource reference. This is not a recommended way to lookup a resource.
Action Configure a resource reference for this resource, and use "java:comp/env/RESOURCE_JNDI_NAME" to lookup the resource.

ASYN0068E: The object {0} in the work item collection is not a {1} object.

Explanation All the objects in the work item collection should implement the appropriate WorkItem interface.
Action Make sure all the objects in the work item collection implement the appropriate WorkItem interface.

ASYN0069E: TimerManager {0} is being looked up without using resource reference.

Explanation A TimerManager is being looked up without using resource reference. This is not a permitted way to look up a TimerManager.
Action Configure a resource reference for the TimerManager, and use "java:comp/env/TIMER_MANAGER_JNDI_NAME" to lookup the TimerManager.

ASYN0070E: The minimum number of work threads, {0}, cannot be configured higher than the maximum number of work threads, {1}.

Explanation The minimum number of work threads must be configured to a value less than or equal to the maximum number of work threads.
Action Reconfigure the minimum number of work threads, the maximum number of work threads, or both, such that the minimum number of work threads is less than or equal to the maximum number of work threads.

ASYN0080W: Registration of the {0} service might not be honored because the service was registered after asynchronous beans was used.

Explanation When asynchronous beans is used, it processes the list of registered services. If a service is registered after this point, the registration might not be honored.
Action The service needs to be registered before asynchronous beans is used. Contact IBM product support.

ASYN0090I: Work manager {0} is running work item {1} later than expected. The work item was submitted at {2} and is starting to run at {3}.

Explanation The interval between submitting and starting the work item exceeded the lateWorkTime threshold.
Action Consider allocating more work threads to the work manager, reducing the load on the system, or increasing the lateWorkTime threshold.

ASYN0091I: Work manager {0} is running alarm {1} later than expected. The scheduled time at which the alarm was expected to run is {2}, but instead the alarm is running at {3}.

Explanation The interval between the expected and actual start time exceeded the lateAlarmTime threshold.
Action Consider allocating more alarm threads to the work manager, reducing the load on the system, or increasing the lateAlarmTime threshold.

ASYN0092I: Timer manager {0} is running timer {1} later than expected. The scheduled time at which the timer was expected to run is {2}, but instead the timer is running at {3}.

Explanation The interval between the expected and actual start time exceeded the lateTimerTime threshold.
Action Consider allocating more timer threads to the timer manager, reducing the load on the system, or increasing the lateTimerTime threshold.

ASYN9999E: Unexpected Exception Occurred: {0}.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:



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