Feature Pack for Web 2.0 and Mobile, v1.1.0 (All operating systems) > Reference > Messages


CWSIK0001E: An internal error occurred.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:

CWSIK0002E: The destination {0} on messaging engine {1} is a queue, but the connecting application requested a topic space.

Explanation An application has connected to the messaging engine and requested a destination type which does not match the underlying destination type.
Action Correct the connecting application, or alter the destination to the required type using the administrative console.

CWSIK0003E: The destination {0} on messaging engine {1} is a queue, but the connecting application requested a service

Explanation An application has connected to the messaging engine and requested a destination type which does not match the underlying destination type.
Action Correct the connecting application, or alter the destination to the required type using the administrative console.

CWSIK0004E: The destination {0} on messaging engine {1} is a queue, but the connecting application requested a port.

Explanation An application has connected to the messaging engine and requested a destination type which does not match the underlying destination type.
Action Correct the connecting application, or alter the destination to the required type using the administrative console.

CWSIK0005E: The destination {0} on messaging engine {1} is a service, but the connecting application requested a queue.

Explanation An application has connected to the messaging engine and requested a destination type which does not match the underlying destination type.
Action Correct the connecting application, or alter the destination to the required type using the administrative console.

CWSIK0006E: The destination {0} on messaging engine {1} is a service, but the connecting application requested a topic space.

Explanation An application has connected to the messaging engine and requested a destination type which does not match the underlying destination type.
Action Correct the connecting application, or alter the destination to the required type using the administrative console.

CWSIK0007E: The destination {0} on messaging engine {1} is a service, but the connecting application requested a port.

Explanation An application has connected to the messaging engine and requested a destination type which does not match the underlying destination type.
Action Correct the connecting application, or alter the destination to the required type using the administrative console.

CWSIK0008E: The destination {0} on messaging engine {1} is a port, but the connecting application requested a queue.

Explanation An application has connected to the messaging engine and requested a destination type which does not match the underlying destination type.
Action Correct the connecting application, or alter the destination to the required type using the administrative console.

CWSIK0009E: The destination {0} on messaging engine {1} is a port, but the connecting application requested a topic space.

Explanation An application has connected to the messaging engine and requested a destination type which does not match the underlying destination type.
Action Correct the connecting application, or alter the destination to the required type using the administrative console.

CWSIK0010E: The destination {0} on messaging engine {1} is a port, but the connecting application requested a service.

Explanation An application has connected to the messaging engine and requested a destination type which does not match the underlying destination type.
Action Correct the connecting application, or alter the destination to the required type using the administrative console.

CWSIK0011E: The destination {0} on messaging engine {1} is a topic space, but the connecting application requested a queue.

Explanation An application has connected to the messaging engine and requested a destination type which does not match the underlying destination type.
Action Correct the connecting application, or alter the destination to the required type using the administrative console.

CWSIK0012E: The destination {0} on messaging engine {1} is a topic space, but the connecting application requested a service.

Explanation An application has connected to the messaging engine and requested a destination type which does not match the underlying destination type.
Action Correct the connecting application, or alter the destination to the required type using the administrative console.

CWSIK0013E: The destination {0} on messaging engine {1} is a topic space, but the connecting application requested a port.

Explanation An application has connected to the messaging engine and requested a destination type which does not match the underlying destination type.
Action Correct the connecting application, or alter the destination to the required type using the administrative console.

CWSIK0014E: The destination {0} on messaging engine {1} is of type {2}, but the connecting application requested an unknown type {3}.

Explanation An application has connected to the messaging engine and requested a destination type which does not match the underlying destination type.
Action Correct the connecting application, or alter the destination to the required type using the administrative console.

CWSIK0015E: The destination {0} was not found on messaging engine {1}.

Explanation The named destination is unknown on the local messaging engine.
Action Check that the destination name is correct and that we have created the destination on the bus. If the destination exists on another messaging engine, ensure that communication with the other messaging engine is working.

CWSIK0016E: The transaction used for send on the destination: {0} has already been completed.

Explanation An attempt was made to use a transaction that has already been completed.
Action Make sure that the transaction used is a new transaction.

CWSIK0017E: The destination with name {0} on messaging engine {1} is send disallowed.

Explanation An attempt has been made to send a message to a destination and a check has been made to ensure that this destination is send allowed. This check failed as the destination is send disallowed.
Action Update the destination so it is send allowed and resend the message.

CWSIK0018E: Send access to destination {0} was denied for user with subject {1}.

Explanation A user is not authorized to send to the destination.
Action If the user should have authority to send messages on the given destination, update the users authorization rights for the destination.

CWSIK0019E: The user {1} is not authorized to send to temporary destinations with prefix {0}.

Explanation A user is not authorized to send to temporary destinations with the named prefix.
Action If the user should have authority to send messages on the given temporary destination, update the users authorization rights for the temporary destination.

CWSIK0020E: Send access to discriminator {1} on destination {0} was denied for user with subject {2}.

Explanation A user is not authorized to send to the destination using the specified topic.
Action If the user should have authority to send messages on the given topic, update the users authorization rights for the topic on the given destination.

CWSIK0021E: Producer Session is closed on destination {0} on messaging engine {1} and cannot be used.

Explanation The producer has been closed and cannot be used on the specified destination.
Action Create a new producer session to the specified destination.

CWSIK0022E: The connection is closed to messaging engine {0} and cannot be used.

Explanation The connection has been closed and cannot be used for any operation.
Action Create a new connection to the messaging engine.

CWSIK0023E: An attempt to route a message to an exception destination on destination {3} caused by forward routing path destination {0} failed due to reason {1} with related error {2}.

Explanation The next destination in the forward routing path could not be found. The message was routed to the exception destination but there was an error when the message was routed to the exception destination.
Action More info at:

CWSIK0024E: The destination {0} is send disallowed for messaging engine {1}.

Explanation An attempt has been made to send a message to a destination and a check has been made to ensure that a queue point is available for this destination. This check failed as the only queue point for this destination is send disallowed.
Action Update the queue point for the destination so it is send allowed and retry the send operation.

CWSIK0025E: The destination {0} on messaging engine {1} is not available because the high limit for the number of messages for this destination has already been reached.

Explanation Either all queue points of the named destination or the transmission queues on this messaging engine leading to the destination have already reached their configured high limit therefore the message cannot be accepted.
Action Check that the configured high messages limit for the destination is correct. If the destination exists on another messaging engine, ensure that communication with the other messaging engine is working.

CWSIK0026E: No permitted addressable message points found for destination {0}.

Explanation An attempt was made to use a destination but no message points of that destination were addressable due to restrictions, possibly via use of an alias or binding to a now deleted message point.
Action If this is a reply message, a messaging engine may have been specified in the original request message, the message point for this destination may since have been deleted. If an alias destination that restricts the addressable message points of the target destination was used, correct the alias to identify a correct set of message points.

CWSIK0027E: The destination with name {0} is corrupt

Explanation The destination with the given name is corrupt and cannot be used.
Action Reset the destination from the administrative console.

CWSIK0028E: The alias destination {0} cannot be resolved because the target destination {1} does not exist in the alias path {2}.

Explanation The target destination in the alias path is unknown on the local messaging engine.
Action Define the target destination or correct the incorrect alias in the administrative console.

CWSIK0029E: An error occurred because the alias destination {0} targets a service destination {1} on the path {2} on messaging engine bus {3}.

Explanation The alias destination is not valid because its target is a service destination.
Action Remove the service destination target by changing aliases in the resolution path in the administrative console.

CWSIK0030E: The link with name {0} and UUID {1} was not found when creating bus {2}.

Explanation The named link is unknown on the local messaging engine, so the attempt to create the named bus failed.
Action Check that the link name is correct and defined in the administrative console for the bus. Check that the messaging engine has the latest configuration applied to it.

CWSIK0031E: The destination {0} already exists.

Explanation The named destination is already known on the local messaging engine, so an attempt to create one failed.
Action Make sure the destination configuration is correct in the administrative console and restart the server.

CWSIK0032E: The destination or foreign bus {0} has been deleted on messaging engine {1}.

Explanation The destination or foreign bus is no longer usable because it has been deleted.
Action Specify a valid destination or foreign bus name when sending messages.

CWSIK0033E: The message reliability value {0} is greater than the destination reliability value {1} for destination {2} on messaging engine {3}.

Explanation An attempt was made to route a message to a destination, but the message has a higher reliability than the destination can support.
Action Update the destination so that it can support messages of a higher reliability or reduce the reliability of the message to be sent.

CWSIK0034E: The forward routing path does not contain any entries for this service destination: {0} on this messaging engine: {1}.

Explanation An attempt to use a service destination when the forward routing path is empty has been made.
Action A service destination has to have mediated destinations in its forward routing path. Correct the path and retry.

CWSIK0035E: A message cannot be delivered to destination {0} on messaging engine {1} because it has rolled back more times than its redelivery threshold.

Explanation This message cannot be delivered because every attempt to commit the transaction that would deliver the message did not succeed.
Action Investigate the cause of the transaction rollbacks. For further information on resolving this error, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page: //publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/wasinfo/v8r0/index.jsp?topic=/ ://www.ibm.com/software/webserver/appserv/was/support.

CWSIK0036E: The message {0} was administratively rerouted from {1} on messaging engine {2}.

Explanation The message was removed from the given destination and moved to the exception destination.
Action This message is for informational purposes only.

CWSIK0037E: The message could not be delivered because its routing path contained an incorrect destination {0}. The last valid destination was {2} on messaging engine {3}. The destination was incorrect because of exception {3}.

Explanation A message could not pass through its supplied routing path because the path contains an incorrect destination.
Action Check the destinations on the routing path are available.

CWSIK0038E: The foreign bus with name {0} was not found on messaging engine {1} on bus {2}.

Explanation The named foreign bus is unknown on the local messaging engine.
Action Check that the foreign bus name is correct. Check that the foreign bus link has been defined and retry the command.

CWSIK0039E: The foreign bus with name {0} was not found on messaging engine {1} on bus {2} due to error {3}.

Explanation The named foreign bus is unknown on the local messaging engine.
Action Check that the foreign bus name is correct. Check that the foreign bus link has been defined and retry the command.

CWSIK0040E: The foreign bus link with name {0} was not found on messaging engine {1} on bus {2}.

Explanation The named foreign bus link is unknown on the local messaging engine.
Action Check that the foreign bus name is correct and has links defined. If no links are defined, define a new foreign bus link between the two buses.

CWSIK0041E: There are no links defined to connect to the foreign bus with name {0} on messaging engine {1} on bus {2} due to error {3}.

Explanation An application has attempted to send a message to a destination on a foreign bus but there are no links defined between the local bus and the foreign bus.
Action Define a link between the local bus and the foreign bus in the administrative console and resend the message.

CWSIK0042E: The MQ link with uuid {0} was not found on messaging engine {1} on bus {2}.

Explanation The named MQ link is unknown on the local messaging engine.
Action Check the MQ link name is defined and has the correct case sensitive spelling. If the MQ link is undefined, either use an MQ link which does exist or define a new MQ link.

CWSIK0043E: A message could not be delivered to a destination in the forward routing path as the maximum depth of the forward routing path ({0}), was exceeded.

Explanation A message was redirected along a forward routing path. The number of redirects exceeded the maximum allowed. The message was therefore sent to the exception destination.
Action Check the forward routing path for cycles. Alternatively increase the maximum value via the custom property, sib.processor.maxForwardRoutingPath.

CWSIK0044E: A message could not be delivered to destination {0} as the queue point for that destination is held on a WebSphere MQ server bus member and the message has been sent from foreign bus {1}.

Explanation Messages can not be sent from a foreign bus directly to a destination whose queue point is held on WebSphere MQ and accessed using a WebSphere MQ server bus member.
Action Either reconfigure the sending application to connect to the local bus or allow the WebSphere MQ destination to be accessed using a WebSphere MQ foreign bus connection and route the message via the foreign bus rather than via a WebSphere MQ server bus member.

CWSIK0101W: The message {0} has been re-routed to the exception destination {1} because the mediation {2} at destination {3} caused the exception {4}.

Explanation The message was given to the specified mediation; that mediation generated an exception and as a result, the message has been rerouted to the exception destination.
Action If the mediation should not have rerouted the message, investigate the cause of the exception.

CWSIK0102E: The message {0} cannot progress further along its forward routing path after being mediated by mediation {1} at destination {2} because the message does not conform to the message format {3}.

Explanation After being mediated by the specified mediation, the message does not conform to the message format specified. The mediation has either changed the message contents, changed the message format, or both of these. The original version of the message has been rerouted to the exception destination.
Action Investigate how and why the specified mediation has modified the message so that it does not conform to the specified message format.

CWSIK0103E: The message {0} cannot progress further along its forward routing path after being mediated by mediation {1} at destination {2} because the message is not well formed.

Explanation After being mediated by the specified mediation, the message properties contained objects that could not be serialized, or the data graph is not valid.
Action Investigate how and why the specified mediation has modified the message so that it is no longer valid.

CWSIK0104E: The message is too big to be handled by remote MQ; sending to exception destination: message size {0}, maximum message size {1}.

Explanation The message is too big.
Action Check the MQ settings.

CWSIK0105E: There is a message format error.

Explanation The message cannot be processed because of a format error.
Action Check the connection.

CWSIK0106E: WebSphere MQ has raised an error. The WebSphere MQ return and reason codes are {0} and {1}, respectively.

Explanation The message cannot be processed due to an error condition raised by WebSphere MQ.
Action Examine the WebSphere MQ return and reason codes, and the WebSphere MQ error logs, to determine the cause of the error. You may need to contact your WebSphere MQ administrator to help resolve the problem.

CWSIK0200E: An Object of class {0} has been set into the message payload but it cannot be serialized.

Explanation An Object Message sent with the producerDoesNotModifyPayloadAfterSet flag enabled on its ConnectionFactory was sent with a payload that was not serializable by the system. This message data has been lost
Action Disable the producerDoesNotModifyPayloadAfterSet on the ConnectionFactory. Without the flag enabled the JMS application which sets the object into the message will receive any serialization exception immediately.

CWSIK0900E: An internal messaging error occurred in {0}, {1}.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:

CWSIK0901E: An internal messaging error occurred in {0}, {1}, {2}.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:

CWSIK0905E: An internal destination configuration error occurred to destination {2} in {0}, {1}.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:



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