Express (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Messages


WVER0201E: Unable to determine the history directory; the product directory could not be determined

Explanation The history directory is a subdirectory of the product directory. The Application Server cannot determine the history directory location.
Action See the associated version error.

WVER0202E: Unable to load the history information from the history file: {0}.

Explanation The Application Server cannot load the history information from the history file.
Action Verify that the Application Server can read the history file. Also, verify that the file uses the correct format.

WVER0203E: An exception occurred while reading {0}

Explanation The Application Server cannot read the file.
Action See the nested or associated error messages.

WVER0204E: An exception occurred while creating the history directory {0}

Explanation The Application Server cannot create the history directory.
Action See the nested or associated error messages.

WVER0205E: An exception occurred while creating a backup for history file {0} to {1}

Explanation The Application Server cannot create backup files for the history files.
Action See the nested or associated error messages.

WVER0206E: An exception occurred while writing event history {0}

Explanation The Application Server cannot write the event history file.
Action See the nested or associated error messages.

WVER0210I: Copyright (c) IBM Corporation 2002, 2005, 2008, 2010; All rights reserved.

Explanation This statement is a standard copyright statement.
Action No action is required.

WVER0212I: HistoryInfo Reporter v{0}, Dated {1}

Explanation This statement is a standard module description statement.
Action No action is required.

WVER0225E: No value was specified for the ''{0}'' argument.

Explanation The listed argument requires a value. Use the -help or -usage argument to display the usage information.
Action Specify a value for the listed argument.

WVER0226E: The value ''{0}'' is not a valid format value.

Explanation The valid format values are text and html. The specified value is not in a valid format. Use the -help or -usage argument to display the usage information.
Action Change the format value to either text or html.

WVER0228E: The argument ''{0}'' is not a valid argument.

Explanation The specified argument is not valid. Use the -help or -usage argument to display the usage information.
Action Change the argument to a valid argument.

WVER0230I: Usage: historyInfo ( [ -format <text | html> ] [ -file <output file> ] [ -offeringId <offeringId> | -maintenancePackageId <maintenancePackageId> ] [ -component <componentName> ] ) | ( [ -help | -? | /help | /? | -usage ] )

Explanation This informational message describes the arguments for the historyInfo utility program. The historyInfo utility program accepts the following optional keyword arguments: An argument that specifies the output format An argument that specifies an output file An argument that displays the events that are associated with a specified offering only (-maintenancePackageId is deprecated) An argument that is deprecated An argument that displays usage information Use the -usage or -help argument to display additional information.
Action No action is required. The usage information message displays upon request.

-format     This option specifies the output format of either ''text'' or ''html.''.
-file     This option specifies the output file and provide a file name.
-offeringId     This option specifies the offering ID that restricts the events displayed.
-maintenancePackageId     This option is deprecated and equivalent to using -offeringID.
-component     This option is deprecated and performs no action.
-help     This option causes help text to be displayed.
-usage     This option causes this usage text to be displayed.

Explanation The message describes the valid arguments to the historyInfo utility program.
Action No action is required. The usage information message displays upon request.

WVER0240E: Error writing version report to {0}: {1}

Explanation The Application Server cannot write the history report to the specified file.
Action Verify that the Application Server can write to the specified file. Also verify that sufficient space is available for the report.

WVER0241E: Error writing history report to {0}. The text of the error cannot be displayed, but is of type {1}. A second error, of type {2}, occurred while retrieving the error text.

Explanation The Application Server cannot write the history report to the specified file. When the Application Server attempted to retrieve the text of the second error, another exception occurred.
Action More info at:

WVER0242E: An exception occurred while processing history information.

Explanation The Application Server cannot process the history information.
Action See the nested or associated error messages.

WVER0243E: Exceptions occurred while processing history information.

Explanation The Application Server cannot process the history information.
Action See the nested or associated error messages.

WVER0261E: Unable to record the application of fix {0} on component {1} in file {2}.

Explanation The Application Server cannot save the specified file.
Action Verify that Application Server can write to the specified file. Also, verify that space is available for a new file.

WVER0262E: Unable to record the removal of the application of fix {0} on component {1} in file {2}.

Explanation The Application Server cannot save the specified file.
Action Verify that Application Server can write to the specified file. Also, verify that space is available for a new file.

WVER0263E: Unable to record the removal of the application of fix {0} on component {1} stored in file {2}.

Explanation The Application Server cannot remove the specified file.
Action Verify that the Application Server can remove the specified file.

WVER0264E: Unable to record the removal of the application of fix {0} on component {1} -- no application is on record.

Explanation The component cannot find a record of an application for the specified fix. The product information might be corrupted or an internal error might have occurred.
Action More info at:

WVER0265E: Unable to remove fix driver {0} stored in file {2}.

Explanation The Application Server cannot remove the specified file.
Action Verify that the Application Server can remove the target file.

WVER0266E: Recoverable errors occurred while parsing maintenance package driver information.

Explanation The Application Server cannot parse the maintenance package information and several errors occurred.
Action See the nested or associated error messages.

WVER0267E: Unable to record the removal of the application of maintenance package {0} on component {1} in file {2}.

Explanation The Application Server cannot save the specified file.
Action Verify that Application Server can write to the specified file. Also, verify that space is available for a new file.

WVER0268E: Unable to record the removal of the application of maintenance package {0} on component {1} stored in file {2}. The named file could not be removed. Or the Named file could not be created

Explanation The Application Server cannot create or remove the specified file.
Action Verify that Application Server can write to or remove the specified file. Also, verify that space is available for a new file if applicable.

WVER0269E: Unable to record the removal of the application of maintenance package {0} on component {1} -- no application is on record.

Explanation The component does not have a record of applying the specified maintenance package. The product information might be corrupted or an internal error might have occurred.
Action More info at:

WVER0270E: Unable to remove maintenance package driver {0} stored in file {2}.

Explanation The Application Server cannot remove the specified file.
Action Verify that the Application Server can remove the target file.

WVER0271E: Unrecognized product history file extension ''{0}''.

Explanation The history information is stored in files that have specific file name extensions. The extension names determine the type of information stored in each file. Valid extension names are .ptfDriver, and .ptfApplied. An attempt has been made to load a file that contains version information. However, the file name extension is not one of the valid extension names.
Action More info at:

WVER0272E: An exception occurred while reading {0}

Explanation he Application Server cannot read the file.
Action See the nested or associated error messages.



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