Express (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Messages


TRAS0004E: Unable to create or open the service log file {0}. The following exception was encountered {1}

Explanation An attempt to open the specified service log file failed. The exception indicates the root cause of the failure.
Action Examine the exception to determine the root cause. Ensure that the specified file name is a valid file name. Ensure that the Application Server runtime is allowed write access to the directory for the service log file. If this does not solve the problem, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page: // ://

TRAS0005E: Unable to write to the service log. The following exception was encountered {0}

Explanation An attempt to write a message to the service log failed.
Action Examine the exception to determine the root cause of the failure. Ensure that the service log file exists. Ensure that the file system is not full. Ensure that the Application Server run time is allowed write access to the directory for the log file. If this does not solve the problem, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page: // ://

TRAS0006E: Unable to change the size of the service log. The following exception was encountered {0}

Explanation An attempt to change the size of the service log failed.
Action Examine the exception to determine the root cause of the failure. Ensure that the service log file exists. Ensure that the file system is not full. Ensure that the Application Server run time is allowed write access to the directory for the log file. If this does not solve the problem, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page: // ://

TRAS0007I: Logging to the service log is disabled

Explanation The configuration option to disable logging messages to the service log was selected.
Action Enable logging to the service log file by setting the configuration option to the enabled state.

TRAS0008E: Failed to open trace log file {0} {1}

Explanation The configuration option to send trace to a stand-alone file was selected. An attempt to open the indicated file failed with the indicated exception. Trace will be routed to an alternate facility.
Action Examine the exception to determine the root cause of the failure. Ensure that the file name is correct and is a valid name. Ensure that the Application Server run time is allowed write access to the directory for the specified file. Ensure that the file system is not full. If this does not solve the problem, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page: // ://

TRAS0009I: Defaulting trace output to SystemOut.log

Explanation An error was encountered while attempting to route trace to a user-specified file. Trace output will be routed to the SystemOut.log file instead.
Action Search the log file for other error messages detailing the failure encountered while opening the user-specified file. Correct the error and retry the operation.

TRAS0010I: The size of the service log indicates that some corruption has occurred. This could be due to not transferring the file in binary mode

Explanation The service log is maintained in a binary format. When transferred from one machine to another, it must be transferred in binary format.
Action Transfer the log file in binary format. In some cases it is possible to undo the damage by transferring the log file back to the original machine using the original transfer format, then retransferring the log file back to the target machine in binary format.

TRAS0011I: {0} messages could not be read from the service log

Explanation Corruption was found in the service log file. The indicated number of messages were not readable.
Action Corruption usually occurs when the service log file is transferred from one machine to another incorrectly. Any such transfer must be made in binary mode.

TRAS0012W: {0} was specified in the configuration information as the name of the file to use for the {1} stream. This is not a legal name. {2} will be used instead

Explanation The name that is supplied must be a fully-qualified file name. The directory must exist or RAS must be able to create it. RAS must be granted write access to that directory.
Action Supply a file name that meets the above parameters in the configuration data for the indicated stream. Restart the server in order for this change to take effect.

TRAS0013E: An attempt to redirect the {0} stream failed. The following exception was encountered. {1}

Explanation See the message in the base exception. This should indicate the root cause of the failure.
Action Determine the root cause of the base exception and correct it. If an IOException was encountered, ensure the directory exists, RAS has write access to the directory and that the file system is not full.

TRAS0014I: The following exception was logged {0}.

Explanation An exception message was logged.
Action Determine the cause of the exception and take appropriate action. Other messages related to the exception might have also been logged.

TRAS0015E: Unable to schedule time-based rollover for log file {0}. Size-based rollover will be used instead {1}.

Explanation The indicated log file was configured to use a time-based rollover algorithm. An attempt to schedule a rollover event has failed. The log file will use a size-based rollover algorithm.
Action Determine from the indicated exception whether the event was due to an internal error or an unexpected system state. If the event was due to an internal program error, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page: // ://

TRAS0016E: An unexpected exception while trying to archive log file {0} Exception is {1}.

Explanation The indicated log file was configured to use a rollover algorithm. The rollover threshold was reached. An exception occurred while attempting to roll the log file over.
Action Determine from the indicated exception whether the event was due to an internal error or an unexpected system state. If the event was due to an internal program error, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page: // ://

TRAS0017I: The startup trace state is {0}.

Explanation The trace service is started. The startup trace state that is determined from configuration data is displayed here.
Action If a different trace startup state is desired, change the configuration data appropriately and restart the process.

TRAS0018I: The trace state has changed. The new trace state is {0}.

Explanation A request to change the current trace state was received and processed.
Action If the new trace state is not the desired trace state, change it to the desired state.

TRAS0019I: Defaulting trace output to the circular memory buffer.

Explanation An error was detected while attempting to route trace to a file. Trace was routed to the in-memory ring buffer instead.
Action Search the log file for a message detailing the error encountered when routing trace to the file. That message should contain an exception indicating the root cause of the failure. Fix the root cause of the failure and retry the operation.

TRAS0020W: Trace might not be enabled properly due to syntax errors found in the trace string, {0}.

Explanation Syntax errors were found in the trace string.
Action Check the parameter startupTraceSpecification parameter in the server.xml file for syntax errors and make it compliant with trace string grammar.

TRAS0021W: An invalid level name {0} was used as the filter level for the logging agent handler configuration.

Explanation The level name specified for the logging agent handler must be one of the following: DETAIL, CONFIG, INFO, AUDIT, WARNING, SEVERE, FATAL
Action Modify the server configuration to use one of the allowable filter levels.

TRAS0022I: The logging agent handler is disabled.

Explanation This mesage is for informational purposes only.
Action No user action is required.

TRAS0023I: The logging agent handler is enabled. Filter level is set to {0}.

Explanation This mesage is for informational purposes only.
Action No user action is required.

TRAS0024I: Log entry is of size {0} bytes which is too large to be added to log stream which is configured for {1} byte records. Log entry will not be logged to the log stream.

Explanation The log stream record size is too small to accomodate the log entry that is being logged.
Action If problem occurs frequently, increase the size of records in the log stream.

TRAS0025E: Unable to load source file {0}.

Explanation The source file specified might not exist, might be a directory rather than a regular file, or might not be accessible.
Action Check parameters to make sure that the specified source file exists and is a regular file. Check also to make sure the user executing the convertLog command has sufficient permissions to read the file.

TRAS0026E: Unable to open destination file {0}.

Explanation The destination file might not be writable because the file name specified is a directory name, or the file name specified is not valid.
Action Check parameters to make sure that the specified destination is a valid file name on a file system that the user has sufficient permissions to write to.

TRAS0027E: Insufficient memory to process source file {0}.

Explanation The source file was too large to process with this tool.
Action If the source file is large, try breaking it into parts before processing.

TRAS0028I: The trace output is stored in the circular memory buffer, holding {0} message objects.

Explanation The trace is configured to go into circular memory buffer. The size of the buffer is printed as well. The buffer holds references to message objects and the amount of memory these message objects use cannot be determined.
Action Do not use circular memory buffer when enabling full tracing, or configure the buffer to hold less objects, to prevent out of memory condition. Message objects that are used when tracing is enabled will use more memory than non-tracing message objects.

TRAS0029I: Could not dump ring buffer to specified directory, {0}. Dumped to default file, {1}.

Explanation Failed to write the in-memory trace buffer to the specified file. This is mostly likely because the file specified is not valid or does not allow write-access.
Action The trace contents were successfully written to the default dump file. To prevent this message in the future, specify a valid filename in a directory that allows write access.

TRAS0030W: Failed to dump ring buffer to specified file, {0}, or the default dump file location, {1}. Exceptions: {2} {3}

Explanation Failed to write the in-memory trace buffer to the file system. This is most likely due to a file permission issue - the directories containing the files either do not exist or do not allow write access.
Action Ensure that the application server process has write permission to the specified directory.

TRAS0031W: Unable to rename file {0} to {1} during log file rollover. Attempting to copy file contents.

Explanation Failed to rename the file indicated. The most likely cause is that another process or thread is accessing the log file. WebSphere will try to complete the rollover operation by copying the contents of the log file - this process is slower, and all threads making attempting to log will be halted during this process.
Action Determine the cause of the rename failure and resolve it - this may involve shutting down other processes that are accessing the same log file.

TRAS0100E: Empty string is not part of trace string grammar

Explanation The trace string is empty.
Action Modify the server.xml file for this server and make the startupTraceSpecification parameter compliant with trace string grammar.

TRAS0101E: Empty string encountered - remove extra colon

Explanation Trace string with an extra colon was specified
Action Modify the server.xml file for this server and make the startupTraceSpecification parameter compliant with trace string grammar.

TRAS0102E: No type=state value pair(s) found at ''{0}''

Explanation A trace string was found with component and no type=state value pair(s).
Action Modify the server.xml file for this server and make the startupTraceSpecification parameter compliant with trace string grammar.

TRAS0103E: No component name found at ''{0}''

Explanation A trace string does not have a component name.
Action Modify the server.xml file for this server and make the startupTraceSpecification parameter compliant with trace string grammar.

TRAS0104E: Missing type=state value pair at ''{0}''

Explanation A trace string has an extra comma.
Action Modify the server.xml file for this server and make the startupTraceSpecification parameter compliant with trace string grammar. An extra comma may need to be removed.

TRAS0105E: Invalid type=state value pair - ''{0}'' at ''{1}''

Explanation A trace string has garbage or incomplete type=state pair.
Action Modify the server.xml file for this server and make the startupTraceSpecification parameter compliant with trace string grammar.

TRAS0106E: Missing state value at ''{0}''

Explanation A trace string does not have a state value.
Action Modify the server.xml file for this server and make the startupTraceSpecification parameter compliant with trace string grammar.

TRAS0107E: Missing type value at ''{0}''

Explanation A trace string does not have a type value.
Action Modify the server.xml file for this server and make the startupTraceSpecification parameter compliant with trace string grammar.

TRAS0108E: Invalid type value - ''{0}'' at ''{1}''

Explanation A trace string has a bad type value.
Action Modify the server.xml file for this server and make the startupTraceSpecification parameter compliant with trace string grammar.

TRAS0109E: Invalid state value - ''{0}'' at ''{1}''

Explanation A trace string has a bad state value.
Action =Modify the server.xml file for this server and make the startupTraceSpecification parameter compliant with trace string grammar.

TRAS0110E: The extension name ''{0}'' is reserved

Explanation The extension name specified is the same as an internally used extension name and cannot be used.
Action Use an extension with a different name.

TRAS0111I: The message IDs that are in use are deprecated

Explanation The message IDs are deprecated. Use the new message IDs.
Action Add the system property for your server process to enable new message IDs

TRAS0112E: Null value returned on call to InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName().

Explanation The TCP/IP subsystem returned a null value when requesting the host name of the local host.
Action Resolve this issue in the TCP/IP configuration.

TRAS0113I: This MBean Operation should not be used when High Performance Logging is enabled. Function will be forwarded to proper MBean

Explanation High performance logging has its own MBean. Use of the MBeans for legacy logging should not be used
Action Updating user scripts or JMX code is recommended

TRAS0115W: Exception resulted from z/OS Servant MBean JMX call

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:

TRAS0116W: JMX Error Info: ObjectName: {0} Other1: {1} Other2: {2} Other3: {3}

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:

TRAS0117W: Method called with a null parameter. This is invalid {0}.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:

TRAS0118W: Diagnostic Provider Registry Propagation failed because {0}

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:

TRAS0150W: Invalid Logger Regular Expression {0}, no Logger Checking Enabled

Explanation The regular expression passed to filter log records by logger is invalid. Logger filtering disabled
Action Check the regular expression and reSubmit query

TRAS0210I: The JNI call could not go thru.

Explanation Could not access error log file via JNI
Action ReInvoke the reader

TRAS0220I: The number of dropped messages: {0}

Explanation Some messages were dropped in processing
Action Consider reRunning

TRAS0230I: The message time stamp exceeded end time.

Explanation Issue with a message read that had a timeStamp outside of the specified range.
Action Consider reRunning

TRAS0240I: Logstream {0} does not contain any records beyond start time {1}.

Explanation The logStream has no records beyond the specified start time
Action Modify the specified start time

TRAS0250W: The {0} on logstream {1} returned a warning - return code {2}, reason code {3}

Explanation A warning message was returned from this run
Action Consider reRunning

TRAS0260I: The {0} on logstream {1} returned more than 500 messages in the buffer. Excess messages were discarded.

Explanation Only 500 messages can be returned in the buffer and this would have retrieved > 500 messages
Action Consider rerunning with more restrictive filtering

TRAS0270E: Failed to connect to logstream {1} - return code {2}, reason code {3}

Explanation Could not connect to the logstream
Action Have a system logger administrator review the configuration and verify the health of the component and the logstream

TRAS0280E: Failed to open logstream {1} with return code {2}, reason code {3}

Explanation Could not open the LogStream
Action Have a System Logger Administer review the configuration and verify the health of the subSystem and the logger



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