Express (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Messages


WMSG0001I: JMS Listener started successfully

Explanation The JMS Listener service has started successfully.
Action No action is required.

WMSG0002I: JMS Listener stopped successfully

Explanation The JMS Listener service has stopped successfully.
Action No action is required.

WMSG0003E: Error initializing JMSListenerStub: {0}

Explanation An exception was received while trying to initialize the JMS Listener.
Action Determine from the given exception the reason that the JMS Listener has not initialized.

WMSG0004E: Error initializing JMSListenerStub: {0}

Explanation An exception was received while trying to initialize the JMS Listener.
Action Determine from the given exception the reason that the JMS Listener has not initialized.

WMSG0005E: Error creating MDBListener for JMS Listener {0}, JMSDestination {1} : {2}

Explanation An exception was received while trying to create the MDBListener instance for the given JMS Listener.
Action Determine from the given exception the reason that the MDBListener was not created. Examine your JMS Listener configuration file to ensure the definition is correct, and ensure that all the necessary JMS resources are bound into the WebSphere JNDI name space. Also, ensure that the necessary JMS provider classes are in the application server class path.

WMSG0006E: Error creating MDBListener for JMS Listener {0}, JMSDestination {1} : {2}

Explanation An exception was received while trying to create the MDBListener instance for the given JMS Listener.
Action Determine from the given exception the reason that the MDBListener was not created. Examine your JMS Listener configuration file to ensure the definition is correct, and ensure that all the necessary JMS resources are bound into the WebSphere JNDI name space. Also, ensure that the necessary JMS provider classes are in the application server class path.

WMSG0007E: Error starting JMSListenerStub: {0}

Explanation An exception was received while trying to start the JMS Listener.
Action Determine from the given exception the reason why the JMS Listener did not start.

WMSG0008E: Error starting JMSListenerStub: {0}

Explanation An exception was received while trying to start the JMS Listener.
Action Determine from the given exception the reason why the JMS Listener did not start.

WMSG0009W: Error terminating JMSListenerStub : {0}

Explanation An exception was received while trying to terminate the JMS Listener.
Action If the exception indicates a serious problem, examine the reason for the problem.

WMSG0010E: Error parsing JMSListener config file: {0}, {1}

Explanation An exception was received while trying to parse the given JMS Listener configuration file.
Action Correct the problem in the JMS Listener configuration file, then restart the EJB Server.

WMSG0011W: Warnings parsing JMS Listener config file: {0}, {1}

Explanation A warning was issued trying to parse the given JMS Listener configuration file.
Action Correct the problem in the JMS Listener configuration file, then restart the EJB Server.

WMSG0012E: Errors parsing JMS Listener config file: {0}, {1}

Explanation An error was issued trying to parse the given JMS Listener configuration file.
Action Correct the problem in the JMS Listener configuration file, then restart the EJB Server.

WMSG0013E: Errors parsing JMS Listener config file: {0}, {1}

Explanation An error was issued trying to parse the given JMS Listener configuration file.
Action Correct the problem in the JMS Listener configuration file, then restart the EJB Server.

WMSG0014E: Error parsing JMSListener config file: {0}, line: {1}, column: {2}, message: {3}

Explanation An exception was received while trying to parse the given JMS Listener configuration file.
Action Correct the problem in the JMS Listener configuration file, then restart the EJB Server.

WMSG0015E: Error parsing JMSListener config file: {0}, message: {1}

Explanation An exception was received while trying to parse the given JMS Listener configuration file.
Action Correct the problem in the JMS Listener configuration file, then restart the EJB Server.

WMSG0016E: postInvoke exception for MDB {0} listening upon JMSDestination {1}, exception: {2}

Explanation An exception was received during postInvoke transaction completion processing, after calling the MDB.onMessage() method.
Action Examine the exception for reasons for the problem.

WMSG0017E: Unable to lookup JMS resources, JNDI lookup exception: {0}

Explanation An exception was received performing a JNDI lookup of a JMS resource.
Action Examine the exception for reasons for the problem. This might be because the given JMS resource has not being defined to the WebSphere JNDI namespace, or perhaps because the necessary JMS provider classes are not in the application server class path.

WMSG0018E: Error on JMSConnection for MDB {0}, JMSDestination {1} : {2}

Explanation An exception has been reported by the JMS provider on a JMSConnection.
Action Examine the exception for reasons for the problem, then restart the MDB EJB JAR module from the administrative console.

WMSG0019E: Unable to start MDB Listener {0}, JMSDestination {1} : {2}

Explanation An exception has occurred during the start of the given MDB Listener.
Action Examine the exception for reasons for the problem, then restart the MDB EJB JAR module from the administrative console.

WMSG0020E: Unable to stop MDB Listener {0}, JMSDestination {1} : {2}

Explanation An exception has occurred when attempting to stop the given MDB Listener.
Action Examine the exception for reasons for the problem, then try stopping the MDB EJB JAR module again from the administrative console.

WMSG0021E: Exception constructing MDBListenerImpl {0}, JMSDestination {1} : {2}

Explanation An exception has occurred during the creation of an MDB Listener.
Action Examine the exception for reasons for the problem, then restart the EJB Server to re-initialize the JMS Listener.

WMSG0022E: Duplicate MDBListener definition for {0}, JMSDestination {1}

Explanation An attempt has been made to define a duplicate JMS Listener in the configuration file.
Action Correct the JMS Listener configuration file to remove the duplicate entry, then restart the EJB Server to re-initialize the JMS Listener.

WMSG0023W: Exception closing MDBListener {0}, JMSDestination {1} : {2}

Explanation Closing the specified MDB Listener created the given exception.
Action If the exception indicates a serious problem, examine the reason for the problem.

WMSG0024W: Exception terminating MDBListener {0}, JMSDestination {1} : {2}

Explanation During the stop of an MDB Listener, the terminating of the listener caused the given exception.
Action If the exception indicates a serious problem, examine the reason for the problem.

WMSG0025E: MessageDrivenBean does not have any security permissions configured

Explanation During the creation of an MDB Listener on a secure application server an exception was received that indicated the given message-driven bean did not have its security permissions set.
Action Configure the MessageDrivenBean.onMessage() method access permissions for access by anyone or by the Server security ID.

WMSG0026E: Exception invoking MessageDrivenBean.onMessage() for MDB {0} : {1}

Explanation During the invocation of the MessageDrivenBean.onMessage() method an unexpected exception was received.
Action Examine the exception for reasons for the problem. After correction restart the MDB EJB JAR module from the administrative console.

WMSG0027E: Exception invoking MessageDrivenBean.onMessage() for MDB {0} : {1}

Explanation During the invocation of the MessageDrivenBean.onMessage() method an unexpected exception was received.
Action Examine the exception for reasons for the problem. After correction restart the MDB EJB JAR module from the administrative console.

WMSG0028E: Exception creating JMS ServerSession for MDB {0}, JMSDestination {1} : {2}

Explanation During the creation of a JMS ServerSession for a new MDB Listener an unexpected exception was received.
Action Examine the exception for reasons for the problem. After correction restart the MDB EJB JAR module from the administrative console.

WMSG0029E: Error during JMSListener server login for MDB {0}, JMSDestination {1} : {2}

Explanation During the login processing on a secure application server an unexpected exception was received.
Action Examine the exception for reasons for the security problem. After correction restart the MDB EJB JAR module from the administrative console.

WMSG0030E: Exception beginning JMS ServerSession transaction for MDB {0}, JMSDestination {1} : {2}

Explanation During the processing of a JMS message the JMS Listener was unable to begin a transaction.
Action Examine the exception for reasons for the problem. After correction restart the MDB EJB JAR module from the administrative console.

WMSG0031E: Exception processing JMS Message for MDB {0}, JMSDestination {1} : {2}

Explanation During the processing of a JMS message an unexpected exception was received.
Action Examine the exception for reasons for the problem. After correction restart the MDB EJB JAR module from the administrative console.

WMSG0032E: Unable to rollback JMS ServerSession transaction for MDB {0}, JMSDestination {1} : {2}

Explanation During the rollback of a JMS message an unexpected exception was received.
Action Examine the exception for reasons for the problem and resolve the transaction using the administrative console. After correction restart the MDB EJB JAR module from the administrative console.

WMSG0033E: Exception committing JMS ServerSession transaction for MDB {0}, JMSDestination {1} : {2}

Explanation During the committing of a JMS message an unexpected exception was received.
Action Examine the exception for reasons for the problem. After correction restart the MDB EJB JAR module from the administrative console.

WMSG0034E: Exception rollingback JMS Session for MDB {0}, JMSDestination {1} : {2}

Explanation During the rollback of a JMS message an unexpected exception was received.
Action Examine the exception for reasons for the problem and resolve the transaction using the administrative console. After correction restart the MDB EJB JAR module from the administrative console.

WMSG0035E: Exception committing JMS Session for MDB {0}, JMSDestination {1} : {2}

Explanation During the committing of a JMS message an unexpected exception was received.
Action Examine the exception for reasons for the problem. After correction restart the MDB EJB JAR module from the administrative console.

WMSG0036E: Maximum message delivery retry count of {0} reached for MDB {1}, JMSDestination {2}, MDBListener stopped

Explanation The given JMS Destination has reached its retry limit for attempting to process a JMS message.
Action Examine the reason for the problem. After correction restart the MDB EJB JAR module from the administrative console.

WMSG0037E: Exception starting JMS ServerSession for MDB {0}, JMSDestination {1} : {2}

Explanation During the starting of a JMS ServerSession an unexpected exception was received.
Action Examine the exception for reasons for the problem. After correction restart the MDB EJB JAR module from the administrative console.

WMSG0038E: Exception in MDBPooledThread: {0}

Explanation During the processing of a JMS message on a server thread an unexpected exception was received.
Action Examine the exception for reasons for the problem. After correction restart the MDB EJB JAR module from the administrative console.

WMSG0039E: Exception in MDBPooledThread: {0}

Explanation During the processing of a JMS message on a server thread an unexpected exception was received.
Action Examine the exception for reasons for the problem. After correction restart the MDB EJB JAR module from the administrative console.

WMSG0040W: JMS Listener started with warnings

Explanation The JMS Listener service has started, however some warnings were issued during initialization.
Action Examine the warnings for any problems that might need correcting.

WMSG0041E: JMS Listener failed to start

Explanation The JMS Listener service was unable to start because of some initialization errors.
Action Examine the error logs to determine the cause of the problem,correct any errors then restart the server.

WMSG0042I: MDB Listener {0} started successfully for JMSDestination {1}

Explanation The given MDB Listener has started successfully.
Action No action is required.

WMSG0043I: MDB Listener {0} stopped for JMSDestination {1}

Explanation The given MDB Listener has stopped.
Action If the Listener has stopped unexpectedly, examine the application server logs for preceding error messages.

WMSG0044W: MDB Listener listening on JMSDestination {1} has not started as the EJB {0} is not installed

Explanation The given MDB Listener has not being started because the message-driven bean with the given JNDI home name is not installed and started.
Action If the JMSListenerConfig.xml file specifies an incorrect EJB JNDI home name, correct the entry then restart the server.

WMSG0045E: JMS Listener initialization failed

Explanation The JMS Listener service could not initialize because of some previous errors.
Action Examine the previous error messages to determine the cause of the problem,correct any errors then restart the server.

WMSG0046E: Unable to find Listener Port {1} for binding MDB {0}

Explanation The binding of the specified message-driven bean to the specified listener port was unsuccessful because the listener port could not be found.
Action Ensure the given listener port exists in the Message Listener Service for the given application server.

WMSG0047E: MessageDrivenBeanBinding does not exist for MDB {0}

Explanation The specified message-driven bean does not have a message-driven bean binding in its binding configuration.
Action Ensure the given message-driven bean has being assembled and installed correctly, then reinstall the bean.

WMSG0048W: Exception activating JMX MBean {0}, exception {1}

Explanation While activating a ListenerPort JMX MBean an exception was received.
Action Examine the exception details to determine the reason for the problem, then restart the application server.

WMSG0049E: Failed to start MDB {0} against listener port {1}

Explanation The MDB Listener did not start, while being bound to the given listener port.
Action Examine the exception details to determine the reason for the problem, then restart the given listener port.

WMSG0050E: Exception checking JMS durable subscriptions {0}

Explanation The message listener service checks that the current set of durable subscriptions are still valid and do not need unsubscribing. An exception was received during this check.
Action Examine the exception details to determine the reason for the problem, then restart the server.

WMSG0051E: Exception updating the JMS durable subscriptions log {0}

Explanation When an application is started that contains JMS durable subscriptions, the subscriptions are logged to ensure that they get cleaned up if the application is subsquently removed. An exception has occurred during this update.
Action Examine the exception details to determine the reason for the problem, then restart the server.

WMSG0052E: Exception unsubscribing JMS durable subscription {0} : {1}

Explanation When attempting to unsubscribe a durable subscription an exception was received.
Action Examine the exception details to determine the reason for the problem, then restart the server.

WMSG0053I: Redundent JMS durable subscription {0} has been unsubscribed

Explanation The durable subscription manager has determined the given subscription is now redundant, perhaps because the application has been removed. The subscription has been unsubscribed.
Action No action is required.

WMSG0054E: Exception writing to the Late Response Message Consumer Log {0}, {1}

Explanation The late response message consumer could not write to the given log file.
Action Examine the exception details to determine why the message consumer could not write to the log file.

WMSG0055E: Exception reading the Late Response Message Consumer Log {0}, {1}

Explanation The late response message consumer was unable to read the given log file, because of an exception.
Action Examine the exception details to determine why the log file could not be read.

WMSG0056W: MDB Listener Port {0} maximum sessions size of {1} is greater than its JMS Connection Factory {2} Session Pool size of {3}, setting maximum sessions to {3}

Explanation A message-driven bean is being started against the given listener port. This port has a maximum sessions value larger than the size of the JMS Connection Factory Session Pool that it is configured to use. The MDB Listener will start using the Session Pool size.
Action Increase the JMS Connection Factory Session Pool size, or decrease the listener port maximum sessions.

WMSG0057E: Error on JMSConnection for MDB {0}, JMSDestination {1}, JMS Linked Exception : {2}

Explanation An exception has been reported by the JMS provider on a JMSConnection.
Action Examine the exception for reasons for the problem, then restart the MDB EJB JAR module from the administrative console.

WMSG0058I: Listener Port {0} will attempt to restart in {1} seconds

Explanation The listener port has stopped due to a problem. Because the the max.recovery.retries and recovery.timeout.interval custom properties are set, the application server will attempt to restart it.
Action No action is required.

WMSG0059E: Maximum restart retry count of {0} reached for Listener Port {1}

Explanation The given listener port has reached its retry limit for starting.
Action Examine the reason for the problem. After correction restart the listener port from the administrative console.

WMSG0060W: Unknown activation config property {1} specified for binding MDB {0}.

Explanation The activation configuration property is not a known property. This will be ignored and a warning message logged.
Action Ensure the property name is correct and is spelt correctly.

WMSG0061W: An Internal error has occured. The activation config expected a param of type {2} but got a {1} in MDB {0}

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:

WMSG0062W: The JNDI specified in the listener port ({1}) is not the same as that specifed in the bindings {2} for MDB {0}

Explanation The JNDI name for the destination in the listener port must match the destination JNDI name in the bindings.
Action Ensure that the JNDI name for the destination is the same in both the listenerPort definition and the message-driven bean bindings.

WMSG0063E: Unable to start message-driven bean (MDB) {0} against listener port {1}. It is not valid to specify a default messaging JMS resource for a listener port; either use a different JMS resource with a listener port or use a default messaging JMS resource with an activation specification.

Explanation A message-driven bean is starting. This bean is bound to a listener port that specifies Java Naming Directory (JNDI) names for a default messaging JMS resource. Default messaging cannot be used by a listener port because it is a JMS resource adapter that supports activation specifications only.
Action Either redeploy the message-driven bean against a default messaging JMS activation specification or redeploy the message-driven bean against a different JMS resource that supports listener ports.

WMSG0064E: Unable to start message-driven bean (MDB) {0} against listener port {1}. It is not valid to specify a JMS resource adapter resource for a listener port; either use a different JMS resource with a listener port or use a default messaging JMS resource with an activation specification.

Explanation A message-driven bean is starting. This bean is bound to a listener port that specifies Java Naming Directory (JNDI) names for a JMS resource adapter. JMS resource adapters cannot be used by a listener port because they support activation specifications only.
Action Either redeploy the message-driven bean against a default messaging JMS activation specification or redeploy the message-driven bean against a different JMS resource that supports listener ports.

WMSG0100E: User is not authorised to access Command Queue

Explanation The user name and password are either not known or do not have the required access privileges.
Action Check that the user name and password are correct.

WMSG0101I: Invalid default priority specified. reason = {0}, parameter = {1}.

Explanation The priority specified was not in the range 0-9.
Action Ensure that the priority contains a valid value.

WMSG0102I: Invalid maximum Queue depth specified. reason = {0}, parameter = {1}.

Explanation The queue depth specified was not in the range 0-640000.
Action Ensure that the queue depth contains a valid value.

WMSG0103I: Invalid maximum message length specified. reason = {0}, parameter = {1}.

Explanation The message length specified was not within range.
Action Ensure that the message length attribute contains a valid value.

WMSG0104I: Invalid backout threshold specified. reason = {0}, parameter = {1}.

Explanation The backout threshold specified is not in the range 0-999999999
Action Ensure that the backout threshold attribute contains a valid value.

WMSG0105I: Invalid Queue name specified. reason = {0}, parameter = {1}.

Explanation The queue name specified is not valid.
Action Ensure that the queue name attribute contains a valid value.

WMSG0106I: Invalid Queue description specified. reason = {0}, parameter = {1}.

Explanation The queue description specified is not valid.
Action Ensure that the queue description attribute contains a valid value.

WMSG0107I: Invalid Cluster name specified. reason = {0}, parameter = {1}.

Explanation The cluster name specified is not valid.
Action Ensure that the cluster name attribute contains a valid value.

WMSG0108I: Invalid Cluster name list specified. reason = {0}, parameter = {1}.

Explanation The cluster name list specified is not valid.
Action Ensure that the cluster name list contains a valid value.

WMSG0109I: Invalid backout Queue name specified. reason = {0}, parameter = {1}.

Explanation The backout queue name specified is not valid.
Action Ensure that the backout queue name contains a valid value.

WMSG0110I: Invalid remote Queue Manager name specified. reason = {0}, parameter = {1}.

Explanation The remote queue manager name specified is not valid.
Action Ensure that the remote queue manager name contains a valid value.

WMSG0111I: Invalid remote Queue name specified. reason = {0}, parameter = {1}.

Explanation The remote queue name specified is not valid.
Action Ensure that the remote queue name contains a valid value.

WMSG0112I: Invalid transmission Queue name specified. reason = {0}, parameter = {1}.

Explanation The transmission queue name specified is not valid.
Action Ensure that the transmission queue name contains a valid value.

WMSG0113I: Unrecognised parameter is invalid. reason = {0}, parameter = {1}.

Explanation The PCF response message is reporting that a parameter has caused an error, but the program does not know how to handle it.
Action Look up the parameter in the WebSphere MQ information center and fix the problem.

WMSG0114I: Queue name is over 48 characters long. reason = {0}, parameter = {1}.

Explanation The queue name specified is longer than 48 characters.
Action Ensure that the queue name contains less than 48 characters.

WMSG0115I: Queue description is over 64 characters long. reason = {0}, parameter = {1}.

Explanation The queue description specified is longer than 64 characters.
Action Ensure that the queue description contains less than 64 characters.

WMSG0117I: Cluster name list is over 48 characters long. reason = {0}, parameter = {1}.

Explanation The cluster name list specified is longer than 48 characters.
Action Ensure that the cluster name list contains less than 48 characters.

WMSG0118I: Backout Queue name is over 48 characters long. reason = {0}, parameter = {1}.

Explanation The backout queue name specified is longer than 48 characters.
Action Ensure that the backout queue name contains less than 48 characters.

WMSG0119I: Remote Queue Manager name is over 48 characters long. reason = {0}, parameter = {1}.

Explanation The remote queue manager name specified is longer than 48 characters.
Action Ensure that the remote queue manager name contains less than 48 characters.

WMSG0120I: Cluster name is over 48 characters long. reason = {0}, parameter = {1}.

Explanation The cluster name specified is longer than 48 characters.
Action Ensure that the cluster name contains less than 48 characters.

WMSG0121I: Transmission Queue name is over 48 characters long. reason = {0}, parameter = {1}.

Explanation The transmission queue name specified is longer than 48 characters.
Action Ensure that the transmission queue name contains less than 48 characters.

WMSG0122I: Unknown Parameter is too long. reason = {0}, parameter = {1}.

Explanation The PCF response message claims a parameter was too long, but the parameter was not expected.
Action Check that the correct parameter is being used. Reference the WebSphere MQ information center if necessary.

WMSG0123I: An error occurred that is not recognised. reason = {0}, parameter = {1}.

Explanation An exception was created for a problem that has not been recognized.
Action Use the WebSphere MQ information center to identify the problem.

WMSG0124E: An internal MQ queue definer MBean error has occurred.

Explanation An internal problem has occurred that relates to the MQ queue definer message-driven bean.
Action See the additional error messages associated with this message for further information.

WMSG0300E: The {0} setting was not a valid value.

Explanation One of the settings has a value that is not valid.
Action Change the setting so it is valid.

WMSG0301E: The settings you chose would have made the Queue a cluster Queue and a transmission Queue.

Explanation The queue is a transmission queue and cannot also be defined as a cluster queue.
Action Remove the cluster name or cluster name list settings so the queue is not a member of a cluster queue.

WMSG0302E: The action you tried did not complete. Check the other errors to determine the cause.

Explanation The command did not complete successfully. There should be other error messages that describe the cause of the problem.
Action Inspect the other error messages.

WMSG0303E: The Queue you tried to create already existed.

Explanation The queue already existed.
Action The queue was created elsewhere. Click OK again to modify the queue.

WMSG0304E: The Queue name you specified contained invalid characters.

Explanation The queue name specified was not valid.
Action Change the queue name so it is a valid name.

WMSG0305E: Unable to perform the action as the Queue was open.

Explanation The queue was open and the force option was not set.
Action Try again later when the queue is not being used.

WMSG0306E: Unexpected error occurred. PCF reason code {0}, please check the WebSphere MQ documentation for a description of the error.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:

WMSG0307E: Unable to connect to the Queue Manager.

Explanation Unable to connect to the queue manager.
Action Check that the queue manager and command server are running and that the settings you specified are correct.

WMSG0308E: The message was too big for the Queue.

Explanation The message was bigger than the maximum message length setting for the queue.
Action Use WebSphere MQ tooling to increase the maximum message length of the SYSTEM.ADMIN.COMMAND.QUEUE.

WMSG0309E: You are not authorized to perform these actions.

Explanation Either credentials were not specified or they were not valid.
Action Provide valid credentials to perform the action.

WMSG0310E: Deletion of the Queue failed as it contains some messages that could not be removed.

Explanation There were some messages on the queue that could not be purged.
Action Try again later.

WMSG0311E: There has been a selector error.

Explanation There was an error in a selector.
Action Try again later.

WMSG0312E: There is not enough main storage to perform the action.

Explanation There is not enough space available in main storage to perform the action.
Action Consult the WebSphere MQ information center to correct the problem.

WMSG0313E: The Queue you tried to modify does not exist.

Explanation An attempt to modify a queue was made, but the queue does not exist.
Action The queue might have been deleted while you were editing its settings. Click OK to create the queue.

WMSG0314E: Unexpected error occurred. MQ reason code {0}, please check the WebSphere MQ Information Center for a description of the error.

Explanation While creating a queue an unexpected exception was received.
Action Refer to the WebSphere MQ information center to find a description of the error.

WMSG0315E: Unexpected IO error occurred.

Explanation While sending a message an IO exception was created.
Action Try again later.

WMSG0316E: You tried to view a Queue that was not a local Queue. Only administration of local Queues is supported.

Explanation You tried to view a queue that is not a local queue.
Action Specify the name of a queue that is a local queue.

WMSG0317E: The Command Server has returned some invalid Queue settings.

Explanation While unpacking the response from the queue manager an incorrect queue setting was found.
Action Try again later.

WMSG0318E: The Command Server has returned some attributes of the incorrect type.

Explanation While unpacking the response from the queue manager an incorrect type was found.
Action Try again later.

WMSG0319E: The Queue name we have specified is invalid.

Explanation The queue name specified is not valid.
Action Correct the name of the queue.

WMSG0320E: Internal Queue Manager error.

Explanation An internal exception has been created in the queue manager.
Action Try again later.

WMSG0321E: Internal Queue Manager error.

Explanation An internal exception has been created in the queue manager.
Action Try again later.

WMSG0322E: The Queue Manager name was either invalid or not known.

Explanation The name specified for queue manager is either not valid or not known.
Action Check that the queue manager name is valid and that the queue manager exists.

WMSG0323E: The Queue Manager is not available.

Explanation The queue manager is not available. Perhaps it is not running.
Action Check that the queue manager is running then try again.

WMSG0324E: The Queue Manager is inactive.

Explanation The queue manager is inactive. Perhaps it is waiting to be restarted.
Action Wait for the queue manager to be restarted then try again.

WMSG0325E: The Queue Manager is stopping.

Explanation The queue manager is stopping.
Action Wait for the queue manager to be restarted then try again.

WMSG0326E: The Port number specifed was not a valid number.

Explanation The Port number specified is not a valid number.
Action Enter a valid number for the port then try again.

WMSG0327E: The Queue Depth specified was not a valid number.

Explanation The queue depth specified is not a valid number.
Action Enter a valid number for the queue depth then try again.

WMSG0328E: The Maximum Message Length specified was not a valid number.

Explanation The maximum message length specified was not a valid number.
Action Enter a valid number for the maximum message length then try again.

WMSG0329E: The Backout Threshold specified was not a valid number.

Explanation The backout threshold specified is not a valid number.
Action Enter a valid number for the backout threshold then try again.

WMSG0330E: The specified priority was not a number.

Explanation The default priority specified was not valid number.
Action Ensure that the default priority attribute contains a number.

WMSG0331E: The MQ Client is required for this functionality, but it is not installed.

Explanation The MQ Client was not installed and this is required to configure WebSphere MQ.
Action Install the MQ Client.

WMSG0332E: The Name of the MQ Queue is required by the WMQQueueDefiner MBean

Explanation The WMQQueueDefiner MBean was not supplied with a queue name.
Action Specify the name of the MQ queue.

WMSG0333E: The Name of the MQ Queue Manager is required by the WMQQueueDefiner MBean.

Explanation The WMQQueueDefiner MBean was not supplied with a queue manager name.
Action Specify the name of the MQ queue manager.

WMSG0334E: The Host name that the Queue Manager is running on is required by the WMQQueueDefiner MBean.

Explanation The WMQQueueDefiner MBean was not supplied with a host name.
Action Specify the name of the host on which the queue manager is running.

WMSG0335E: The Host name that the Queue Manager is running on is required by the WMQQueueDefiner MBean.

Explanation The WMQQueueDefiner MBean was not supplied with a host name.
Action Contact your IBM service representative.

WMSG0336E: You specified a null value where a String was required.

Explanation A null was specified for one of the queue data values.
Action Specify a value that is not null.

WMSG0337E: A value that was too short was specified.

Explanation A string value was specified that is too short.
Action Specify a value that is long enough.

WMSG0338E: The Queue Name was set twice.

Explanation A queue name cannot be set twice.
Action Do not specify the queue name twice.

WMSG0339E: The value specified was not one of the valid value

Explanation The value specified has a limited number of options, none of which were specified.
Action Specify a valid value.

WMSG0340E: The value specified was less than zero

Explanation A value was specified that is outside the valid range.
Action Specify a number greater than or equal to zero.

WMSG0341E: The Cluster name you specified contained invalid characters.

Explanation The cluster name specified is not valid.
Action Change the cluster name so it is a valid name.

WMSG0342E: The Cluster Namelist you specified contained invalid characters.

Explanation The name specified for the cluster name list is not valid.
Action Specify a valid name for the cluster name list.

WMSG0343E: The Backout Re-Queue Queue Name you specified contained invalid characters.

Explanation The name specified for the backout re-queue queue is not valid.
Action Specify a valid name for the backout re-queue queue.

WMSG0344E: The Queue Description you specified contained invalid characters.

Explanation The specified queue description contains characters that are not valid.
Action Change the queue description so it contains only valid characters.

WMSG0345E: An unknown Parameter contained invalid characters.

Explanation One of the parameters contains characters that are not valid, and is not a parameter that the system was expecting.
Action Contact your IBM Service Representative.

WMSG0346E: A value that was too long was specified.

Explanation A specified string value is too long.
Action Specify a value that is not too long.

WMSG0500E: It is not possible to set a javax.jms.MessageListener on a javax.jms.MessageConsumer of the type {0}.

Explanation A has not been registered to set a message listener on the supplied javax.jms.MessageConsumer implementation.
Action More info at:

WMSG0501E: An internal error occurred. The javax.jms.MessageConsumer implementation {0} is invalid for use with the {1}

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:

WMSG0900W: JMS resource binder for resource type {0} is disabled

Explanation The JMS resource binder for the given type of resource is disabled because the binder cannot resolve the necessary classes for this JMS resource type.
Action If this resource type is required to be supported, check that the necessary JMS messaging components are installed then restart the application server.

WMSG0901E: The WebSphere MQ JMS Binders have been disabled as the WebSphere MQ JMS Client has not been installed.

Explanation The WebSphere MQ JMS client has not been installed.
Action Install the WebSphere MQ JMS client.

WMSG0902E: The WebSphere MQ JMS Binders have been disabled as either the WebSphere MQ Client has not been installed, or the MQ_INSTALL_ROOT variable has not been set.

Explanation The WebSphere MQ JMS client has not been installed.
Action Install the WebSphere MQ JMS client and set the MQ_INSTALL_ROOT variable.

WMSG1152E: Unable to define JMS Destination {0} as the Queue name is too long - maximum length is {1} characters

Explanation The name of the queue is too long.
Action Reduce the length of the queue name to the maximum number of characters allowed or less.

WMSG1300E: An error occurred building the reference for JNDI deployment of {0}. Error code {1} was returned from MQ with the error messages [{2}] and [{3}]

Explanation An exception was created while building a reference object for JNDI deployment. This indicates that there is an inconsistency in the resource definition.
Action Check the XML definition of the resource.

WMSG1301E: An exception occurred building the reference for JNDI deployment of {0}

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:

WMSG1303E: Unable to define JMS Destination {0} as neither WebSphere Embedded Messaging nor WebSphere MQ JMS is available

Explanation When attempting to define a JMS Destination to WebSphere Embedded Messaging, the required classes could not be found on this node.
Action Install WebSphere Embedded Messaging or WebSphere MQ JMS on this node.

WMSG1600E: An exception occurred determining the WebSphere MQ JMS paths: {0}

Explanation WebSphere MQ JMS messaging is not usable.
Action More info at:

WMSG1601I: WebSphere MQ JMS has not been installed

Explanation WebSphere MQ JMS has not been installed on this node so will not be available.
Action If WebSphere MQ JMS is to be used on this node it must be installed.

WMSG1602I: WebSphere MQ JMS Client only has been installed

Explanation WebSphere MQ JMS Server has not been installed on this node so will not be available.
Action If a JMS server is to be started on this node, WebSphere MQ JMS Server must be installed.

WMSG1603E: An internal error occurred. It was not possible to register the WebSphere MQ JMS client with the application server due to exception {0}.

Explanation An exception was created while registering the WebSphere MQ JMS client with the server.
Action More info at:

WMSG1604E: It was not possible to use the specified WebSphere MQ JMS client at path {0} because it is at version {1}, the minimum supported version is {2}.

Explanation The MQ_INSTALL_ROOT variable has been configured to refer to a level of the WebSphere MQ JMS client that is not supported.
Action Modify the MQ_INSTALL_ROOT variable to reference a supported level of the WebSphere MQ JMS client.

WMSG1605E: It was not possible to detect the MQ JMS client at the specified path {0}.

Explanation The MQ_INSTALL_ROOT variable has been configured to refer to a file system location that does not appear to contain the WebSphere MQ JMS client.
Action Modify the MQ_INSTALL_ROOT variable to reference the location of the WebSphere MQ JMS client.

WMSG1606E: An internal error occurred.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:

WMSG1607E: An internal error occurred. Unexpected object type {0}.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:

WMSG1608E: An internal error occurred.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:

WMSG1609E: An internal error occurred. Unexpected object type {0}.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:

WMSG1610E: An exception occurred instantiating a WebSphere MQ JCA RA type connection factory.

Explanation A WebSphere MQ JCA RA connection factory could not be created, and will not be bound into the WAS JNDI. It will not be available to applications.
Action Examine the linked exception to determine why the connection factory could not be created. Correct the problem, if possible.

WMSG1611I: The installed level of the WebSphere MQ messaging provider is {0}.

Explanation Informational message indicating the level of the installed WebSphere MQ messaging provider.
Action No action is required.

WMSG1612E: The MQ_INSTALL_ROOT has been updated from {0} to {1}. The WebSphere MQ Messaging Provider has been disabled. A server restart is required to re-enable the function.

Explanation An update has been made to the MQ_INSTALL_ROOT variable.
Action The application server must be restarted in order to use the client installed at the updated path.

WMSG1613W: The WebSphere MQ installed at {0} has been updated from version {1} to version {2}. A server restart may be required to properly register this update.

Explanation Service has been applied to the WebSphere MQ install used by WAS.
Action The application server may need to be restarted in order to properly register the new client with the application server.

WMSG1614E: The WebSphere MQ installed at {0} has been updated and a server restart is required for the the WebSphere MQ Messaging Provider to work with this update. The WebSphere MQ Messaging Provider has been disabled.

Explanation An update has been applied to the WebSphere MQ installed used by the application server. The nature of the update is such that the application server needs a restart for the WebSphere MQ Messaging Provider to work.
Action The application server needs to be restarted in order to register the updated client with the application server.

WMSG1622E: The installation directory of the WebSphere MQ messaging provider has been updated from {0} to {1}. The WebSphere MQ messaging provider has been disabled. A server restart is required to re-enable this function.

Explanation An update has been made to the installation directory of the WebSphere MQ messaging provider.
Action The application server must be restarted in order to use the client installed at the updated path.

WMSG1623E: The WebSphere MQ messaging provider installed at {0} has been updated and an application server restart is required to pick up this update. The WebSphere MQ messaging provider has been disabled.

Explanation An update has been applied to the WebSphere MQ messaging provider used by the application server. The nature of the update is such that the application server needs a restart for the WebSphere MQ messaging provider to work.
Action The application server needs to be restarted in order to register the updated WebSphere MQ messaging provider.

WMSG1624E: It was not possible to use the specified WebSphere MQ messaging provider at path {0} because it is at version {1}. The minimum supported version is {2}.

Explanation The WebSphere MQ messaging provider code installed at the specified path is at a level that is lower than the minimum level supported and so can not be used.
Action Modify the configuration of the WebSphere MQ messaging provider in the application server so it points to a supported level of the WebSphere MQ messaging provider. This will involve either changing the contents or install directory of the WebSphere MQ resource adapter or changing the value of the MQ_INSTALL_ROOT variable. Then restart your application server.

WMSG1625E: It was not possible to detect the WebSphere MQ messaging provider code at the specified path {0}.

Explanation The WebSphere MQ messaging provider code is not installed at the specified path.
Action Modify the configuration of the WebSphere MQ messaging provider in the application server so that it points to the correct path of the WebSphere MQ messaging provider. This will involve either changing the native path or install directory of the WebSphere MQ resource adapter or changing the value of the MQ_INSTALL_ROOT variable. Then restart your application server.

WMSG1626W: The WebSphere MQ messaging provider installed at {0} has been updated from version {1} to version {2}. A server restart may be required to properly register this update.

Explanation Service has been applied to the WebSphere MQ messaging provider which has changed its version number.
Action The application server may need to be restarted in order to properly register the new WebSphere MQ messaging provider code with the application server.

WMSG1627I: Native libraries for the WebSphere MQ messaging provider will be loaded from the following directory: {0}.

Explanation The WebSphere MQ messaging provider has determined that the specified directory will contain any native libraries that it needs. This message will be output even if no native libraries are available.
Action No action is required.

WMSG1700I: Currently active WebSphere MQ messaging provider configuration in WAS {0}, report at {1});

Explanation Output by WMQInfo MBean
Action None

WMSG1701I: Using the WebSphere MQ messaging provider

Explanation Output by WMQInfo MBean
Action None

WMSG1702I: Using the WebSphere MQ Resource Adapter

Explanation Output by WMQInfo MBean
Action None

WMSG1703I: RAR implementation version {0}

Explanation Output by WMQInfo MBean
Action None

WMSG1705I: Information from WebSphere MQ messaging provider follows:

Explanation Output by WMQInfo MBean
Action None

WMSG1707I: Unable to obtain any version information from WebSphere MQ messaging provider because of exception: {0}

Explanation Output by WMQInfo MBean
Action None

WMSG1708I: WebSphere MQ messaging provider configuration is not valid

Explanation Output by WMQInfo MBean
Action None

WMSG1709I: WebSphere MQ messaging provider is not configured

Explanation Output by WMQInfo MBean
Action None

WMSG1710I: Install Directory is {0}.

Explanation Output by WMQInfo MBean
Action None

WMSG1711I: Native File Directory is {0}.

Explanation Output by WMQInfo MBean
Action None

WMSG1712I: vis {0}.

Explanation Output by WMQInfo MBean
Action None

WMSG1713I: Jar Files: {0}.

Explanation Output by WMQInfo MBean
Action None

WMSG1714I: Native Libraries {0}

Explanation Output by WMQInfo MBean
Action None

WMSG1715I: Name is {0}.

Explanation Output by WMQInfo MBean
Action None

WMSG1716I: Title is {0}.

Explanation Output by WMQInfo MBean
Action None

WMSG1717I: Type is {0}.

Explanation Output by WMQInfo MBean
Action None

WMSG1718I: vis {0}.

Explanation Output by WMQInfo MBean
Action None

WMSG1719I: Implementation info is {0}.

Explanation Output by WMQInfo MBean
Action None

WMSG1720I: All WebSphere MQ functionality on this server has been disabled.

Explanation All WebSphere MQ functionality has been disabled on this server as a result of the 'disable WebSphere MQ functionality' check box being selected on a WebSphere MQ messaging provider panel at an appropriate scope. Alternatively the manageWMQ administrative command may have been used to disable WebSphere MQ functionality. As a result of this all WebSphere MQ messaging provider, WebSphere MQ link, WebSphere MQ client link and MQ server functionality has been disabled.
Action None unless WebSphere MQ functionality is required, in which case clear the 'disable WebSphere MQ functionality' check box on the relevant WebSphere MQ messaging provider panel or make use of the manageWMQ administrative command.

WMSG3000E: The mandatory property JmsActSpecJndiName is not set on the activation specification {0} of the resource adapter wrapper.

Explanation The JmsActSpecJndiName property is a required property for the resource adapter wrapper, but it is not set.
Action Correct the configuration and restart the application.

WMSG3001E: The mandatory property ID is not set on the activation specification {0} of the resource adapter wrapper.

Explanation The ID property is a required property for the resource adapter wrapper, but it is not set.
Action Correct the configuration and restart the application.

WMSG3010E: The activate endpoint method was called with an activation specification of type {1} when a type of {0} is expected.

Explanation An incorrect activation specification class was passed to the endpointActivation method of the resource adapter wrapper.
Action When using the resource adapter wrapper, ensure that the correct activation specification class is passed to the endpointActivation method

WMSG3011E: During deactivation, the endpoint created the following exception: {0}

Explanation There was an exception during the deactivation of an endpoint.
Action Examine the exception for further information.

WMSG3012E: The endpoint that the resource adapter wrapper {1} wraps for endpoint {0} is already activated.

Explanation The endpointActivation method of the resource adapter wrapper was called when the endpoint is already activated. An endpoint can be activated only once.
Action Ensure that endpoint is not activated multiple times.

WMSG3013E: The endpoint that the resource adapter wrapper {1} wraps for endpoint {0} is not activated.

Explanation There was an attempt to deactivate an endpoint, but the endpoint is not activated.
Action Ensure that endpoint is activated before you deactivate it.

WMSG3080E: The system called an unexpected method. The createEndpoint method was called on a message endpoint factory in the Control Region Adjunct on z/OS.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:

WMSG3100E: An error occurred during before delivery processing, see linked exception for more information: {0}

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:

WMSG3101E: An error occurred during after-delivery processing. See the linked exception for more information: {0}

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:

WMSG3102E: An error occurred because the method {0} is not expected to be called for application {1}.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:

WMSG3103E: An error occurred because the method {0} is not expected to be called for application {1}.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:

WMSG3104E: An error occurred because the method {0} is not expected to be called for application {1}.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:



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