Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Applications > Service integration > Mediations
Performance tuning for mediations
We can set the property sib:SkipWellFormedCheck in the administrative console to improve the performance of a mediation. Before you set a property to tune a mediation, you should consider the behavior of the mediation, to prevent the modification or loss of messages.
The mediation must either not modify the message, or it must ensure that the message is well formed post-mediation. A well formed message has message property values that can be serialized, and a message datagraph that conforms to the message format.
If you set a tuning property for a mediation that does not conform to these rules, the following events might occur:
- Messages disappear either when moving between messaging engines or when they are saved in the message store.
- Modified messages, instead of the original messages, arrive at the exception destination.
- Messages are modified while a mediation or a consumer application is reading the message content.
Tip: When you use an enterprise bean as a message producer, the topic or queue connection factory pool size acts as a throttle that controls the rate at which an enterprise bean can produce messages. There is no one specific value that is suitable for all circumstances, therefore tune this parameter for your given application and hardware combination.
Set tuning properties for a mediation
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