WAS v8.0 > Install the application serving environment > Distributed operating systems > Install the product > Use the sample response files

Sample response file: Installing the DMZ Secure Proxy Server for IBM WAS

We can edit and use this example of a response file for installing the DMZ Secure Proxy Server for IBM WAS.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

##### Copyright
# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2011.
####################################################################### -->

##### Frequently Asked Questions
# The latest information about using Installation Manager is
# located in the online Information Center. There you can find
# information about the commands and attributes used in # silent installation response files.
#     Installation Manager Information Center can be found at:
#     http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/install/v1r5/index.jsp
# Question 1. How do I record a response file using Installation Manager?
# Answer 1. Start Installation Manager from the command line under the
# eclipse subdirectory with the record parameter and it will generate a
# response file containing actions it performed, repositories it used, and
# its preferences settings. Optionally use the -skipInstall parameter if
# you do not want the product to be installed to the machine. Specify a
# new agentDataLocation location value when doing a new installation. Do
# not use an existing agentDataLocation for an installation because it might
# damage the installation data and prevent you from modifying, updating,
# rolling back, or uninstalling the installed packages.
# Windows: IBMIM -record
<responseFile> -skipInstall
# Linux or UNIX: ./IBMIM -record
<responseFile> -skipInstall
# For example:
#   Windows = IBMIM.exe -record c:\temp\responsefiles\WASv80.install.Win32.xml
#     -skipInstall c:\temp\skipInstall\WebSphere_Temp_Registry
#   Linux or UNIX = ./IBMIM -record /home/user/responsefiles/WASv80.install.RHEL64.xml
#     -skipInstall c:\temp\skipInstall\WebSphere_Temp_Registry
# Question 2. How do I run Installation Manager silently using response file?
# Answer 2. Create a silent installation response file and run the following command
# from the eclipse\tools subdirectory in the directory where you installed
# Installation Manager:
#   Windows = imcl.exe -acceptLicense -showProgress
#     input
<response_file_path_and_name> -log
#   Linux, UNIX, IBM i and z/OS = ./imcl -acceptLicense -showProgress
#     input
<response_file_path_and_name> -log
# For example:
#   Windows = imcl.exe -acceptLicense -showProgress
#     input c:\temp\responsefile\WASv80.install.Win32.xml
#   Linux, UNIX, IBM i and z/OS = ./imcl -acceptLicense -showProgress
#     input /home/user/responsefile/WASv80.install.RHEL64.xml
# The -acceptLicense command must be included to indicate acceptance of all
#     license agreements of all offerings being installed, updated or modified.
# The -showProgress command shows progress when running in silent mode.
# Additional commands can be displayed by requesting help:  IBMIM -help
# Question 3. How do I store and pass credentials to repositories that
# require authentication?
# Answer 3. Installation Manager uses a key ring file to store encrypted
# credentials for authenticating with repositories. Follow this two-step
# process for creating and using a key ring file with Installation Manager.
# First, create a key ring file with your credentials by starting
# Installation Manager from the command line under eclipse subdirectory
# with the keyring parameter.
# Use the optional password parameter to password protect your file.
#   Windows = IBMIM.exe -keyring
<path and file name> -password
#   Linux, UNIX, IBM i and z/OS = ./IBMIM -keyring
<path and file name>
#                                 -password
# Installation Manager will start in graphical mode. Verify that the
# repositories to which authenticate are included in the
# preferences, File / Preferences / Repositories. If they are not
# listed, then click Add Repositories to add the URL or UNC path.
# Installation Manager will prompt for your credentials. If the repository # is already in the list, then any attempt to access the repository location,
# such as clicking the Test Connections button, will also prompt for your
# credentials. Enter the correct credential and check the Save password
# checkbox. The credentials are saved to the key ring file you specified.
# Second, when you start a silent installation, run imcl under eclipse/tools
# subdirectory, and provide Installation Manager with the location of the key
# ring file and the password if the file is protected. For example:
#   Windows = imcl.exe -acceptLicense -showProgress
#     input
<path and file name of response file>
#     -keyring
<path and name of key ring file> -password
#   Linux, UNIX, IBM i and z/OS = ./imcl -acceptLicense -showProgress
#     input
<path and file name of response file>
#     -keyring
<path and name of key ring file> -password
####################################################################### -->

##### Agent Input
# Note that the "acceptLicense" attribute has been deprecated.
# Use "-acceptLicense" command line option to accept license agreements.
# The clean and temporary attributes specify the repositories and other
# preferences Installation Manager uses and whether those settings
# should persist after the installation finishes.
# Valid values for clean:
#      true = only use the repositories and other preferences that are
#           specified in the response file.
#      false = use the repositories and other preferences that are
#           specified in the response file and Installation Manager.
# Valid values for temporary:
#      true = repositories and other preferences specified in the
#           response file do not persist in Installation Manager.
#      false = repositories and other preferences specified in the
#           response file persist in Installation Manager.
####################################################################### -->

<agent-input clean="true" temporary="true">

##### Repositories
# Repositories are locations that Installation Manager queries for
# installable packages. Repositories can be local (on the machine
# with Installation Manager) or remote (on a corporate intranet or
# hosted elsewhere on the internet).
# If the machine using this response file has access to the internet,
# then include the IBM WebSphere Live Update Repositories in the list
# of repository locations.
# If the machine using this response file cannot access the internet,
# then comment out the IBM WebSphere Live Update Repositories and
# specify the URL or UNC path to custom intranet repositories and
# directory paths to local repositories to use.
####################################################################### -->

##### IBM WebSphere Live Update Repositories

# These repositories contain DMZ Secure Proxy Server for WebSphere

# Application Server offerings, and updates for those offerings


# To use the secure repository (https), have an IBM ID,

# which can be obtained by registering at: http://www.ibm.com/account

# or your Passport Advantage account.


# And, use a key ring file with your response file.

################################################################## -->
<repository location="http://www.ibm.com/software/repositorymanager/com.ibm.websphere.NDDMZ.v80" />

<repository location="https://www.ibm.com/software/rational/repositorymanager/repositories/websphere" /> -->

##### Custom Repositories

# Uncomment and update the repository location key below

# to specify URLs or UNC paths to any intranet repositories 
# and directory paths to local repositories to use.

################################################################## -->
<repository location='https:\\w3.mycompany.com\repositories\'/> -->
<repository location='/home/user/repositories/websphere/'/> -->

##### Local Repositories

# Uncomment and update the following line when using a local 
# repository located on your own machine to install a

# DMZ Secure Proxy Server offering.

############################################################# -->
<repository location='insert the full directory path inside single quotes'/> -->

##### Install Packages
# Install Command
# Use the install command to inform Installation Manager of the
# installation packages to install.
# The modify attribute is optional and can be paired with an install
# command to add features or paired with an uninstall command to
# remove commands. If omitted, the default value is set to false.
#    false = indicates not to modify an existing install by adding
#            or removing features.
#    true = indicates to modify an existing install by adding or
#           removing features.
# The offering ID attribute is required because it specifies the
# offering to be installed. The offering listed must be present in # at least one of the repositories listed earlier. The example
# command below contains the offering ID for the DMZ
# edition of DMZ Secure Proxy Server.
# The version attribute is optional. If a version number is provided,
# then the offering will be installed at the version level specified # as long as it is available in the repositories. If the version
# attribute is not provided, then the default behavior is to install
# the latest version available in the repositories. The version number
# can be found in the repository.xml file in the repositories.
# For example,
<offering ... version=''>.
# The profile attribute is required and typically is unique to the
# offering. If modifying or updating an existing installation, the
# profile attribute must match the profile ID of the targeted installation
# of DMZ Secure Proxy Server.
# The features attribute is optional. Offerings always have at least
# one feature; a required core feature which is installed regardless
# of whether it is explicitly specified. If other feature names
# are provided, then only those features will be installed.
# Features must be comma delimited without spaces.
# The feature values for DMZ Secure Proxy Server include:
#  thinclient,com.ibm.jre.6_32bit,com.ibm.jre.6_64bit
# On 32-bit machines, the 32-bit jre feature will be install
# automatically even if it is not specified in the response file.
# On 64-bit machines, one and only one of the Java Runtime Environment
# (JRE) features must be specified.
# The installFixes attribute indicates whether fixes available in # repositories are installed with the product. By default, all
# available fixes will be installed with the offering.
# Valid values for installFixes:
#      none = do not install available fixes with the offering.
#      recommended = installs all available recommended fixes with the offering.
#      all = installs all available fixes with the offering.
# Interim fixes for offerings also can be installed while they
# are being installed by including the offering ID for the interim
# fix and specifying the profile ID. A commented out example is
# provided in the install command below.
# Installation Manager supports installing multiple offerings at once.
# Additional offerings can be included in the install command,
# with each offering requiring its own offering ID, version, profile value,
# and feature values.
# Profile Command
# A separate profile command must be included for each offering listed
# in the install command. The profile command informs Installation
# Manager about offering specific properties or configuration values.
# The installLocation specifies where the offering will be installed.
# If the response file is used to modify or update an existing
# installation, then ensure the installLocation points to the
# location where the offering was installed previously.
# The eclipseLocation data key should use the same directory path to
# DMZ Secure Proxy Server as the installationLocation attribute.
# Include data keys for product specific profile properties.
# For instance, additional translations can be specified by including # the cic.selector.nl data key and the language codes as values for
# the translations to install.
#  Language code values: cs,de,en,es,fr,hu,it,ja,ko,pl,pt_BR,ro,ru,zh,zh_HK,zh_TW
####################################################################### -->
<install modify='false'>
<offering id='com.ibm.websphere.NDDMZ.v80'
 profile='DMZ Secure Proxy Server for IBM WAS V8.0'
 features='core.feature,thinclient,com.ibm.jre.6_32bit' installFixes='none'/>
<offering id='PM12345_WAS80' profile='DMZ Secure Proxy Server for IBM WAS V8.0'/> -->

<profile id='DMZ Secure Proxy Server for IBM WAS V8.0'
<data key='eclipseLocation' value='C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer'/>
<data key='user.import.profile' value='false'/>
<data key='cic.selector.nl' value='en'/>

##### Shared Data Location
# Uncomment the preference for eclipseCache to set the shared data
# location the first time you use Installation Manager to do an
# installation.
# Eclipse cache location can be obtained from the installed.xml file found in # Linux/Unix: /var/ibm/InstallationManager
# Windows: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\IBM\Installation Manager
# from the following property:
<property name='cacheLocation' value='C:\IBM\IMShared'/>
# Open the installed.xml file in a text editor because the style sheet
# might hide this value if opened in a web browser.
# For further information on how to edit preferences, refer to the public library at:
# http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/install/v1r5/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.silentinstall12.doc/topics/r_silent_prefs.html
# After the shared data location is set, it cannot be changed
# using a response file or the graphical wizard.
# Ensure that the shared data location is a location that can be written
# to by all user accounts that are expected to use Installation Manager.
# By default, Installation Manager saves downloaded artifacts to
# the shared data location. This serves two purposes.
# First, if the same product is installed a more than once to the machine,
# then the files in the shared data location will be used rather than
# downloading them again.
# Second, during the rollback process, the saved artifacts are used.
# Otherwise, if the artifacts are not saved or are removed, then
# Installation Manager must have to access the repositories used to
# install the previous versions.
# Valid values for preserveDownloadedArtifacts:
#     true = store downloaded artifacts in the shared data location
#     false = remove downloaded artifacts from the shared data location
####################################################################### -->


<preference name='com.ibm.cic.common.core.preferences.eclipseCache' value='C:\IBM\IMShared'/>
<preference name='com.ibm.cic.common.core.preferences.preserveDownloadedArtifacts' value='true'/>

##### Preferences Settings
# Additional preferences for Installation Manager can be specified.
# These preference correspond to those that are located in the graphical
# interface under File / Preferences.
# If a preference command is omitted from or commented out of the response
# file, then Installation Manager uses the preference value that was
# previously set or the default value for the preference.
# Preference settings might be added or deprecated in new versions of # Installation Manager. Consult the online Installation Manager
# Information Center for the latest set of preferences and
# descriptions about how to use them.
# http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/install/v1r5/index.jsp
####################################################################### -->


<preference name='com.ibm.cic.common.core.preferences.connectTimeout' value='30'/>
<preference name='com.ibm.cic.common.core.preferences.readTimeout' value='45'/>
<preference name='com.ibm.cic.common.core.preferences.downloadAutoRetryCount' value='0'/>
<preference name='offering.service.repositories.areUsed' value='true'/>
<preference name='com.ibm.cic.common.core.preferences.ssl.nonsecureMode' value='false'/>
<preference name='com.ibm.cic.common.core.preferences.//publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/wasinfo/v8r0/index.jsp?topic=/  .disablePreemptiveAuthentication' value='false'/>
<preference name='//publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/wasinfo/v8r0/index.jsp?topic=/  .ntlm.auth.kind' value='NTLM'/>
<preference name='//publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/wasinfo/v8r0/index.jsp?topic=/  .ntlm.auth.enableIntegrated.win32' value='true'/>
<preference name='com.ibm.cic.common.core.preferences.keepFetchedFiles' value='false'/>
<preference name='PassportAdvantageIsEnabled' value='false'/>
<preference name='com.ibm.cic.common.core.preferences.searchForUpdates' value='false'/>
<preference name='com.ibm.cic.agent.ui.displayInternalVersion' value='false'/>  -->



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