Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Applications > Batch applications > Batch concepts > Batch overview > Get started with the batch environment

Batch frequently asked questions

When you use batch, you might have questions about the functionality of some of its features.

What are the criteria that the job scheduler uses to select a JVM to run the job?

Availability, capability, and capacity.

Can the job scheduler be run in an active-active mode? What kind of control is used to synchronize the state between them?

Yes, you can have multiple active-active job scheduler instances. For this, provide a network database (like DB2) for the job scheduler to persist job and job definition information.

From a user-interface perspective, what control does the administrator have to control batch jobs and the job scheduler?

The product provides a job console that you can use to submit, monitor, and manage all jobs in the domain from a single location. This job management console also includes support for creating and managing job schedules (jobs that are run at a specific time or day once or repeatedly).


Diagnosing problems using job logs Concept topic


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Last updated: 03/26/2025 19:24:15