Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Sets
WebSphere MQ servers [Collection]
A WebSphere MQ server represents a WebSphere MQ queue manager or (for WebSphere MQ for z/OS ) queue-sharing group.
Servers -> Server Types -> WebSphere MQ servers .
If WebSphere MQ functionality has been disabled at any scope, an informational message indicating that WebSphere MQ has been disabled is displayed. In a single server environment this informational message is only displayed when the server is restarted after WebSphere MQ functionality has been disabled. In a network deployment environment the informational message is displayed immediately. For more information see Disable WebSphere MQ functionality in WAS.
The administrative name of the WebSphere MQ Server.
An optional description for the WebSphere MQ server, for administrative purposes.
New Create a new administrative object of this type. Delete Delete the selected items. Test connection Test the connection to WebSphere MQ. In a single server environment, any attempt to test the connection fails if WebSphere MQ functionality has been disabled. In a network deployment environment, any attempt to test the connection fails if WebSphere MQ functionality has been disabled at either the cell or dmgr node scope. For more information see Disable WebSphere MQ functionality in WAS.
Create a WebSphere MQ server definition
Disable WebSphere MQ functionality in WAS
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