Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Sets
WebSphere MQ client link advanced properties [Settings]
Advanced configurable properties, such as message reliability and broker queue names, for the WebSphere MQ client link.
Service integration -> Buses -> bus_name -> [Topology] Messaging engines -> engine_name -> [Additional Properties] WebSphere MQ client links -> link_name -> [Advanced properties] > property_name .
Configuration tab
These property values are preserved even if the runtime environment is stopped then restarted.
General Properties
Inbound persistent message reliability
The acceptable reliability of message delivery for inbound persistent message flows from WebSphere MQ through this WebSphere MQ client link, from Reliable to Assured, in order of increasing reliability.
Required No Data type drop-down list Range
Messages might be discarded when a messaging engine fails.
Messages are not discarded.
Inbound nonpersistent message reliability
The acceptable reliability of message delivery for inbound nonpersistent message flows from WebSphere MQ through this WebSphere MQ link, from Reliable to Assured, in order of increasing reliability.
Required No Data type drop-down list Range
Best effort
Messages are discarded when a messaging engine stops or fails. Messages might also be discarded if a connection used to send them becomes unavailable or as a result of constrained system resources.
Messages are discarded when a messaging engine stops or fails. Messages might also be discarded if a connection used to send them becomes unavailable.
Messages are discarded when a messaging engine stops or fails.
Broker control queue
The name of the message broker control queue to which all command messages (except publications and requests to delete publications) are sent.
Publisher and subscriber applications, and other brokers, send all command messages (except publications and requests to delete publications) to this queue.
Required No Data type Text
Broker publication queue
The name of the message broker publication queue to which all publication messages for the default stream are sent.
This is the name of the broker input queue (stream queue) that receives all publication messages for the default stream. Applications can also send requests to delete publications on the default stream to this queue.
Required No Data type Text
Broker subscription queue
The name of the message broker subscription queue from which nondurable subscription messages are retrieved.
This is the broker queue from which nondurable subscription messages are retrieved. The subscriber specifies the name of the queue when it registers a subscription.
Required No Data type Text
Broker durable subscription queue
The name of the message broker durable subscription queue from which durable subscription messages are retrieved.
This is the broker queue from which durable subscription messages are retrieved. The subscriber specifies the name of the queue when it registers a durable subscription.
Required No Data type Text
Broker connection consumer subscription queue
The name of the message broker connection consumer subscription queue from which nondurable subscription messages are retrieved for a connection consumer request.
This is the name of the broker queue from which nondurable subscription messages are retrieved for a ConnectionConsumer request.
Required No Data type Text
Broker connection consumer durable subscription queue
The name of the message broker connection consumer durable subscription queue from which nondurable subscription messages are retrieved for a connection consumer request.
This is the name of the broker queue from which durable subscription messages are retrieved for a ConnectionConsumer request.
Required No Data type Text
Default topic space
The name of the default topic space for the WebSphere MQ client link.
This topic space is used for publish/subscribe messages sent to v5.1 JMS topics for which the JMS topic connection factory connects to the node on which this WebSphere MQ client link is configured.
Required No Data type Text
Configure a WebSphere MQ client link
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