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update command

The update command starts the Update Installer for WebSphere Software.

The Update Installer installs and uninstalls interim fixes, fix packs, and refresh packs to update WebSphere software.



The update command calls the update installer program to install and uninstall service to update WebSphere software. This page describes the update installer command and its command-line parameters.

The following descriptions contain reference information about the command.

See Install maintenance packages, interim fixes, fix packs, and refresh packs and Uninstall maintenance packages, interim fixes, fix packs, and refresh packs for information about using the command.

See Update command - known problems and workarounds for information about known problems and workarounds.

Command options

The following tables list commands for installing and uninstalling interim fixes.


Commands for installing interim fixes

Issue one of the following commands to use the graphical interface:


For the Microsoft Windows Vista operating system, use update.exe rather than update.bat.

Table 1. Update installer commands for installing with the graphical interface

Command example Type of installation Description



[AIX] [HP-UX] [Linux] [Solaris]

Graphical interface mode Initializes the interim fix field with the name of the interim fix that has the most recent date stamp and time stamp.

Accept all of the default values to install the interim fix with the most recent time stamp.


update.bat -options "responsefiles\file_name"

[AIX] [HP-UX] [Linux] [Solaris]

./update.sh -options "responsefiles/file_name"
Graphical interface mode with an options file Overrides all graphical interface values with values specified in the options response file.

If we omit either value, the default maintenance package is the one with the most recent date stamp and time stamp. The default software is the software installed in the parent directory.


update.bat -W maintenance.package="e:\IBM\WebSphere

[AIX] [HP-UX] [Linux] [Solaris]

./update.sh -W maintenance.package="/opt/IBM/WebSphere
Graphical interface mode Overrides the name of the maintenance package to apply.


update.bat -W product.location="e:\IBM\WebSphere

[AIX] [HP-UX] [Linux] [Solaris]

./update.sh -W product.location="/opt/IBM/WebSphere
Graphical interface mode Overrides the location of the WebSphere software to update.


update.bat -W product.location="e:\IBM\WebSphere
\AppServer" -W maintenance.package="e:\IBM\WebSphere

[AIX] [HP-UX] [Linux] [Solaris]

./update.sh -W product.location="/opt/IBM/WebSphere" 
-W maintenance.package="/IBM/WAS/AppServer
Graphical interface mode Overrides the location of the WebSphere software to update and the name of the maintenance package to apply.


update.bat -OPT disableDiskSpaceCheck=true 

[AIX] [HP-UX] [Linux] [Solaris]

./update.sh -OPT disableDiskSpaceCheck=true 
Graphical interface mode Overrides the prerequisite check for disk space.

Issue the following command to use the silent interface:

Table 2. Update installer command for installing in silent mode

Command example Type of installation Description


update.bat -silent -options "responsefiles\file_name"

[AIX] [HP-UX] [Linux] [Solaris]

./update.sh -silent -options "responsefiles/file_name"
Silent mode with an options file Overrides all default values with values that you specified in the options response file.

Always use a response file that is based on the response file under updi_root/responsefiles.


Commands for uninstalling interim fixes

Issue one of the following commands to uninstall with the graphical interface:

Table 3. Update installer commands for uninstalling with the graphical interface

Command example Description


update.bat -W update.type="uninstall"

[AIX] [HP-UX] [Linux] [Solaris]

./update.sh -W update.type="uninstall"
Initializes the interim fix field with the name of the interim fix that was most recently installed.

Accept all of the default values to uninstall the interim fix with the most recent date stamp and time stamp.


update.bat -W product.location="e:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer" 
-W update.type="uninstall"

[AIX] [HP-UX] [Linux] [Solaris]

./update.sh -W product.location="/IBM/WAS/AppServer" 
-W update.type="uninstall"
Overrides the graphical interface with the location of the WebSphere software to update. The default interim fix to uninstall is the most recently installed interim fix for that software.


update.bat -W backup.package="PQ20029.pak" 
-W update.type="uninstall"

[AIX] [HP-UX] [Linux] [Solaris]

./update.sh -W backup.package="PQ20029.pak" 
-W update.type="uninstall"
Overrides the interim fix field with the name of the maintenance package to uninstall.


update.bat -W product.location="e:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer" 
-W backup.package="PQ20029.pak" -W update.type="uninstall"

[AIX] [HP-UX] [Linux] [Solaris]

./update.sh -W product.location="/IBM/WAS/AppServer" 
-W backup.package="PQ20029.pak" -W update.type="uninstall"
Overrides the location of the WebSphere software to update and the name of the maintenance package to uninstall.


update.bat -options "responsefiles\file_name"

[AIX] [HP-UX] [Linux] [Solaris]

./update.sh -options "responsefiles/file_name"
Overrides all default values with values that you specified in the options response file.

If we omit either value from the response file, the default maintenance package is the installed package with the most recent date stamp and time stamp. The default software is the software installed in the parent directory.

Issue the following command to use the silent interface:

Table 4. Update installer command for installing in silent mode

Command example Type of installation Description


update.bat -silent -options "responsefiles\file_name"

[AIX] [HP-UX] [Linux] [Solaris]

./update.sh -silent -options "responsefiles/file_name"
Silent mode with an options file Overrides all default values with values that you specified in the options response file.

Always use a response file that is based on the response file under updi_root/responsefiles.

Install multiple interim fixes

Use a script to issue more than one command. Each command identifies one maintenance package to install.


Example 1 [AIX] [HP-UX] [Linux] [Solaris]


./update.sh -W maintenance.package=/IBM/WAS/AppServer/updateinstaller/maintenance/PK20028.pak 

./update.sh -W maintenance.package=/IBM/WAS/AppServer/updateinstaller/maintenance/PK20029.pak 

If any maintenance package contains service for the IBM Software Developer Kit (SDK), the resulting asynchronous return to the script causes multiple instances of the Update Installer to run, which is not allowed. Use the following procedure to avoid the problem:

  1. Create the default cloned SDK location within the updi_root directory.For example:

    mkdir /IBM/WAS/AppServer/updateinstaller/java

    The command creates the same directory for the SDK that the Update Installer creates when it clones the SDK automatically.

  2. Copy the SDK from WAS installation root to the default clone location.

    Copy the contents of the APP_ROOT/java/jre directory to the updi_root/java directory. For example, the command for a Linux system might resemble the following example:

    cp -rf /IBM/WAS/AppServer/java/jre/* 

  3. Edit the script to change the command for the maintenance package that installs the update to the SDK. Or change all of the commands in the script.


    ./update.sh -is:javahome /IBM/WAS/AppServer/updateinstaller/java 
    -W maintenance.package=/IBM/WAS/AppServer/updateinstaller/maintenance/PK20028.pak 
    ./update.sh -is:javahome /IBM/WAS/AppServer/updateinstaller/java 
    -W maintenance.package=/IBM/WAS/AppServer/updateinstaller/maintenance/PK20029.pak 

See the UPDI: Control returns prematurely to the command line when the Update Installer rolls back an updated IBM SDK technote for more information about asynchronous operations when the Update Installer is cloning the SDK.


Example 2


The InstallShield for Multiplatforms (ISMP) launcher program returns control to the command line or calling BAT script right away on Windows systems. If a BAT script has the following two lines, the second line runs before the Update Installer has completed the first line.

-W maintenance.package="C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\updateinstaller\maintenance\PK20028.pak" 

-W maintenance.package="C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\updateinstaller\maintenance\PK20029.pak" 
The resulting asynchronous return to the script causes multiple instances of the Update Installer to run, which is not allowed. Use the following procedure to avoid the problem:

  1. Use the XCOPY command to create the default clone location for the SDK and copy WAS SDK from the installation root in one operation.

    Copy the contents of the APP_ROOT\java\jre directory to the updi_root\java directory, which is the default location when the Update Installer clones the SDK automatically. For example, use the following command when the installation root directory is the C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer60\ directory.

    xcopy C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer60\java\jre\*.* C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer60\updateinstaller\java\*.* /S

  2. Edit the batch script to change each update command to issue the Java™ calls directly instead of through ISMP:

    "C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer60\updateinstaller\java\bin\java.exe" -cp update.jar -Xms48m -Xmx384m  run -W maintenance.package="C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer60\updateinstaller\maintenance\PK20028.pak" 
    "C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer60\updateinstaller\java\bin\java.exe" -cp update.jar -Xms48m -Xmx384m  run -W maintenance.package="C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer60\updateinstaller\maintenance\PK20029.pak" 

    The -Xms48m parameter and the -Xmx384m parameter are the minimum heap size and the maximum heap size, respectively.

  3. Run the batch file to install the maintenance packages.

The reworked batch file avoids the ISMP asynchronous behavior by invoking the native Java process directly. Additional parameters are allowed at the end of each line, such as the -options parameter.

Automating maintenance operations

Most fix packs and refresh packs include some maintenance for the IBM SDK, Java technology edition in the APP_ROOT/java/jre directory. When a refresh pack, fix pack, or interim fix updates the SDK, the Update Installer for WebSphere Software program clones the SDK in WAS by starting an ISMP process to copy the SDK to the updi_root/java directory:


To use a script to perform a silent maintenance installation, launch the update installer program twice. The first command clones the SDK only and does not automatically relaunch the update installer program. The second command uses the cloned SDK to update WAS and the SDK in WAS ND.

The Update Installer for WebSphere always uses the SDK in the updi_root/java directory if the SDK is present.

Issue the following commands from the script:

  1. update -silent

    The update installer program uses the cloned copy of the SDK in the updi_root directory at the next invocation of the command. For example, use the following command to install the update using the cloned SDK:

    /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/updateinstaller/update.sh \
       -silent -W maintenance.package=\
       "/opt/WebSphere/AppServer/updateinstaller/maintenance/\" \
       -W update.type="install" \
       -W product.location="/opt/WebSphere/AppServer" 
    {Omit the Linux and UNIX line-continuation characters (\) when issuing the command on one line.}


The following sections describe logging that occurs when installing and uninstalling service.


Logs created when installing service

If no installation log file exists, refer to the temporary log file in the updi_root/logs/update/tmp directory. If all validations pass, the installation occurs.

Then the update installer program creates the APP_ROOT/logs/update/maintenance_package.install directory.

Within the directory are the updatelog.txt file, the compressed updatetrace.log.gz file, and the compressed updateconfig.log.gz file. The updateconfig.log.gz file exists only when the installation of service uses the internal configuration manager utility to run ANT scripts.


Logs created when uninstalling service

If no log file exists after uninstalling an interim fix, refer to the temporary log file in the updi_root/logs/update/tmp directory. If all validations pass, the uninstall procedure occurs.

Then the update installer program creates the APP_ROOT/logs/update/maintenance_package.uninstall directory.

Within the directory are the updatelog.txt file, the compressed updatetrace.log.gz file, and the compressed updateconfig.log.gz file. The updateconfig.log.gz file exists only when the removal of service uses the internal configuration manager utility to run ANT scripts.


Indicators of success

The log file includes an indicator of success:


The current operation was successful. You do not need to review the log file any further.


The current operation was partially successful. System should still be in a usable state, however some non-critical actions have failed. Consult the log file to determine what has failed and how to recover from the failure, if possible.


The current operation failed. The system is no longer in a usable state. Consult the log file for more information.


Related tasks

Install maintenance packages, interim fixes, fix packs, and refresh packs



Logic the Update Installer uses for uninstalling