IIP installation package invocation properties
Use this panel to specify the properties for the currently selected contribution invocation in the integrated installation package (IIP).
This panel contains all of the properties for a new installation package invocation, or the properties for the currently selected installation package invocation in the Construct the integrated installation packages panel. You can control how the package information is displayed, how the package will be installed, and whether the IIP installer can override the properties.
Display name for this invocation
Name of the installation invocation which is displayed during IIP installation. The default value is the generic name of the contribution.
Description of this invocation
Description of the installation invocation which is displayed during IIP installation. The default value is the generic name of the contribution.
Invocation identifier
Unique ID that we cannot modify for every invocation of a contribution. The contribution ID is combined with a generated number, the SubID, to form an invocation ID which is unique within this IIP. For example, the invocation identifier of the first invocation of the WAS, ND product might be 6.1.0-WS-WASND_1-1. If the same installer package is used to install into a different directory, then the invocation identifier might be 6.1.0-WS-WASND_2-1.
Use the contribution ID helps separate contribution packages according to offering, edition, and version. The SubId further helps separate different “variations” of the contribution such as CIPs.
Make this installation invocation the primary installation invocation
When creating the IIP, we can designate one of the contribution invocations as the primary contribution invocation. This allows the –iipOptionSet option to be omitted for that particular contribution during command-line installation so that invocation of the overall IIP can be virtually identical to invocation of that contribution in terms of the option names and syntax. Any options specified on the command line during installation which are not preceded by the –iipOptionSet option are assumed to belong to the primary contribution. This means that options intended for the primary contribution must be specified first, before those intended for any other contribution. In some cases the IIP user might not need to pass in any other options to the other contributions if the default values for those options are satisfactory or if we have exploited macro replacement to control the flow of options from one contribution to another. See Installing an IIP and Installing an IIP silently.
Installation suppression options
Whether the user can skip the installation of this package and whether the package is installed by default.
Users can suppress the installation of this package
Select this checkbox to allow the IIP installer to skip the installation of this package. Clear this checkbox if you do not want the IIP installer to skip the installation of this package.
Select this package for installation by default
Select this checkbox to include this package for installation by default. If you clear this checkbox, then the package invocation will be displayed but not selected for installation.
Default installation mode
Whether the package is installed using an interactive wizard or silently, and whether the user can override the selected mode of installation.
Select the Interactive wizard radio button to display the installation wizard for this package invocation during IIP installation. Select the Silent installation radio button to install this package silently. Consider this choice along with what we have chosen for the overall IIP installation mode in the Integrated installation wizard settings panel. For example, if we have chosen to install the IIP silently, but we have selected the Interactive wizard radio button, then this package invocation's installation wizard will still be displayed. The default installation mode is interactive.
If you select silent installation but do not select a response file, then you will see a warning message when you return to the Construct an integrated installation package panel. Please provide a response file or select to allow the IIP installer to provide a response file during installation for that package.
If you want the IIP installer to be able to override the installation mode, then select the Users can override the default installation mode checkbox.
Default installation directory paths
Default installation directory path for this installation package invocation.
We can specify the installation directory path based on the listed supported platforms and user types available for that package. For example, we can specify an installation path for a user with administrator rights and another path for non-administrator users. Click Modify to change the value of the installation directory path for the selected architecture and user type. The directory path you enter here will used by default by the installation wizard.
If you want the IIP installer to be able to change the value of the target installation directory during installation, then select the Users can modify the installation directory path during installation checkbox. This checkbox is selected by default.
Response files
Location of the silent installation response file that will be used during silent installation.
We can specify the response file based on the listed supported platforms and user types available for that package. For example, we can specify a response file for a user with administrator rights and another response file for non-administrator users. Click Modify to enter silent installation response file for the selected architecture and user type. A response file is required if silent installation is selected.
If you want the IIP installer to be able to specify a different response file during installation, then select the Users can specify a different response file during installation checkbox.
Exit code actions
Specifies actions to take depending on the exit codes generated by contributions during package installation.
There are three main installation exit codes recognized by the IIP installer which will allow users to control the remaining IIP contribution installations.
- Installation cancelled by user
The user cancels the installation of the selected package invocation, either in the wizard or from the package command line.
- Installation is a partial success
The installation of the selected package invocation was successful but certain post-installation actions failed. This can be a recoverable situation or the package might need to be reinstalled.
- Installation failed
The installation of the selected package invocation failed.
We can specify one of the following actions to take for each exit code generated by the package:
- Ask user whether to stop or to continue the installation
Control is returned to the IIP installer wizard and we are prompted to perform some action. For example, we can change the selection of remaining contributions to install, stop installing, or continue installing without changing the current package installation.
- Continue installing the integrated installation package
The exit code will be ignored and the IIP installation process will continue to the next installation package invocation.
- Stop installing the integrated installation package
The IIP installation process will be stopped..
If you want the IIP installer to be able to change the exit code actions during installation, then select the Users can modify the exit code actions during installation checkbox.
Related concepts
Related tasks
Related reference
Last updated Nov 11, 2010 1:01:09 PM CST