Bus members troubleshooting tips

Use this set of specific tips to help you troubleshoot problems with bus members.


Error 500 when adding a new member to a service integration bus.

When using the WAS administrative console to add a server or server cluster as a new member of a service integration bus, we can receive an Error 500 message, with the additional message "An error occurred while processing request: /ibm/console/sIBusMemberCollection.do". In addition, the SystemOut log contains a null pointer exception for the stepsLayout.jsp; for example:
[9/21/04 14:35:18:282 CDT] 00000031 ServletWrappe E   SRVE0068E: Could not invoke 
the service() method on servlet /secure/layouts/stepsLayout.jsp. Exception thrown : 

This occurs in situations where the firewall product is configured to remove the private header information (Referer) from requests, because the WAS administrative console requires the header to contain the referer. To solve this problem, we can either configure the firewall product to allow the private header information (Referer) in requests or disable the firewall product. For example, for information about configuring ZoneLabs to allow the referer in requests, see the Private Header Information (Referer) article at http://www.hotcomm.com/FAQ/FAQ_ZA.asp#referer.    

Last updated Nov 10, 2010 8:23:07 PM CST