IIP installation API

An integrated installation package (IIP) contains an application programming interface (API) which allows an application to launch the IIP installer and retrieve information pertaining to the running install. The API provides a standardized way to retrieve installation status and progress. The API requires that the appserver installer be contained within an IIP and is unavailable for the standalone appserver installer.

The following Java™ classes are available to interface with the IIP controller.


The IIPInstallerCLIInterface is the main interface into the IIP controller. From the IIPInstallerCLIInterface all objects that are used by the IIP are initialized where the IIP is launched.


The IIPResults object contains the result information for the IIP that was run. Installation status constants:


The InstallationProgressListener object contains the installation progress information for both the IIP as a whole as well as for each individual invocation.


The IIPArguments object contains all the arguments that are passed into an IIP for all contributions.


Use the following example to create and initialize an API interface object, launch the IIP, and retrieve the installation status.

import com.ibm.ws.install.factory.iip.engine.impl.IIPInstallerCLIInterfaceImpl;
import com.ibm.ws.install.factory.iip.engine.IIPArguments;
import com.ibm.ws.install.factory.iip.engine.IIPResults;
import com.ibm.ws.install.factory.iip.engine.IIPInstallerCLIInterface;

IIPInstallerCLIInterface wasIIP = new IIPInstallerCLIInterfaceImpl(“/IIPHome”);

String[] options = {IIPArguments.IIP_NOGUI_ARG, 
             “-OPT installLocation=/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer”};


int wasInstallStatus = wasIIP.runIIP();

Read the "install command" topic for more information on installation codes.

Requirements You must fulfill the following requirements to run the example.

  1. The IIPArguments.IIP_NOGUI_ARG must be specified as the first option in the array when specifying options for the IIP such as the installation location. The reason that IIPArguments.IIP_NOGUI_ARG must be specified is that the IIP API does not include the IIP GUI and therefore the IIP GUI must be suppressed.

  2. To build a Java class that uses the API, the iipengine.jar file located in the IIP’s lib directory is required to be on the classpath. The IIP lib directory can be found in /iip/lib.

  3. To run the IIP API, the classpath needs to include all JAR files located in the /iip/lib directory and all subdirectories below it, as well as all JAR files in the /iip/contrib/<contribution_name>/assets/lib/ directory.

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Last updated Nov 11, 2010 1:01:09 PM CST