PDJrteCfg utility for TAM single sign-on
The com.tivoli.pd.jcfg.PDJrteCfg utility configures the JRE component for Tivoli Access Manager.
Run pdjrtecfg utility first on the dmgr, then, run on other nodes in the cell.
java com.tivoli.pd.jcfg.PDJrteCfg -action {config | unconfig} \ -host policy_server_host \ -was \ -java_home jre_path
-action {config|unconfig} Action to be performed. Actions include:
config Configure the Access Manager JRE component. unconfig Reconfigure the Access Manager JRE component. -cfgfiles_path Where the generated configuration files will be placed. Required. For example: ${WAS_HOME}/java/jre -host policy_server_host Policy server host name. Valid values for policy_server_host include any valid IP host name. -was Notifies TAM Runtime for Java that the WAS version is being configured so it is not necessary to perform certain steps such as copying the Java security jar files and PD.jar file since they were already placed in the appropriate directory by the WAS installer. -java_home jre_path Fully qualified path to the Java runtime (such as the directory ending in jre). If not specified, the home directory for the jre in the PATH statement is used. If the home directory for the jre is not in the PATH statement, this utility can create an incorrect parameter in the output files. The command copies TAM Java libraries to a library extensions directory that exists for a Java runtime that has already been installed on the system.
We can install more than one JRE on a given machine. The pdjrtecfg command can be used to configure the TAM JRE component independently for each of the JRE configurations.
${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -Dfile.encoding=ISO8859-1 \ -Dws.output.encoding=CP1047 \ -Xnoargsconversion \ -Dpd.home=${WAS_HOME}/java/jre/PolicyDirector \ -cp ${WAS_HOME}/java/jre/lib/ext/PD.jar \ com.tivoli.pd.jcfg.PDJrteCfg \ -action config \ -cfgfiles_path ${WAS_HOME}/java/jre \ -host amsterdam.us.setgetweb.com \ -java_home ${JAVA_HOME}...where:
-Dws.output.encoding Enable z/OS to display all of its messages and errors in a readable format. -Dpd.home Indicates where TAM Runtime for Java has been installed. For WAS, this is java.home/PolicyDirector
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Set single sign-on capability with TAM or WebSEAL 
Related information
Application Programming Interface documentation for IBM TAM V2R1
The pdjrtecfg utility for IBM TAM V2R1