7.5.1 HACMP, logical partitions and WebSphere

HACMP can be used with logical partitions (LPARs) to fail over application server instances from one server to another in the event of a failure. It can be used to make the Cell Manager and Node Manager administrative processes highly available, as well as the actual application servers themselves that are running customer Java code and processing requests. HACMP can also be used to allocate and release CPU and memory on the LPARs when application servers are started and stopped on the LPARs. Moreover, it can request extra resources from CPUoD if there are not enough system resources to fulfill a request.

This section provides a suggested process for configuring WAS Network Deployment V6 in an HACMP environment. It does not document the complete HACMP setup, including planning, designing, customization, installation, and configuration.

For detailed information about HACMP setup, refer to HACMP documentation WAS Network Deployment V6: High Availability Solutions, SG24-6688, and Implementing High Availability Cluster Multi-Processing (HACMP) Cookbook, SG24-6769. This HACMP documentation is available at:
