6.1 The importance of JVM tuning
IBM Java 5 runtime enhancements include...
- New garbage collection algorithms
- Improved Just-in-Time (JIT) compiler
- Availability of class sharing among running JVMs
- Better utilization of the AIX advanced performance
- Virtualization features
These enhancements produce...
- Greatly improved runtime performance
- Significant decrease in the memory footprint of the JVM
- Availability of new options for tuning the JVM for specific purposes
To achieve optimal application performance and to avoid being surprised by serious errors, the Java runtime environment™ must be tuned according to the specific application's needs. The material in this chapter instructs and guides administrators in optimizing the Java runtime for WAS V6.1.
For instructions about tuning AIX and utilizing AIX's advanced performance and virtualization features, see Chapter 4, AIX configuration.