Web Services Addressing version interoperability
The Web Services Addressing (WS-Addressing) support in this product can interoperate with various versions of the WS-Addressing specification.
Table 1. Supported set of WS-Addressing versions
Associated namespace Specification download location Details http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/addr/ W3C Candidate Recommendation (CR) versions of the WS-Addressing core and SOAP specifications. These specifications are sometimes referred to collectively as the 2005/08 version of WS-Addressing.
http://www.w3.org/2007/05/addressing/metadata http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/addr/ W3C final version of the WS-Addressing metadata specification. This spec defines WS-Addressing WSDL extensions and WS-Policy assertions.
For JAX-WS applications, this specification supersedes the http://www.w3.org/2006/05/addressing/wsdl specification.
http://www.w3.org/2006/05/addressing/wsdl http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/addr/ W3C Candidate Recommendation (CR) version of the WS-Addressing WSDL specification. This is the default namespace used by this product for the WSDL parts of the WS-Addressing specification, for JAX-RPC applications.
For JAX-WS applications, this specification is superseded by the http://www.w3.org/2007/05/addressing/metadata specification.
http://www.w3.org/2006/02/addressing/wsdl http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/addr/ W3C Last Call (LC) version of the WS-Addressing WSDL specification. Support for this namespace is deprecated.
http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/08/addressing http://www.w3.org/Submission/ws-addressing/ W3C WS-Addressing Submission specification This specification is sometimes referred to as the 2004/08 specification. It combines the core, SOAP and WSDL aspects of WS-Addressing in a single specification.
This version of WAS interoperates with each of the WS-Addressing specifications defined in the previous table. This interoperability results in the following behavior:
- Incoming Web service messages that contain WS-Addressing message addressing properties are appropriately bound to SOAP, and WS-Addressing SOAP elements are appropriately deserialized to their WS-Addressing model representations according to the namespace in use.
- WS-Addressing model artifacts are appropriately serialized into SOAP elements, and the message addressing properties are bound to SOAP according to the namespace in use.
- Differing WS-Addressing semantics are adhered to, according to the WS-Addressing version currently in use.
Determining the WS-Addressing namespace of inbound messages
The WS-Addressing namespace of incoming Web service messages is the namespace of the first WS-Addressing action message addressing property that is found. The runtime looks for an action message addressing property of the default namespace prior to searching for other namespaces on the inbound message, in an undefined order. The namespace of the WS-Addressing core specification in use is available to the target endpoint through the message context.
Determining the WS-Addressing namespace of outbound messages
WS-Addressing messages that are issued from this version of WAS adopt the namespace that is associated with the destination endpoint reference. If this namespace is unknown, the message adopts the default WS-Addressing namespace.
This product provides a proprietary system programming interface (SPI) to change the namespace that is associated with an endpoint reference to any namespace in the supported set.
The WS-Addressing spec to use
Best practice: In most cases, use the default WS-Addressing spec that is supported by WAS ND. You do not have to perform any additional actions to use this specification.
The following list gives examples of occasions where override the default namespace:
- When interoperating with an endpoint that does not support the default namespace, for example, an earlier version of WAS ND.
- When a namespace other than the default is required. For example, when implementing a spec that uses a level of WS-Addressing other than the default.
The W3C Last Call (LC) version of the WS-Addressing WSDL specification is deprecated. Use this spec only when we are interoperating with WAS 6.1 nodes that do not have fix pack V6.1.0.2 or later. Otherwise, use the W3C Candidate Recommendation version of the specification, or for JAX-WS applications, the WS-Addressing metadata specification
Related concepts
Web Services Addressing support
Related tasks
Interoperating with Web Services Addressing endpoints that do not support the default spec supported by WAS