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WebSphere MQ messaging provider queue settings

To set the configuration properties of the selected queue destination for point-to-point messaging with WebSphere MQ as a messaging provider.

A WebSphere MQ queue destination is used to configure the properties of a queue for the WebSphere MQ messaging provider. Connections to the queue are created using an associated WebSphere MQ queue connection factory or connection factory.

To view WebSphere MQ queue settings, use the admin console to complete the following steps:

  1. In the navigation pane, click Resources > JMS > Queues to display existing queue destinations.

  2. Select the name of the queue destination to work with.

  3. Optional: To create a new queue destination, click New.

  4. Optional: To set the queue destination settings, select ts name in the list displayed.

Under General Properties there are two groups of properties:

Make any required changes to the Administration and WebSphere MQ Queue groups of properties and then click Apply to save the configuration before, in the content pane under Additional Properties, you click one of the following links:

Under Related items, we can click JAAS - J2C authentication data to configure authentication information for use with the queue destination.

When specifying WebSphere MQ properties, the following restrictions apply:

A queue destination for use with the WebSphere MQ messaging provider has the following properties.


The scope assigned to the queue when it is created. The scope specifies the level to which this queue definition is visible to applications.

Resources such as messaging providers, namespace bindings, or shared libraries can be defined at multiple scopes, with resources defined at more specific scopes overriding duplicates which are defined at more general scopes.

The scope displayed is for information only, and cannot be changed on this panel. To browse or change this resource at a different scope, change the scope on WebSphere MQ queue destination collection panel, then click Apply, before clicking the link for the type of resource.

Data type String


The JMS provider assigned when the queue is created.

For all queues created using this panel, the provider is the WebSphere MQ messaging provider.

The provider is displayed for information only.

Data type String


The name by which the queue is known for administrative purposes within WAS.

Data type String

JNDI name

The name used to bind the queue into the JNDI namespace.

As a convention, use the fully qualified JNDI name; for example, in the form jms/Name, where Name is the logical name of the resource.

Data type String


A description of the queue for admin purposes within WAS.

Data type String
Default Null

Queue name

The WebSphere MQ name for the queue that holds the messages for the JMS destination.

Data type String

Queue manager or queue-sharing group name

The name of the WebSphere MQ queue manager or queue-sharing group where the queue resides.

Data type String


WebSphere MQ queue connection properties
WebSphere MQ messaging provider queue and topic advanced properties settings


Related tasks

Manage Java 2 Connector Architecture authentication data entries for JAAS
Secure messaging
Set a queue for the WebSphere MQ messaging provider



Queue collection WebSphere MQ library Web page at http://www.ibm.com/software/ts/mqseries/library
WebSphere MQ resource custom properties settings
Mapping of admin console panel names to command names and WebSphere MQ names WebSphere MQ library


Related information

JMS interfaces - explicit polling for messages