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WS-ReliableMessaging - requirements for interaction with other implementations

The information and configuration that is needed for another vendor's reliable messaging source to send messages to a WAS reliable messaging destination, or for a WAS reliable messaging source to send messages to another vendor's reliable messaging destination.


Use another vendor's reliable messaging source to send messages to a WAS reliable messaging destination

For another vendor's WS-ReliableMessaging implementation to interact with a WAS WS-ReliableMessaging endpoint, the other vendor's reliable messaging source needs to know the target endpoint address and port for the WAS application that is enabled for reliable messaging. The WS-ReliableMessaging protocol messages are sent to the same endpoint address as the application messages. We can get this address from the WSDL published by the WAS endpoint.

The reliable messaging source controls the endpoint reference used for acknowledgement messages, so the other vendor's product might have to use the WS-Addressing anonymous URI.

See WS-ReliableMessaging - How it works. Whether or not the reliable messaging source uses the WS-Addressing anonymous URI, the WAS reliable messaging destination can work with the reliable messaging source without further configuration.

A WAS reliable messaging destination cannot tell whether or not the reliable messaging source is durable and transactional. If we want durable transactional Web services, check that the other vendor's reliable messaging source supports that mode of operation, as well as configuring the WAS end of the link.


Use a WAS reliable messaging source to send messages to another vendor's reliable messaging destination

For an application in WAS to invoke a Web service using WS-ReliableMessaging, the information required is the target endpoint address and port for the Web service being invoked. The WS-ReliableMessaging protocol messages are sent to the same endpoint address as the application messages. We can usually get this address from the WSDL published by the target Web service.

The WAS Source is provided with additional WS-ReliableMessaging configuration, modeled as part of the policy set associated with the Web service client. The policy set might configure the reliable messaging source to use the WS-Addressing anonymous URI as the address within the endpoint reference used for acknowledgement messages.

See WS-ReliableMessaging - How it works

WAS cannot tell whether the reliable messaging destination is durable and transactional. If we want durable transactional Web services, check that the other vendor's reliable messaging destination supports that mode of operation, as well as configuring the WAS end of the link.


Related concepts

WS-ReliableMessaging - How it works
Interoperation with other WS-ReliableMessaging providers: use pattern


Related tasks

Building a reliable Web service application
Detecting and fixing problems with WS-ReliableMessaging
Learn about WS-ReliableMessaging