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Uninstall enterprise apps

After an application no longer is needed, we can uninstall it.

Uninstall an application deletes the application from WAS ND configuration repository and deletes the application binaries from the file system of all nodes where the application modules are installed.


  1. Click Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise apps in the admin console navigation tree to access the Enterprise applications page.

  2. to retain a copy of the application, back up the application.

    1. Select the application to uninstall.

    2. Click Export.

    WAS ND v7.0 exports the application to an enterprise application (.ear) file, preserving the binding information.

  3. Uninstall the application.

    1. Select the application to uninstall.

    2. Click Uninstall.

    3. On the Uninstall application panel, click OK.

  4. Save changes made to the admin configuration.



On single-server products, application binaries are deleted after you save the changes.

On multiple-server products, application binaries are deleted when configuration changes on the dmgr synchronize with configurations for individual nodes.


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Working with server configuration files