Tuning parameter hot list
- Review the hardware and software requirements
- Install the most current refresh pack, fix pack, and the recommended interim fixes
- Check hardware configuration and settings
- Tune TCP/IP buffer sizes
- Tune the operating system
- Set the minimum and maximum JVM heap sizes
- Use a type 4 (or pure Java) JDBC driver
In general, the type 2 JDBC driver is recommended if the database exists on the same physical machine as the WebSphere instance. However, in the case where the database is in a different tier, the type 4 JDBC driver offers the fastest performance since they are pure Java not requiring native implementation. Use the link above to view a list of database vendor-specific requirements, which can tell you if a type 4 JDBC driver is supported for the database.
- Tune WAS JDBC data sources and connection pools
The JDBC data source configuration might have a significant performance impact. For example, the connection pool size and prepared statement cache need to be sized based on the number of concurrent requests being processed and the design of the application.
- Enable the pass by reference option
Use applications that can take advantage of the pass by reference option to avoid the cost of copying parameters to the stack.
- Verify the transaction log is assigned to a fast disk
Some applications generate a high rate of writes to the transaction log. Locating the transaction log on a fast disk or disk array can improve response time.
- Tune the database
- Disable WS-Addressing
Note that some applications might require WS-Addressing MAPs to function correctly. Setting this property also disables WAS support for...
- Web Services Atomic Transactions
- Web Services Business Agreement
- Web Services Notification
- Review the application design
We can track many performance problems back to the application design. Review the design to determine if it causes performance problems.
Related tasks
Tuning the application serving environment
Task overview: Using the dynamic cache service to improve performance
Use application clients
Tuning TCP/IP buffer sizes 
Related information
IBM eServer Workload Estimator