Troubleshooting message-driven beans
Use this overview task to help resolve a problem that you think is related to message-driven beans.
Message-driven beans support uses the standard WAS troubleshooting facilities. If we encounter a problem that you think might be related to the message-driven beans, complete the following steps.
- Check for error messages about message-driven beans:
- Check for error messages that indicate a problem with JMS resources, such as activation specifications or listener ports, that are used by message-driven beans.
Check in the appserver's SystemOut log at was_home\logs\server\SystemOut.
The associated message reference information provides an explanation and any user actions to resolve the problem.
- Check for more informational and error messages that might provide a clue to a related problem. For example, if we have problems accessing JMS resources, check for more error messages and extra details about any problem associated with the JMS provider or with the service integration technologies that the default messaging provider uses.
For messages related to the resource adapter (JMS) of the default messaging provider, look for the prefix: CWSJR. For messages related to service integration technologies, see the related reference topics.
If the message-driven bean uses WAS V5 JMS resources, look for the prefixes: MSGS and WMSG.
- If using the default messaging provider, use the following admin console panels to inspect the configuration of the message-driven beans:
- For a view of the JMS resources for a given message-driven bean, see the following panel: Messaging resources for this application.
- For a view of the message-driven beans and JMS resources for a given default messaging provider destination, see the following panel: Application resources for this destination.
- Check the Release Notes for specific problems and workarounds.
The section Possible Problems and Suggested Fixes of the Release Notes, available from the WAS library Web site, is updated regularly to contain information about known defects and their workarounds. Check the latest version of the Release Notes for any information about the problem. If the Release Notes does not contain any information about the problem, we can also search the Technotes database on the WAS Web site.
- If wer message-driven bean is deployed against a listener port, check that the listener port has started. The message listener service is an extension to the JMS functions of the JMS provider. For each message-driven bean mapped to a listener port, the message listener service controls a listener that monitors a JMS destination on behalf of a deployed message-driven bean.
- Check the JMS resource configurations. If the messaging services seem to be running properly, check that the JMS resources have been configured correctly. For example, check that the JMS activation spec against which the message-driven bean is deployed has been configured correctly. For more information about configuring JMS resources for message-driven beans, see Administer support for message-driven beans.
- Get a detailed exception dump for messaging. If the information obtained in the preceding steps is still inconclusive, we can enable the appserver debug trace for the "Messaging" group to provide a detailed exception dump.
Related tasks
Administer activation specifications and listener ports for message-driven beans
Troubleshooting messaging
Messaging resources for this application
Application resources for this destination