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Set the WS-ReliableMessaging policy

When working with policy sets in the admin console, we can customize some policies.

This task assumes that we are working with a policy set to which the WS-ReliableMessaging policy has been added.

Do not edit the policies associated with the provided default policy sets. If we have to modify the reliable messaging policy settings, use a copy of a default policy set or create a new policy set.

At any stage - that is, before or after we have built the reliable Web service application, or configured the policy sets - we can set a property that configures endpoints to only support clients that use reliable messaging. This setting is reflected by WS-Policy if engaged.


Configure the WS-ReliableMessaging policy for a given policy set

  1. In the navigation pane, click...

    The WS-ReliableMessaging settings form is displayed.

  2. Modify one or more of the following properties:

    Standard Select the WS-ReliableMessaging specification to use for reliable transmission of the messages. WS-ReliableMessaging Version 1.1 is the default value. Details of the supported WS-ReliableMessaging specifications are available at the following Web addresses:

    If we plan to invoke a .NET-based Web service, select WS-ReliableMessaging V1.0.

    Deliver messages in the order that they were sent Select this option if the sender of a request has to receive a response before it sends the next request, or if we want to enable transaction support for inbound (provider) message exchanges or to marginally increase reliability

    Tip: When you enable this option, WS-ReliableMessaging ensures that the messages are made available to the requester application in the order that they were sent. That is, if WS-ReliableMessaging cannot make a given message available, it will not make any subsequent messages available. However, the requester application must also poll for the messages in the order in which it wants to receive them. For example:

    1. WS-ReliableMessaging makes message 1 available, then message 2, then message 3.

    2. The requester application uses asynchronous polling to deliberately poll for message 2, then message 3, then message 1. All three messages are available, so this polling out of order is successful.
    Even though WS-ReliableMessaging is delivering the messages in the order that they were sent, the requester application is choosing to receive them out of order.
    Quality of service Select the radio button for the required quality of service. The three choices are:

    Unmanaged non-persistent Configure Web service applications to use WS-ReliableMessaging with a default in-memory store. This quality of service requires minimal configuration. However it is non-transactional and, although it allows for the resending of messages that are lost in the network, if a server becomes unavailable you will lose messages. This quality of service is for single server only and does not work in a cluster.
    Managed non-persistent This in-memory quality of service option uses a messaging engine to manage the sequence state, and messages are written to disk if memory is low. This quality of service allows for the re-sending of messages that are lost in the network, and can also recover from server failure. However, state is discarded after a messaging engine restart so in this case you will lose messages. This option supports clusters as well as single servers.
    Managed persistent This quality of service for asynchronous Web service invocations is recoverable. This option also uses a messaging engine and message store to manage the sequence state. Messages are persisted at the Web service requester server and at the Web service provider server, and are recoverable if the server becomes unavailable. Messages that have not been successfully transmitted when a server becomes unavailable can continue to be transmitted after the server restarts.

    The default is unmanaged non-persistent.

    All three qualities of service are supported when applications are deployed to the appserver. Thin client and client container applications use the first option only.

    In WAS V6.1, you could also configure whether or not to use the WS-MakeConnection protocol. This configuration option has now been removed from the admin console panel, because WAS now automatically determines whether WS-MakeConnection is used, based on the following criteria:

    • Whether we are using WS-ReliableMessaging V1.0 or V 1.1.
    • Whether the requester supports WS-MakeConnection.
    • Whether the message exchange protocol is synchronous or asynchronous.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Save the changes to the master configuration.

WS-ReliableMessaging settings
WS-ReliableMessaging policy binding


Related concepts

Qualities of service for WS-ReliableMessaging


Related tasks

Add assured delivery to Web services through WS-ReliableMessaging
Set endpoints to only support clients that use WS-ReliableMessaging
Set a WS-ReliableMessaging policy set
Learn about WS-ReliableMessaging
Detecting and fixing problems with WS-ReliableMessaging
Add policies to policy sets
Delete policies from policy sets
Enable policies for policy sets
Disable policies from policy sets
Web services policies
Add and remove policies using wsadmin
Create policy set attachments using wsadmin
Remove policy set attachments using wsadmin
Manage policy set attachments using wsadmin
Modify policies



Application policy sets collection
Application policy set settings