Set mail providers and sessions



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Set our own mail providers and sessions to customize how mail is handled in the appserver. A mail provider encapsulates a collection of protocol providers, like SMTP, IMAP and POP3, and others. Mail sessions authenticate users and control access to messaging systems.

The appserver includes a default mail provider that is called the built-in provider. If we use the default mail provider, you only have to configure the mail session.

To use a customized mail provider, create the mail session and provider.


Create the mail session

  1. In the admin console, click...

    Resources | Mail | Mail sessions

  2. Select the scope for the new mail session.

  3. Click New.

  4. Type the mail session name in the Name field.

  5. Type the JNDI name in the JNDI Name field.

  6. Enable strict Internet address parsing.

    This option specifies whether the recipient addresses must be parsed in strict compliance with RFC 822, which is a specifications document that is issued by the Internet Architecture Board. This setting is not generally used for most mail applications, and by default this setting is not enabled.

    RFC 822 syntax for parsing addresses effectively enforces a strict definition of a valid e-mail address. If we select this setting, the mail component adheres to RFC 822 syntax and rejects recipient addresses that do not parse into valid e-mail addresses as defined by the specification. If we do not select this setting, the mail component does not adhere to RFC 822 syntax and accepts recipient addresses that do not comply with the specification.

  7. Enable debug mode.

    Select this option to print interaction between the mail application and the mail servers and the properties of this mail session to SystemOut.log.

  8. Provide information for the incoming mail service, outgoing service, or both.

    • Server
    • Protocol
    • User
    • Return e-mail address. This field is available for outgoing mail properties.

  9. Click Apply or OK.


Create the mail provider, and optionally define protocol providers

  1. In the admin console, click...

    Resources | Mail | Mail Providers

  2. Select the scope for the new mail provider.

  3. Click New.

  4. Type the name of the mail provider in the name field.

  5. Isolate the mail provider.

    New feature: We can isolate a mail provider to allow different versions of the same provider to be loaded in the same JVM. For example, we might want to deploy multiple applications on a single server, but each application requires different versions or implementations of the mail provider.

    We can now isolate each version or implementation of the provider, and the provider will be loaded in its own class loader and will not interfere with other implementations. There are some general considerations for isolating any type of resource provider; refer to the topic on considerations for isolated resource providers for more information

    1. Select...

      Isolate this mail provider

    2. Give the mail provider a unique class path that is appropriate for that version or implementation.

  6. Click Apply or OK.

  7. Define one or more protocol providers for the mail provider.

    1. Click

      mail_provider | Protocol Providers | New

    2. Type the protocol name in the Protocol field.

    3. Type the class name in the Class name field.

    4. Select the type of mail server that this protocol provider supports.

      TRANSPORT corresponds to outgoing mail services

      STORE corresponds to incoming mail services.

    5. Click Apply or OK.

    Ensure that every mail session is defined under a parent mail provider. Select a mail provider first and then create the new mail session.


Set the mail session

  1. Go to...

    mail_provider | Mail Sessions | mail_session

    Make changes to appropriate fields.

  2. Click Apply or OK.


Next steps

If the application has a client, we can configure mail providers and sessions using the Application Client Resource Configuration Tool.

Mail provider collection
Mail provider settings
Protocol providers collection
Protocol providers settings
Mail session collection
Mail session settings
Java Mail system properties


Related tasks

Set new mail sessions for application clients
Set mail providers and sessions for application clients



Considerations for isolated resource providers


Related information

World Wide Web Consortium: RFC 882 specifications