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Set a single built-in, file-based repository in a new configuration under federated repositories using wsadmin

Use the Jython or Jacl scripting language with the wsadmin tool to configure a single built-in, file-based repository in a new configuration under Federated repositories.

Shut down the appserver and ensure we have the primary administrator id and password.

The federated repositories configuration file, wimconfig.xml, is supported by WAS 6.1.x and is located in...


Use the following steps to configure for use a single built-in, file-based repository in a new configuration for federated repositories.


  1. Launch the wsadmin scripting tool using Jython.

  2. Create the fileRegistry.xml file, which is the user registry itself, if it does not already exist. If the fileRegistry.xml file does exist, this step just adds the user to registry.


    AdminTask.addFileRegistryAccount('-userId isoet01s01 -password oets01')

    Using Jacl:

    $AdminTask addFileRegistryAccount {-userId isoet01s01 -password oets01}

  3. Update security.xml to enable administrative security, set the activeUserRegistry to use federated repositories, and update the primaryAdmin and its password.


    AdminTask applyWizardSettings('-secureApps false -secureLocalResources false -userRegistryType WIMUserRegistry -customRegistryClass com.ibm.ws.wim.registry.WIMUserRegistry -adminName isoet01s01 -adminPassword oets01')


    $AdminTask applyWizardSettings {-secureApps false -secureLocalResources false -userRegistryType WIMUserRegistry -customRegistryClass com.ibm.ws.wim.registry.WIMUserRegistry -adminName isoet01s01 -adminPassword oets01}

  4. Save the configuration changes. Enter the following commands to save the new configuration and close wsadmin:



    Using Jacl:

    $AdminConfig save

  5. Restart the appserver.



Related information

Manage the realm in a federated repository configuration