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Use the Jython or Jacl scripting languages to configure security with wsadmin. The commands and parameters in the STSManagement group can be used to manage and query trust service token provider configurations and endpoint configurations.

The STSManagement command group contains commands that allow us to configure existing token providers, assign token providers to endpoints, and modify general trust service configuration data. The commands in this group that perform configuration changes require that you execute the save command to commit the changes. No configuration changes are made if an exception is created when executing a command.

Use the following commands to modify and query token provider configurations:

Use the following commands to assign, unassign, and query endpoint configurations:

Use the following commands to add, edit, delete, and list properties of the trust service:

Use the following command to force the trust service to reload the modified configuration without restarting the appserver:



The createSTSTokenTypeConfiguration command is used to create a token provider configuration.

Target object

Specify the LocalName object, which is used as an identifier for the various configurations. The value for the LocalName object must be unique.

Required parameters


The URI of the token provider. This value must be unique across all configuration token type URIs. (String, required)


Provide the fully qualified class name of an implementation of the org.eclipse.higgins.sts.IObjectFactory interface. (String, required)

Optional parameters


Maximum lifetime to assign to an issued token provider. The default value is 120 minutes. (Integer, optional)


Specifies whether to enable or disable distributed cache. Specify true to enable distributed cache capability. The default value is false. If we specify this option, the security context token provider generates a warning and modifies the WS-Security distributed cache configuration. Do not specify a value for this parameter for custom tokens. (Boolean, optional)


Fully qualified class name for the token provider. The secure conversation token handler class does not recognize this parameter. (String, optional).

Return value

The command returns a success or failure message.

Batch mode example usage

Interactive mode example usage



The deleteSTSTokenTypeConfigurationCustomProperties command is used to remove custom properties from a token provider configuration.

Target object

Specify the LocalName object of the token provider of interest.

Required parameters


Optional parameters


Specify the names of the custom properties to delete from the configuration. If any of the specified properties do not exist in the configuration, you will receive an error message. (String[], optional)

Return value

The command returns a success or failure message.

Batch mode example usage

Interactive mode example usage



The listSTSConfiguredTokenTypes command is used to list the local names of all configured token providers.

Target object


Required parameters


Optional parameters


Return value

The command returns the local names of all configured token providers.

Batch mode example usage

Interactive mode example usage



The querySTSDefaultTokenType command is used to determine the local name of the default token provider.

Target object


Required parameters


Optional parameters


Return value

The command returns the local name of the default token provider.

Batch mode example usage

Interactive mode example usage



The querySTSTokenTypeConfigurationDefaultProperties command is used to query the trust service for the non-custom properties of a token provider.

Target object

Specify the LocalName object of the token provider to query.

Required parameters


Optional parameters


Return value

The command returns a java.util.Properties instance which contains the values of the non-custom properties. Non-custom properties include URI, HandlerFactory, lifetimeMinutes, distributedCache, postdatable, renewableAfterExpiration, and renewalWindowMinutes.

Batch mode example usage

Interactive mode example usage



The querySTSTokenTypeConfigurationCustomProperties command is used to query the trust service.

Target object

Specify the LocalName object of the token provider of interest.

Required parameters


Optional parameters


Return value

The command returns a java.util.Properties instance containing the values of the custom properties.

Batch mode example usage

Interactive mode example usage



The setSTSDefaultTokenType command is used to set the default token provider for the trust service.

Target object

Specify the LocalName object of the token provider as default.

Required parameters


Optional parameters


Return value

The command returns a success or failure message.

Batch mode example usage

Interactive mode example usage



The updateSTSTokenTypeConfiguration command is used to update configuration data for a token provider. All parameters are optional. The parameters specified are updated in the configuration if the property already exists. If the property does not exist, it is added to the configuration. To remove custom properties, use the deleteSTSTokenTypeConfigurationCustomProperties command.

Target object

Specify the LocalName object of the token provider of interest.

Required parameters


Optional parameters


The URI of the token provider. This value must be unique across all configuration token type URIs. (String, optional)


Provide the fully qualified class name of an implementation of the org.eclipse.higgins.sts.utilities.IObjectFactory interface. (String, optional)


The maximum lifetime to assign to an issued token provider. The default value is 120 minutes. (Integer, optional)


Specifies whether to enable or disable distributed cache. Specify true to enable distributed cache capability. The default value is false. If we specify this option, the security context token provider generates a warning and modifies the WS-Security distributed cache configuration. Do not specify a value for this parameter for custom tokens. (Boolean, optional)


Set the value of this parameter to true to allow tokens of this token provider to be valid starting at a future time. The default value is false. (Boolean, optional)


Set the value of this parameter to true to allow tokens of this token provider to be renewable after expiration. The default value is false. (Boolean, optional)


Provide the number of minutes after a token has expired that a token of this token provider can be renewed. If this specified time has elapsed after expiration, then the token will no longer be available for renewal. The default value is 120 minutes. (Integer, optional)


Fully qualified class name for the token provider. The secure conversation token handler class does not recognize this parameter. (String, optional).


Provide any additional custom properties. (java.util.Properties, optional).

Return value

The command returns a success or failure message.

Batch mode example usage

Interactive mode example usage



The removeSTSTokenTypeConfiguration command removes a token provider configuration.

Target object

Specify the LocalName object of the token provider of interest.

Required parameters


Optional parameters


Return value

The command returns a success or failure message.

Batch mode example usage

Interactive mode example usage



The assignSTSEndpointTokenType command is used to give a token provider when a specific endpoint is accessed.

Target object

Specify the endpointURI object of the endpoint to assign a given token provider. If the specified endpoint has already been assigned a token provider, you will receive an error message.

Required parameters


Optional parameters


Local name of the token provider to assign to the specified endpoint. If the token provider configuration does not exist, you will receive an error message. If this parameter is not specified, the default token provider is used. (String, optional)


Specify the URI of the issuer that specifies the token provider to issue. This value can be null. (String, optional)

Return value

The command returns a success or failure message.

Batch mode example usage

Interactive mode example usage



The listSTSAssignedEndpoints command is used to list the URIs of assigned endpoints.

Target object


Required parameters


Optional parameters


Return value

The command returns the URIs of all assigned endpoints.

Batch mode example usage

Interactive mode example usage



The listSTSEndpointTokenTypes command is used to query the Trust Service for the token provider assigned to a specific endpoint.

Target object

Specify the endpointURI object of the endpoint to query. An exception is raised if the specified endpoint has not been assigned a token provider.

Required parameters


Optional parameters


Return value

The command returns the local name of the token provider assigned to the specified endpoint.

Batch mode example usage

Interactive mode example usage



The unassignSTSEndpointTokenType command is used to unassign an endpoint from its token provider.

Target object

Specify the endpointURI object of the endpoint to unassign from a given token provider. An exception is raised if the specified endpoint has not been assigned a token provider.

Required parameters


Local name of the token provider configuration to unassign from the specified endpoint. (String, required)

Optional parameters


Specify the URI of the issuer in the token provider assignment to remove. (String, optional)

Return value

The command returns a success or failure message.

Batch mode example usage

Interactive mode example usage



The updateSTSEndpointTokenType command is used to assign a different token provider to a specified endpoint.

Target object

Specify the endpointURI object of the endpoint to update. An exception is raised if the specified endpoint has not been assigned a token provider.

Required parameters


Local name of the token provider to assign to the specified endpoint. If the token provider configuration does not exist, you will receive an error message. If this parameter is not specified, the default token provider is used. (String, optional)

Optional parameters


Return value

The command returns a success or failure message.

Batch mode example usage

Interactive mode example usage



The addSTSProperty command adds a new property for the trust service.

Target object

Specify a unique name for the new property (string, required).

Required parameters


Value of the property to add. (String, required)

Optional parameters


Return value

The command returns a success or failure message.

Batch mode example usage

Interactive mode example usage



The deleteSTSProperty command deletes an existing property from the trust service.

Target object

Specify the name of the property to delete.

Required parameters


Optional parameters


Return value

The command returns a success or failure message.

Batch mode example usage

Interactive mode example usage



The editSTSProperty command modifies an existing property for the trust service.

Target object

Specify the name of the property to edit. (String, required)

Required parameters


New value for the property of interest. (String, required)

Optional parameters


Return value

The command returns a success or failure message.

Batch mode example usage

Interactive mode example usage



The listSTSProperties command lists all existing properties and their corresponding values for the trust service.

Target object


Required parameters


Optional parameters


Return value

The command returns a java.util.Properties instance that contains the names and values of the properties.

Batch mode example usage

Interactive mode example usage



The refreshSTS command refreshes the trust service configuration changes without restarting the appserver.

Target object


Required parameters


Optional parameters


Return value

The command returns a success or failure message.

Batch mode example usage


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Secure requests to the trust service using system policy sets
Use AdminTask for scripted administration



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