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Portlet container

The portlet container is the runtime environment for portlets using the JSR 286 Portlet specification, in which portlets are instantiated, used, and finally destroyed. The JSR 286 Portlet API provides standard interfaces for portlets and backwards compatibility for JSR 168 portlets. Portlets based on this JSR 286 Portlet Specification are referred to as standard portlets.

A simple portal framework is provided by the PortletServingServlet servlet. The PortletServingServlet servlet registers itself for each Web app that contains portlets. Use the PortletServingServlet servlet to directly render a portlet into a full browser page by a URL request and invoke each portlet by its context root and name. See Portlet URL addressability for additional information. To aggregate multiple portlets on the page, we need to use the aggregation tag library. See the article Portlet aggregation using JSPs for additional information. The PortletServingServlet servlet can be disabled in an extended portlet deployment descriptor called the ibm-portlet-ext.xmi file.


Remote request dispatcher support for portlets

The remote request dispatcher (RRD) support allows the invocation of portlets outside of the current JVM within an ND single core group environment. The request related data is passed to the remote JVM where the portlet is invoked. The response is transmitted back and processed on the local JVM. Thus it guarantees that URLs contained in the portlet markup are created according to the local portal context. The remote request dispatcher support is only provided for JSR 168 compliant portlets.

Related concepts

Portlet URL addressability
Remote request dispatcher


Related tasks

Task overview: Managing portlets



Portlet container settings
Remote request dispatcher considerations


Related information

JSR 168 Portlet Specification
JSR 286 Portlet Specification
Introducing the Portlet Specification, Part 1
Introducing the Portlet Specification, Part 2
Introducing Java Portlet Specifications - JSR 168 and JSR 286