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Policy configuration properties for all policies

Use the attributes parameter with the setPolicyType and setBinding commands to specify various properties for each quality of service (QoS) within a policy set. Use the properties in this topic with each QoS within application and system policy sets.

Use the following commands and parameters in the PolicySetManagement group of AdminTask to customize the policy set configuration.

If a property name or value supplied with the attributes parameter is not valid, then the setPolicyType and setBinding commands fail with an exception. The property not valid is logged as an error or warning in SystemOut.log. However, the command exception might not contain the detailed information for the property that caused the exception. When the setPolicyType and setBinding commands fail, examine SystemOut.log for any error and warning messages that indicate that the input for the attributes parameter contains one or multiple properties that are not valid.

Before you use the commands in this topic, verify that we are using the most recent version of wsadmin. The policy set management commands that accept a properties object as the value for the attributes or bindingLocation parameters are not supported on previous versions of wsadmin. For example, the commands do not run on a V6.1.0.x node.


Attributes to configure for all QoS policies

Use the following list of attributes to configure attributes across all QoS policies using Jython and wsadmin:


Specifies whether the policy type is enabled or disabled.

The following example provides the format to enter the attributes parameter:

-attributes "[[enabled true]]"


Provides a description for the configuration.

The following example provides the format to enter the attributes parameter:

-attributes "[[provides [Messaging Security]]]"

The following example uses the setPolicyType command to set the enabled and provides properties for the myCustomSecurityPS custom policy set, which contains a ReliableMessaging policy:

AdminTask.setPolicyType('[-policySet myCustomSecurityPS -policyType 
WSReliableMessaging -attributes [[enabled true][provides 
[Messaging security]]]]')

Related concepts

Web services policies


Related tasks

Set application and system policy sets for Web services using scripting
Set a WS-Transaction policy set using wsadmin



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