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Overview of service and endpoint listeners

The administration function of WAS is enhanced to support the service listener. This pages describes the service listener and endpoint listener.

The admin enhancements to WAS include the ability to control throughput by starting and stopping individual service and endpoint listeners. By stopping a service listener, it effectively throttles back the inbound requests to all the endpoints for that service, while the whole application and the other services run to serve requests.

Service listener

The service listener can be started or stopped. When a service listener is stopped, all the endpoints for the service are stopped and new inbound requests are no longer processed. The endpoints for the service send out 404 error message response code to indicate that the service listener is currently stopped and cannot service new inbound requests. When the service listener is started, all the endpoints for the service resume processing of new inbound requests.

Endpoint listener

The endpoint listener can be started or stopped. When a service endpoint listener is stopped, the specific endpoint stops listening to any new inbound request. The requests that are already being processed are not affected. The endpoint sends out a 404 error message response code to indicate that the endpoint is currently stopped and cannot service a new, inbound request. When the endpoint listener is started, the specific endpoint resumes listening on new inbound requests. The state of a particular service endpoint does not impact the listening function of other endpoints for the same service.


Related concepts

JAX-WS application packaging
Web services


Related tasks

View service clients at the application level
Deploy enterprise apps
View service providers at the application level



Artifacts used to develop Web services